Are you honest with your food diary?



  • CharlieBarleyMom
    CharlieBarleyMom Posts: 727 Member
    I generally log everything... but there are those days that I am sickened by my own piggishness and I cannot face my friends (actually, just me because my friends are nicer than I am)... but I am making a concerted effort to log those days too now. Just have to get past my own ugliness.
  • Tink_889
    Tink_889 Posts: 244 Member
    I am honest with my diary. It's set to private at the moment because I want to keep it completely honest and I think if I opened it up I would feel worried about other peoples judgements and therefore perhaps skip some of the truth!
  • desert_rhino
    desert_rhino Posts: 104 Member
    I do my level best to track everything. Even the 4 chocolate raisins I eat when I sugar-snack (before meals only). Anything less would be cheating nobody but me.

    I don't like it when I go over my target, but I did the math, and I've got a few hundred calories before I even break even. :) But, I figure, hell, if I'm pleased with my "under" days, I need to be honest about my "over" days, so I can see exactly what *is* going on, and where I am or should be with my weight and fitness.

    It's sure working so far. :):)
  • dtanya177
    dtanya177 Posts: 2
    YES. It hasn't been quite a week since I joined MFP. If I eat something and don't log it, it's STILL going to show up on my body. I have tried other methods before and have failed to keep the weight off when I did lose it, because I gave in and went back to old and bad habits. Logging honestly helps me stay real with myself. It forces me to LOOK at what I'm doing. If I cheat by not logging what I really eat, then I will fail at this attempt too. Btw, I've had only one binge since I started but it was epic and I recorded every bit of it. Just today, I changed my security on my diary to make it readable to my friends and now I'm going to go make it completely public. Lying/hiding/cheating is not going to make me feel any better about myself.
  • 1Kristine1
    1Kristine1 Posts: 697 Member
    I find if I am keeping track of what I eat I make better choices, makes me accountable. However, I am not going to log 5 pieces of popcorn or a french fry. For me, thats a little too tedious. But then if I do snack it most likely ends up being a serving size, so that I would definately log.
  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    No. If I put something in thinking I'll eat it for an after dinner snack and then don't I usually don't bother to correct.
  • itgeekwoman
    itgeekwoman Posts: 804 Member
    I am 100% honest with my food diary. So much so that I don't even eat out anymore because I can't verify what is going into my food. I am very careful with what I eat.

    It's working though :).
  • CynGoddess
    CynGoddess Posts: 188 Member
    yes, even on the days I screw up, it helps to see it and hold myself accountable.
  • Yes, I track every single thing that I eat - well, I track salt, but not the other spices I cook with.

    This is a process, and everyone has to do what works for them.

    Same here, I track everything but not herbs or spices. Things like salt and oil I track though. I always have a deficit that will make up for not counting herbs and spices which wouldnt be much anyway..
  • Katie1951
    Katie1951 Posts: 312 Member
    The only person I'm accountable to is myself. If I'm not honest, I'm only hurting myself. I track everything. My motto is "if I can log it, I can eat it" and I go about my daily life making my food choices based on that.
  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,296 Member
    I track EVERYTHING...even my cheat days (to the best of my ability). Occasionally, I will have a bite of my boyfriend's food which is usually chicken and rice so I don't count that since it's a small bite and how would I count it? It's one bite. Other than that, everything I put in my mouth goes in my food journal