healthy foods=tummy troubles?

jldaley09 Posts: 219 Member
I seems my gut is just totally off balance lately and I have been trying to figure it out and it seems a lot of "healthy" foods are triggers for my problems. Dairy, nuts, broccoli, legumes, whole grains etc. I have tried to figure out what it could be but I just don't know. I am on the verge of seeing a Dr. about it but was hoping to figure it out myself. How come it seems healthier foods can cause irritability/gas/constipation/etc? I feel it is carb related in all honesty. Is this possible? Any other ideas?

Edited to say that I didn't start this lifestyle recently. I have been doing this for about a year.


  • twinmom01
    twinmom01 Posts: 854 Member
    I seems my gut is just totally off balance lately and I have been trying to figure it out and it seems a lot of "healthy" foods are triggers for my problems. Dairy, nuts, broccoli, legumes, whole grains etc. I have tried to figure out what it could be but I just don't know. I am on the verge of seeing a Dr. about it but was hoping to figure it out myself. How come it seems healthier foods can cause irritability/gas/constipation/etc? I feel it is carb related in all honesty. Is this possible? Any other ideas?

    Could be all of the above...I eat whole clean foods but don't have legumes and grains in my diet...and only a small amount of dairy (basically half and half in my coffee and some dark chocolate here and there)
  • abbie72003
    abbie72003 Posts: 57 Member
    Talk to your doctor before taking alot of different advice from people on here....but I have/had the same issue. I managed to help things by taking a strong probiotic daily along with increasing fibre intake and drinking more water. Could be something to look into??
  • bagge72
    bagge72 Posts: 1,377 Member
    Yeah, my fiancee has the same problem, it turns out that a lot of healthy foods just give you gas, and that can be extremely painful. When you see your doctor print out your food logs so the doctor can see exactly what you are eating, and how much.
  • LoViNlIFe0225
    LoViNlIFe0225 Posts: 121
    I read an article once about being addicted to bad foods. The article said that our bodies actually grow addicted to unhealthy foods so when we change our diet our body actually has to adjust to the new eating style. It was really interested. Basically they said that if you're having this issue and feel like you can tough it out, after a few weeks it should go away. Another option was to slowing introduce these items to your system. Another reason for this could be something I have that is similar to IBS. When I eat a lot of certain foods it upsets my entire digestive system.
  • CrazyFly7
    CrazyFly7 Posts: 50 Member
    Items in high in protein can make you extremely gassy. I find that drinking lots of water/eating tons of fiber helps somewhat with this.
  • dmf80
    dmf80 Posts: 60
    Ditch the dairy and see how you feel. Most of the world population has some level of lactose intolerence. Also, it takes time for the body to adjust to different foods.
  • Mercenary1914
    Mercenary1914 Posts: 1,087 Member
    make sure you are drinking plenty of water
  • spngebobmyhero
    spngebobmyhero Posts: 823 Member
    legumes and gluten make me feel like this, so I don't eat them. Experiment cutting certain things out for a week and see how you feel?
  • blighter2012
    blighter2012 Posts: 3 Member
    You probably haven't adapted yet to the higher fiber life that goes with healthy eating. :)
  • Brunner26_2
    Brunner26_2 Posts: 1,152
    Suddenly increasing your intake of fiber can cause gas.
  • Girl_Bomb
    Girl_Bomb Posts: 195
    for starters, of course go see a doctor but i had some thoughts, how long have you been doing the weight loss thing? could it be that your body is simply adjusting to the healthier choices you are making? if you are changing your diet its going to be a shock to your system. Your body would be used too bad eating habits, its going through with drawals, i would assume that now its less calories, less sugar, more fibre more protien, your body has gotta be confused lol maybe eating too little/much fibre, iron? perhaps try taking some probiotics, digestive helpers (i was having a lot of stomach problems and starting taking those and it helped a lot) but i figure, iv been at this for almost 2 years now and if i eat fast food, or deep fried foods i get bad stomach aches because my body isnt used to it....just some ideas, hope it helps :)
  • Plenty of water!

