New Here

JenVii Posts: 34 Member
Hi everyone. I am new her just signed up yesterday. I am currently 247.4 lbs (YIKES). I started Body By Vi yesterday. 2 shakes a day and a sensible dinner. So far I feel good. I also gave up pop as of yesterday too. I used to drink 3 to 4 24 oz Diet Coke Caffeine Free bottles a day. I have previously done Weight Watchers and lost weight but always gave up.

I need to get this weight off once and for all.



  • TaintedVampyre
    TaintedVampyre Posts: 1,428 Member
    Welcome! Please feel free to add me, I'm always willing to support new and all members.
    That's a great sacrifice to give up so much all at once, I know you'll pull through. The first few days to weeks are difficult, but don't give up! You'll succeed with a little self and external motivation and you'll accomplish so much more than you ever dreamed!
    Have a great day :)
  • deniselynn13
    deniselynn13 Posts: 120 Member
    Hey Jen! Welcome to MFP!!!! I started here in February at 225 and am down to 201. You are doing the right thing by taking charge of your life and wanting to make a change!!!!

    Feel free to add me as a friend! I love to help motivate and assist with anything!!!!!
  • ejenkins24
    ejenkins24 Posts: 6
    my heaviest i was 241. i'm only 5'4. started MFP at 235 i'm now at 208.8. and MFP has helped me all the way through it! i would love to help you on your journey! it's always nice to have a good support system! this is one of the best places to get it! congrats on starting!

    i also stopped drinking diet soda about a month ago and it made a huge difference for me in losing weight. it's hard but you can do it!
  • WolfEyedBear
    WolfEyedBear Posts: 3 Member
    Hello Jen! I am new here also - 6'5", 317lbs, target 235... I am giving up sweet tea (my biggest weakness) and larger portions.
    I would love to help motivate each other and see what we can accomplish! Tainted and Denise - Thanks for the positive words (even though they weren't aimed at me : ) Great Job Ejenkins - missed your post, but want to say hi to you too!

    Let's get going on reaching our goals!
  • martina123321
    martina123321 Posts: 115
    Welcome hun. Currently I am 223. Been here before shame I am in the position again but am doing it better this time :) xxx
  • dawnljuneau
    dawnljuneau Posts: 6 Member
    Welcome! The best advice I can give you is go get a large tervis mug with a cup and a straw (48 oz size works great), and then go get a bottle of MIO flavor that you put in the water. I find i can now drink between 15-18 glasses of water a day thanks to discovering MIO. Welcome aboard!
  • 1madrn52
    1madrn52 Posts: 1
    Hello , this is my first day setting up , was with weight watchers lost a little , but was unable to exercise due to sever back injuries This is my problem, lack of movement. Hopefully this will help me stay focus.:blushing:
  • JenVii
    JenVii Posts: 34 Member
    Thank you all for the welcome. I would love to be friends with everyone. I need all the encouragement and support I can get. I do alot of stress eating. I have a ton of stress right now. My husband lost his job in July 2010 and was unemployed for a year. He finally found a job but it is in Dutch Harbor. AK. We live in Illinois. So my husband comes home every 3 months for 3 to 4 weeks depending on what we can afford at the time. All the stress of raising our 8 year old, running a house and paying bills all falls on me. So I eat out of sadness of him being gone and the stress.
  • hollymurphy4
    hollymurphy4 Posts: 122
    I just joined yesterday as well. I weigh 166 lbs. My first goal weight is 150 lbs. I'll see what I think at that point and make a new goal if I need to. Congrats on making the step. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Wonm82
    Wonm82 Posts: 2
    Hi I am new here I am trying this system out for one it's free and two my heart and kids needs me!
  • Denjo060
    Denjo060 Posts: 1,008
    You can add me if you want the more the merrier
  • ltupola
    ltupola Posts: 40 Member
    Add me... I have been here for alittle over a month and love it.... The support is amazing and its easy to stay consistant on here. Good luck with everything.
  • Feel free to add me too! I have been here for a few months, and I love it! I have only lost 6 pounds, but I have toned more than I realize. Good luck!
  • shel1103
    shel1103 Posts: 185 Member
    Hey there! You can add me. I've been at this about a month. Long way to go!!