Hillshire Farm Grilled chicken breast



  • klkelley
    klkelley Posts: 122 Member
    My kids are grown and the chicken was just for me and yes I plan to continue having it once in a while but thanks for you advice anyhow

    Bravo to you my dear who can respond so gracefully when others feel it is their duty to criticize you. I will never understand why some people feel they must be food police.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I agree 100%.
  • eviltwinkie
    eviltwinkie Posts: 153
    Totally agree.

    While I applaud folks going the all natural/organic path, too many of them take on a holier than thou approach. It's almost like a freakin' religion. Born again Organics?

    Yes, it's better for you.But not everyone needs or wants to be lectured about it. Yes, anything prepackaged is likely to be a far less healthy choice... but we all have to balance our lives and schedules, eh?

    I for one couldn't live without Boca vegan burgers in my freezer. Am I vegetarian? vegan? No way! But it's a relatively 'ok' freezer food that fits with my often extremely busy schedule WAY better than most 'precook and freeze' items.

    And - GASP - there's almost always some low fat chicken sausages too. Yep, too much sodium, but we all have to find balance in our lifestyle. Those both help me ALOT at times (staying on track when really busy) and I appreciate hearing when folks try things I haven't tried. I think I know pretty much every low fat chicken sausage maker in my area... lol... because when I want a sausage for BBQ or breakfast, I'm going to have one, but I'll at least have a lower cal/fat one.

    I really hate this message board sometimes. You tried to do something nice by offering an opinion on something you thought was quick, tasty, and healthy. And you got bashed for it by others who don't agree with you and chose to criticize you. Sheesh... If they don't agree with you, just leave it alone. It's up to each of us to look at labels and make the choice on whether or not we want to eat it. You were just trying to help. So, thank you.
  • LENAhall
    LENAhall Posts: 47 Member
    I really hate this message board sometimes. You tried to do something nice by offering an opinion on something you thought was quick, tasty, and healthy. And you got bashed for it by others who don't agree with you and chose to criticize you. Sheesh... If they don't agree with you, just leave it alone. It's up to each of us to look at labels and make the choice on whether or not we want to eat it. You were just trying to help. So, thank you.

    i second this opinion! reminds me of a listserv i was on in college about air pollution, grandfathered in coal stacks, etc in cades cove, tn... we were all interested in improving the situation and making a difference, but it degenerated into b*tching, fighting and ridiculousness. super. :sick:
  • thefreebiemom
    thefreebiemom Posts: 191 Member
    I don't have a whole foods market near me, or a Trader Joes or any of those other organic grocery stores. What I have is a Smiths a Walmart and A Fresh Market (old Albertsons bought out by local food distributor). I try to get my boneless skinless chicken breasts from the 2 grocery stores and try to avoid Walmart because Walmart gets everything shipped in prepackaged. I am feeding a family of 4 and while organic is nice I can't afford 4.99/lb for chicken 3-4 times per week. Unless you are growing and slaughtering it yourself there is no way to 100% guarantee that it is not messed with in any way. Even the organic farms have been under scrutiny for the care of their animals. Look at how long we have had pink slime in our hamburger meat and its just now coming out that its in there.

    I have seen some threads on here with people begging for easier healthier options for their limited lifestyles whatever they may be and if it comes down to processed, fried, unhealthy fast food or a somewhat processed fresh unfried, less salty healthier "grilled" chicken breast in the lunch meat section then it would be to that persons benefit to go with the packaged chicken breast. My husband wanted to eat healthier and I saw those at the store and they had a coupon on them so I got a package for him to try. He had one on a sandwich thin bun and some mayo. He said it was alright. It was better then the frozen tv dinners or hot pockets he normally has. Everyone needs to start somewhere. No need to bash someone for trying to give a tip which may not be as healthy as from scratch and perfect like some but still better then what other people are eating already.
  • Imawonder
    Imawonder Posts: 65
    I really hate this message board sometimes. You tried to do something nice by offering an opinion on something you thought was quick, tasty, and healthy. And you got bashed for it by others who don't agree with you and chose to criticize you. Sheesh... If they don't agree with you, just leave it alone. It's up to each of us to look at labels and make the choice on whether or not we want to eat it. You were just trying to help. So, thank you.

    DITTO!!!! As my parents used to say, "If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all". I appreciate everyone's assistance. I can read labels and make my own decisions regarding what is right or wrong for me.
  • Val_from_OH
    Val_from_OH Posts: 447 Member
    Unbelievable that everyone would attack you like that! I really dislike the taste of leftover chicken - it tastes "dead", for lack of a better word. I do not cook chicken on the weekend and save it as the others have mentioned. I wonder if this kind, since it is designed to keep for a while, would not have that funky leftover taste. Thank you for sharing your opinion, and sorry you were put under fire.
  • ncahill77
    ncahill77 Posts: 501 Member
    Unbelievable that everyone would attack you like that! I really dislike the taste of leftover chicken - it tastes "dead", for lack of a better word. I do not cook chicken on the weekend and save it as the others have mentioned. I wonder if this kind, since it is designed to keep for a while, would not have that funky leftover taste. Thank you for sharing your opinion, and sorry you were put under fire.