    When you're body hasn't received good nutrition in a while you will have this experience. Simplest way to put it: your body is flushing out all the "crap" and using all the new healthy foods to push it out. When you're eating healthy you are getting more fiber, enzymes etc in your diet which is causing this effect. Stick with it and it shall pass. If you are really worried about it, go see your doctor :)
  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    I went vegan for Lent (40 days) doing a Daniel fast. And the pipes were certainly rumbling before my body got used to it and settled down. Took about 3 weeks, and things were normal again. Give yourself time to adjust. The gurgles and squeaks won`t hurt you. And your body gets better in dealing with gas. In the end, it is all to the good.
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    I seems my gut is just totally off balance lately and I have been trying to figure it out and it seems a lot of "healthy" foods are triggers for my problems. Dairy, nuts, broccoli, legumes, whole grains etc. I have tried to figure out what it could be but I just don't know. I am on the verge of seeing a Dr. about it but was hoping to figure it out myself. How come it seems healthier foods can cause irritability/gas/constipation/etc? I feel it is carb related in all honesty. Is this possible? Any other ideas?

    Could be all of the above...I eat whole clean foods but don't have legumes and grains in my diet...and only a small amount of dairy (basically half and half in my coffee and some dark chocolate here and there)

    I totally agree with this poster. I eat a mostly primal diet. No grains, few legumes and 20% or less dairy and my tummy loves it. Check out the link below for info on this type of diet, or just enter a search for grains and legumes for soem great info.. I hoep your tummy feels better soon.
  • kcp0307
    kcp0307 Posts: 2
    could be the fiber content...
  • AumMelly
    AumMelly Posts: 6
    try cutting out dairy and gluten like mentioned. these are common allergens and trigger foods for digestion issues.
  • LilGiselle21
    LilGiselle21 Posts: 110 Member
    That happened to everyone in my home when we changed what we ate. I had to eventually slowly substitute certain foods for other slowly. Our bodies just weren't used to it. Today I had almond milk for the first time and my tummy isn't liking it too much. Will continue to give it a try maybe drink a cup every other day see how it goes. Definitely bring it up to your doctor who can help you out more but it can be your body adjusting.
  • leannems
    leannems Posts: 516 Member
    I had trouble with the addition of so much fiber and protein to my diet. Heck, I still have trouble some days (particularly when I eat an entire bag of greens), although I have found that lots of water and an occasional acidophilus (found by the vitamins) helped me.

    That being said - there's no way to know what your particular issue is, so you'll have to either see a doc or try a few things out yourself.
  • chrisb75
    chrisb75 Posts: 395 Member
    I read an article once about being addicted to bad foods. The article said that our bodies actually grow addicted to unhealthy foods so when we change our diet our body actually has to adjust to the new eating style. It was really interested. Basically they said that if you're having this issue and feel like you can tough it out, after a few weeks it should go away. Another option was to slowing introduce these items to your system. Another reason for this could be something I have that is similar to IBS. When I eat a lot of certain foods it upsets my entire digestive system.

    I can see this. When I started I had all kinds of tummy troubles (gas and other things), now that I have been doing this for almost 60days now it has gotten A LOT better.
  • jldaley09
    jldaley09 Posts: 219 Member
    all the great responses.. ! I started this exactly a year ago, took a little haitus over Christmas, and have been back at it since Feb. I eat pretty good, ZERO fast food.. pizza only from time to time, no more than a piece or 2. Bread and sugar are still hard for me. I don't eat much processed foods.. no frozen dinners.. I eat chicken, fish,very lean beef I use olive oil, coffee with sugar cause I dont like substitutes, only dairy I eat is a greek yogurt every other day and I use butter, I eat almonds, peanut butter and whole grain breads. I don't think this is a "your body needs to get used to it thing" I drink 64 oz of water a day. I have also stopped losing weight in the last 3 months. I began very moderate strength training. I tried a protein shake and it really bothered me. I had to stop drinking it.