Will this belly really go away in 34lbs?



  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 994 Member
    I'm there too. I'd be so happy with my body right now if I could just lose about 3-4 inches off of my belly. Then I would work on toning up and maintaining. But that isn't happening as fast as I'd hope so heavy lifting and cardio it is.
  • Libby81
    Libby81 Posts: 734 Member
    No, trust me you will need to get down to 130 or less for your height

    I'm 5'7" and 128lbs and I still have a jiggly belly. It is a lot flatter and I am skinny in clothes. I'm aiming now to up my strength training and ditch cardio altogether (perhaps only on rest days) to build muscle. Using this bf% calculator (http://www.scientificpsychic.com/fitness/diet.html) I'm at approx 19% too. Like others have said it's about the body shape too
  • obiausten
    obiausten Posts: 8 Member
    wow, just wanted to say good job on the weight you have lost so far. My ideal goal also is 150.
  • mkwow
    mkwow Posts: 65 Member
    How do you know what body shape you are? I never have been able to figure that out, I always feel I could go either way.
  • mkwow
    mkwow Posts: 65 Member
    wow, just wanted to say good job on the weight you have lost so far. My ideal goal also is 150.

    Thank you!
  • Libby81
    Libby81 Posts: 734 Member
    How do you know what body shape you are? I never have been able to figure that out, I always feel I could go either way.


    this is a good way to find out your body type (a little different to shape)
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    There is just no telling... I'm 5'6, 135 and still have my pooch :( but on the other hand my stomach has gotten way smaller
  • sitdafav
    sitdafav Posts: 11 Member
     Change your goal to the lowest amount you estimate. When I had 100 lbs to go I worked a lot harder at this than now. And by the way make sure you weight train (get toned) so you dont end up "skinnyfat"
  • watboy
    watboy Posts: 380 Member
    I have lost 60 lbs . still have a belly. good luck!
  • sitdafav
    sitdafav Posts: 11 Member
    Ahhhh, the flat stomach on a woman is so sexy
    watch entire video
  • Tay617
    Tay617 Posts: 70 Member
    My goal is to be at 150lb, 95lbs is how much weight I want to lose total. :)

    Weight sits differently on ppl, i'm realizing that more and more, i'm 5'5 190 and I dont have too much of a stomach I would love it to be flatter, but its possible to be this height and weight and not have too much of a belly, I would love to loose a couple more inches but I think a lot of my weight comes from muscle and few other places, just work as hard as you can try not to look to much towards numbers but how you actually see yourself in the mirror,
  • EmiVReyes
    EmiVReyes Posts: 118 Member
    We are pretty much in the same boat...i still have a lot of weight on my bottom but most is in my stomach...my arms and legs have finally started to shrink...

    One tip that i have received that has helped is doing some simple stretches and ab work outs every day.


    you look amazing though! you've done an amazing job!
  • mkwow
    mkwow Posts: 65 Member
    Thanks everyone for your support and advice. I have started doing some ab work and have amped up my cardio and I seem to be seeing a little bit of a difference already!
  • I'm almost 5'6" and when I was your age and working out a lot, including running, I felt great at 160. I have always been an athlete and had the extra muscle, and that was right when I noticed my belly to really disappear-but we are all different obviously. I'm an apple and don't have hips to lose from by carry a lot in my tummy and back and waist. You are an amazing inspiration and I enjoy reading about your journey! Keep up the amazing work!