    I thought I was the only one that felt that way, fresh hot baked or grilled chicken is fantastic but a night in the fridge or more and it is a chore just eating one, I hate the taste of leftover chicken too!
  • VoodooLuLu
    VoodooLuLu Posts: 636 Member
    Hillshire Farm!!! GOOOOOO MEAT!!!
  • GrnEydGrl86
    GrnEydGrl86 Posts: 154
    Thanks for the tip. It's always nice to know what's available in a pinch!

    Especially when I don't have the time to raise my own non antibiotic, non-GMO, socially aware and emotionally stable chickens.

    Honestly, I don't actually kill them. I convince them to kill themselves for the good of society.

    Unfortunately, they can't cut themselves up after death, so I do help out there.

    LOL!!! THIS!!!!!
  • theladyy
    theladyy Posts: 176
    There sure is some food snobs around here.

    I don't care what's in my food as long as it's cheap. All of my meat comes from the 'last chance' section of the grocery store anyway, and it's already the generic stuff. Brown hamburger, dull chicken and pork, and green steaks...MMMMM good. It's either that meat, or none at all.

    Get off your high horses people, we're not all rich like you.
  • EinTX
    EinTX Posts: 104 Member
    Thank you for the suggestion, I'll be sure to look for it. Even though we eat a lot of organic meat (we harvest our own) I don't see any problem with picking up something quick and easy on occasion too. I've even been known to have pepperoni pizza on occasion. Besides, it sounds like from this thread if you dwell to much on your protein source you become very bitter and judgemental.
  • jazziesaj11
    jazziesaj11 Posts: 351 Member
    Oh dear... :laugh: This kills me when people get so worked up over a topic like processed chicken... I mean really? Chiiiiillllllll out dudes. xD I agree that people shouldn't, as some have said "gang up" on her, but just as she stated her opinion on it, others have the right to state theirs as well. I personally have learned over my ups and downs of dieting since I was 12 years old (yes) that the more natural the better for your body. This is however my opinion and how I feel on the subject. I can also understand why certain things would be easier for people who don't have much time left in the day, and that's their choice. However, aren't you guys in a sense being a bit hypocritical and "ganging up" on those who had organic/natural opinions on this post. I think some could have stated it better, but maybe they were just trying to help her with relating healthier options?? Anyways, like I said, it's chicken people, and what can you expect from the world wide internet but different opinions... chill. xD
  • 76tech
    76tech Posts: 1,455 Member
    I'm offended that the OP would suggest anything short of raising your own poultry, slaughtering it yourself by hand, and then of course cooking it over and organic wood fired grill.

    Anything less is completely irresponsible for you, your children, and the neighborhood ferrets.

    For those of us with real jobs and other things to do, yeah, the hillshire farms jobbies are pretty good. Their kielbasa is god awful though.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Thanks for the tip. It's always nice to know what's available in a pinch!

    Especially when I don't have the time to raise my own non antibiotic, non-GMO, socially aware and emotionally stable chickens.

    Honestly, I don't actually kill them. I convince them to kill themselves for the good of society.

    Unfortunately, they can't cut themselves up after death, so I do help out there.

    :laugh: Yes!
  • I'm offended that the OP would suggest anything short of raising your own poultry, slaughtering it yourself by hand, and then of course cooking it over and organic wood fired grill.

    Anything less is completely irresponsible for you, your children, and the neighborhood ferrets.

    For those of us with real jobs and other things to do, yeah, the hillshire farms jobbies are pretty good. Their kielbasa is god awful though.

    Amen and amen.

    I for one LOVE the lemon pepper version of the HF chicken breasts...perfect for my lunch bag...which sometimes I even bother to recycle. ;)
  • indybrendy
    indybrendy Posts: 1 Member
    (Erased comment).
  • gatorginger
    gatorginger Posts: 947 Member
    Well for the record I never said they were healthy, I only said they were yummy. I'm not offended, I actually find a lot of the comments entertaining at the least lol. Anyhow everyone can make up their own mind as to whether or not they want to give one a try, all I know is I plan to eat them again :}
  • Justacoffeenut
    Justacoffeenut Posts: 3,749 Member
    I really hate this message board sometimes. You tried to do something nice by offering an opinion on something you thought was quick, tasty, and healthy. And you got bashed for it by others who don't agree with you and chose to criticize you. Sheesh... If they don't agree with you, just leave it alone. It's up to each of us to look at labels and make the choice on whether or not we want to eat it. You were just trying to help. So, thank you.

    I was just thinking the same thing. Someone asked a question or shares something and it turns into a war or words and a debate. Let's prove my side is right type thing. Come on everyone. Everyone has the right to there own thoughts on a subject. And they have to make the choices for themselves. Maybe what someone puts is a question they really want to understand or something that is a better choice then what they used to do. Just because everyone isn't on the same page in a book doesn't make it wrong or something to bash about. People have to make due with what they got at a time. I don't have a whole foods, or trader joes anywhere in a 2 hr radius or more of me. And not everyone has alot of time. People are still trying to figure things out. Give your thoughts but don't bash someone. If you say something with respect they are more likely to listen. Start bashing and they will likely skip your post all together. So if there was anything to learn there they won't of seen it.
  • theladyy
    theladyy Posts: 176
    I'm offended that the OP would suggest anything short of raising your own poultry, slaughtering it yourself by hand, and then of course cooking it over and organic wood fired grill.

    Anything less is completely irresponsible for you, your children, and the neighborhood ferrets.

  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    To OP: Thank you so much for the information!!

    To the others who are kind of uptight about the advice:
