I hate vegetables



  • CherryOnionKiss
    CherryOnionKiss Posts: 376 Member
    Drink V8 made with fruits and vedgies
  • gatorginger
    gatorginger Posts: 947 Member
    I'm not a big veggie fan either, I prefer my veggies raw. I do however like salads with certain dressings. Do you hate all fruits and veggies or are there some you like, if so concentrate on eating those, there has got to be something you like out there
  • saintspoon
    saintspoon Posts: 242 Member
    Geez lady!! that's a list of hang-ups!!

    Good luck!
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    Cook them, steam them, grill them, broil them, blend, microwave, or eat veggies raw. Since you like pasta you can chop raw veggies up with a food chopper and add them to whatever the sauce is that you use and cook until they integrate with the sauce, in other words- they disappear basically in your sauce all soft and sweet. You can serve over the pasta dish.
  • DivaDiane
    DivaDiane Posts: 73
    How about seeing a therapist to figure out how to retrain your palate? You are missing out on a lot of good food/nutrition.
  • BalenciaLynn
    BalenciaLynn Posts: 411 Member
    At first when i hated veggies the only way i could eat them was if they were covered in cheese :)

    But now i love veggies so i dont have that issue
  • SofaKingRad
    SofaKingRad Posts: 1,592 Member
    What about bacon? Nobody hates bacon. AmIright?
  • My young daughter has begun to shun all fruit and veggies, so i am looking into buying a cookbook called "The Sneaky Chef." It's all about how to incorporate fruits and veggies into everyday meals so that you can't tell they are there. It might be something to look into.
  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
    i honestly became more fond of them when i learned i could get full on them with very little calories ....... my tastes changed alot as I lost weight
  • teeina
    teeina Posts: 10 Member
    I make a homemade pasta sauce in which I puree veggies like eggplants and carrots, maybe something like that would help you. Make it with whole wheat pasta... Also maybe non traditional salads like an avocado, bean, corn and tomato salad w/ a balsamic vinaigrette might work for you?
  • Weighinginwithmy02
    Weighinginwithmy02 Posts: 369 Member
    it's mental, get help. Not being snarky but it's all in your head.
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    I find it difficult to believe you don't like ANY fruits or ANY vegetables. There is a WORLD of veggies and fruits out there....keep experimenting until you find the ones you like.

    It could be the way you are cooking them. Sometimes over cooked veggies taste awful! Boil, roast, sautee, grill, bake, fry, etc. There are so many ways to cook them...and so many things to put on them...soya sauce, salt, oil, vinegar, etc.

    Or, start hiding them in foods you do like....casserole dishes, lasagna, stew, quiche, pasta sauce, smoothies, etc.

    Start using dips when you use your veggies...dress them up so they aren't so boring and bland! You can always top your veggies with Cheese!!

    And if worse comes to worse...mind over matter! Trick yourself into liking them.
  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member
    This may sound really harsh, but perhaps its time to eat them whether you're enjoying them or not in the hope that as the months pass you find them more palatable? Without them it's going to be impossible to ever have a balanced diet and you could even find yourself with bowel problems later down the line.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    @shoechick5 I have had this issue since I was a kid. My parents tried all kind of things with me since I was little. Cooking it different ways, hiding it in food, trying TONS of fruits and vegetables. I cant even put them in my mouth. I start chewing and I immediately start gagging. I dont know if its a mental thing or what but its that nasty texture of fruits and vegetables that I dont like. Some are slimey, chewy, rubbery, crunchy with skin. Just all gross. Even when I blend up the fruit, I cant stand strawberries because of the seeds. Its that bad. Ive considered seeing a hypnotist. I WANT to like vegetables. Trust me I do, it would be alot easier to loose weight.

    Please don't take this the wrong way, but...I don't know about a hypnotist, but the food aversion you've described is something I saw frequently when I was teaching preschool special education--a lot of my students had been preemies and had feeding tubes until they were toddlers; it was very difficult to get them to learn to eat like typical children their age if/when they were taken off the feeding tubes. I had several students who attended feeding therapy to learn to deal with textures/tastes. It sounds like you were born with some significant food aversions for whatever reason...you might look into your insurance plan if you have one and see if nutrition therapy/occupational therapy visits are covered.

    Anyway, there were a lot of great suggestions on this thread. I love most fruits and vegetables and I can't think of anything new that someone hasn't already suggested--I hope you can find some things that work for you :)
  • katiex905
    katiex905 Posts: 1
    Have you tried fresh, organic fruits and vegetables? I try replacing a little pasta with some steamed fresh broccoli or zucchini. I love carbs too, and for my stomach, there's no such thing as enough pasta. But fresh blueberries, strawberries, and bananas in some low-sugar cereal is really awesome. And a spinach salad with strawberries and a bit of feta cheese is my favorite meal in the world. I can almost guarantee that if you approach fresh veggies with a open mind, you will see results.
  • jazzie2421
    jazzie2421 Posts: 45
    What's interesting to me is that you can eat salad, but you can't eat vegetables. My first response would be to suck it up, put your big girl panties on and choke those veggies down. But then, I hesitate because there are some things I don't eat because I don't like the texture. I personally LOVE fruits and veggies and would totally be vegetarian if I didn't love meat too. Perhaps finding vegetarian protein alternatives - nuts, tofu, etc. would help you out. PB&J is a good sourceof protein, use honey instead of jelly if you need to, but peanut butter is a good source of protein. I totally concur with the getting a juicer recommendation. My juicer is awesome. I love it. Maybe you can go to Jamba Juice, or whatever juice bar you have near you and try a couple recipes before you make that investment. Soups are also a great way to sneak in veggies.

    One thing I've read over and over is that cauliflower can be swapped for potatoes for mashed potatoes. Try it. Add some garlic and have faux garlic mashed potatoes. Try swapping zuchini/eggplant for noodles in lasagna (if you don't like the texture, just scrape the cheese/sauce/etc off and eat that - still excellent. Just some thoughts.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    bumping for all the great alternative ideas I saw here--even though I like fruits and veggies, I'm always looking for new things to try. Yum!
  • dunlunicor
    dunlunicor Posts: 189 Member
    I had the exact same problem. I still do, but it's getting better. It sucks, because people think you're being dramatic, or faking, or just being a baby and making excuses, but certain foods literally just make you gag. I couldn't (and still can't to some degree) stand the smell of certain foods. I still gag, for example, every time I smell eggs.

    Honestly, you just have to force yourself to eat something a few times until you're used to it. I couldn't stand celery or raw carrots or any kind of lettuce, but now I can get them down without gagging. Start with just one bite. Then, maybe a week later, try two bites. Eventually, you get used to them. I wouldn't say I LIKE any veggies now, but I can get them past my lips, which is more than I could say a while back.

    Try sneaking mushrooms into some lasagna. They don't have a very strong flavor, and the texture sort of melts into the texture of the sauce.
  • ArtemisMoon
    ArtemisMoon Posts: 144
    Do you possibly have a mild form of Asperger's? My brother has had severe texture problems with food all his life. I can literally name all the things he would eat as a child because the list is so short. He wouldn't even eat pasta or mac & cheese. He liked very crunchy things, so he would eat a lot of toast, pizza, waffles...and he would burn them often in his quest for crunchy, hard foods. Tomato sauce on his pizza and green beans were about the only veggie exceptions.

    I also had lesser troubles that made me a picky eater. I hated strawberries for the seeds, every single raw veggie, most cooked veggies, I dislike and eat little of most meats. But guess what? My brother and I are both changing. I started out by cooking things in a way that made them much more palatable, and it snowballed. I have a broccoli casserole recipe that isn't really good for you (has cheese, eggs, mayo, etc), but the fluffy cheesy texture really allowed me to start to learn to love broccoli. You can also use it with spinach, and both are AWESOME. Every little kid I know will eat that recipe! You can do similar with a lot of veggies and make quiches, etc.

    So really, you have to find what works for you and DON'T GIVE UP! I went from being embarrassed and miserable when eating at other people's houses because I wouldn't eat anything, to being able to at least eat something offered, if not everything. I even eat salads now which is amazing! YOU CAN DO IT!!!! :D

    Even my brother is eating hamburgers and pasta and a few other things now. If he can expand his food choices, seriously, ANYONE can!
  • Coyla
    Coyla Posts: 444 Member
    I agree with everyone here, well most everyone, but I just want to add my pennies to the conversation.

    If you hate vegetables, don't eat them. You can lose weight without the things.

    Now, I think you should try all the suggestions here, the Low Sodium V-8, the smoothies, etc. But if that doesn't work, why punish yourself? You can eat healthy things that are not fruits or vegetables, and you CAN lose weight without immersing yourself in the odious Veggies Are Fun mentality.

    Call me crazy, but I also think we sometimes have a strong aversion to foods that may NOT be good for us. I don't mean disliking vegetables because they're boring. I mean the fact that you're gagging on them. It could be psychological, but it also could be that your body is--for some reason--registering the vegetables as a poison.

    Anyway, good luck! You're not a weirdo or a freak, and you CAN do this, vegetable phobia or not. :flowerforyou: