I'm sick of the term "skinny-fat"



  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    OP. You do understand that if you didn't post the thread in the 1st place, no one would be getting on your back about anything.


    And Skinny-fat means someone who is thin but leads an unhealthy lifestyle such as not exercising or eating right. Has nothing to do with how you workout. But all the other people that have already said this are correct - If you want to continue to lose FAT and not MUSCLE you have to do body weight exercises or resistance exercises eventually.
    Cardio is resistance exercise. It's just a lot of reps. Every time I stride while running I'm pushing my 200 pounds forward. You should see how cut my legs have become running and cycling all while on a serious caloric deficit. I also do the rowing machine which has helped with core strength as well as arms and back "toning".

    Last time I checked rowing machines use RESISTANCE, so that makes complete sense... not sure what your point was there.

    Also, I suppose I should add that running NOT ON A TREADMILL is a TYPE OF resistance exercise because you are having to propel yourself forward, BUT a treadmill is propelling your body FOR YOU which takes away the majority of the body weight part of the exercise... same with elliptical machines and the like, they take away the body weight or resistance portion of "cardio" exercises therefore will burn your muscle if you're not careful in planning meals and the like...
  • Chipmaniac
    Chipmaniac Posts: 642 Member
    OP. You do understand that if you didn't post the thread in the 1st place, no one would be getting on your back about anything.


    And Skinny-fat means someone who is thin but leads an unhealthy lifestyle such as not exercising or eating right. Has nothing to do with how you workout. But all the other people that have already said this are correct - If you want to continue to lose FAT and not MUSCLE you have to do body weight exercises or resistance exercises eventually.

    People were getting on my back (and everyone else's) before I made this post. And some must have a different definition of skinny-fat because I have been told more than once "If you don't start lifting heavy soon, your gonna end up skinny-fat."
    Don't listen to them. Just try to mixup your cardio activities to work your entire body (I recommend a rowing machine, or actual rowing if you are near water) and you'll be fine. The lifters just like to pick on people who don't subscribe to their philosophy. It reminds me of those great Planet Fitness commercial where they guy throws the body builders out of the gym.
  • katemme
    katemme Posts: 191
    I was the classic skinny fat and much as you hate the term being where I was when I started is shocking . 10 months ago I waked into my gym at my goal weight and told my trainer although I was 128 lbs and a us size 4 when I looked in the mirror all I saw was flab . I was in the idel weight zone on BMi charts but when my body fat was measured I was 39 per cent body fat . It was a huge shock . I am now 10 months in and the exact same weight 128 lbs with a 24 per sent body fat working at getting to 20 per cent . I hate hate cardio . I dont knock anyone for doing it its just not for me . I lift heavy as I can for me and do strength ,core and stretching with 20 mins hiit cardio which works for me . I have lost so many inches and when I look in the mirror I see a different person .

    I have had people walk past me who don't recognise me and guys from school tell me I am so much hotter now at 37 than when I was in school etc . A 39 per cent body fat in someone who was essentially a very normal weight was unhealthy and shocking so yes skinny fat does exist

    Exactly!! I am 109 size 2 but there are people bigger than me who look better because they have lower body fat! If I took a picture of my stomach you'd think I'd weigh more. Right now its a combination of bloat/food/fat. blegh
  • angelew
    angelew Posts: 133 Member
    "Skinny-fat" would be a trophy for me...LOVE it!
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    OP. You do understand that if you didn't post the thread in the 1st place, no one would be getting on your back about anything.


    And Skinny-fat means someone who is thin but leads an unhealthy lifestyle such as not exercising or eating right. Has nothing to do with how you workout. But all the other people that have already said this are correct - If you want to continue to lose FAT and not MUSCLE you have to do body weight exercises or resistance exercises eventually.

    People were getting on my back (and everyone else's) before I made this post. And some must have a different definition of skinny-fat because I have been told more than once "If you don't start lifting heavy soon, your gonna end up skinny-fat."

    I guess what that person means is you're gonna get smaller but you won't have any muscle. If that's what they mean then we're talking about the same thing.
  • Mercenary1914
    Mercenary1914 Posts: 1,087 Member
    I use to be skinny-fat....but in my definition...it's where you have noodle arms, bird chest, and a beer gut...That was me
  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member
    When someone in this thread can beat me in a Half or Full Ironman then I will gladly take into consideration your training advice. :flowerforyou:
  • holly1283
    holly1283 Posts: 741 Member
    I agree! Hell I been fat so damn long skinny-fat would be a trophy for me. IJS lol
    I agree AMEN (for those who don't know it just means so be it)
  • weighlossforbaby
    weighlossforbaby Posts: 847 Member
    I am not into lifting either, I am into walking right now :) Congrats on your weight loss. I just started my journey a month ago :)
  • mwest11
    mwest11 Posts: 89 Member
    I do understand the term "skinny-fat"... I think the OP doesn't quite understand. I was just trying to shine a light on her original argument about her current routine of cardio only. Just trying to help..
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    OP. You do understand that if you didn't post the thread in the 1st place, no one would be getting on your back about anything.


    And Skinny-fat means someone who is thin but leads an unhealthy lifestyle such as not exercising or eating right. Has nothing to do with how you workout. But all the other people that have already said this are correct - If you want to continue to lose FAT and not MUSCLE you have to do body weight exercises or resistance exercises eventually.

    People were getting on my back (and everyone else's) before I made this post. And some must have a different definition of skinny-fat because I have been told more than once "If you don't start lifting heavy soon, your gonna end up skinny-fat."
    Don't listen to them. Just try to mixup your cardio activities to work your entire body (I recommend a rowing machine, or actual rowing if you are near water) and you'll be fine. The lifters just like to pick on people who don't subscribe to their philosophy. It reminds me of those great Planet Fitness commercial where they guy throws the body builders out of the gym.

    Ok, hears the deal. You're the one picking on people here. I am not usually one of those people who try to "save the internet" by calling out people who are "incorrect" or whatever. But just because you don't lift doesn't mean there isn't something truth or meaning to it.

    THE POINT IS, everyone needs to be well-rounded in their diets and exercise routines. That's the best way for it to be. Just because I"m a lifter doesn't mean I don't do my p90x cardio DVD every other day. I HATE cardio, but I understand the importance of it. Just like you should understand the important of picking up a dumbbell once in a while.

    That's all.
  • Chipmaniac
    Chipmaniac Posts: 642 Member
    Also, I suppose I should add that running NOT ON A TREADMILL is a TYPE OF resistance exercise because you are having to propel yourself forward, BUT a treadmill is propelling your body FOR YOU which takes away the majority of the body weight part of the exercise... same with elliptical machines and the like, they take away the body weight or resistance portion of "cardio" exercises therefore will burn your muscle if you're not careful in planning meals and the like...
    That's complete BS. You obviously know nothing about how treadmills and elliptical machines work. The only thing missing from a treadmill run is that you don't get the wind resistance you get when running outside. Elliptical machines have a resistance setting that changes the amount of force it takes to move the "pedals".

    I promise not to try to tell you how to best do dumbell flies if you promise to not push more misinformation about cardio workouts.
  • mwest11
    mwest11 Posts: 89 Member
    Wayne Westcott, Ph.D. conducted a study in which 72 over weight individuals participated in an eight week exercise program. The participants were placed in two groups. The first group performed 30 minutes of endurance exercise on a stationary cycle. The second group performed only 15 minutes of exercise on the stationary cycle plus an additional 15 minutes on weight resistant exercises. At the conclusion of the study, the "endurance only" group lost a total of 3.5 lbs.; 3 lbs. of which was fat and a half pound was muscle loss. On the other hand, the "endurance and weight resistive" group lost 8 lbs. with an actual fat loss of 10 lbs. and an increase of 2 lbs. of lean body weight.

    (8 week program, 72 over weight individuals)

    Endurance Training (30 min)

    Weight Change (lbs) -3.5
    Fat Change (lbs) -3
    Lean mass Change (lbs) -0.5

    Endurance (15 min) & Weight Training (15 min)

    Weight change (lbs) -8
    Fat change (lbs) -10
    Lean mass change (lbs) +2

    Westcott, W., Fitness Management. Nov., 1991.
    Wow! The group that did more activity lost more. Who would have thought?

    Wow.... You totally missed the point on that one.... over your head big time....

    I do understand the term "skinny-fat"... I think the OP doesn't quite understand. I was just trying to shine a light on her original argument about her current routine of cardio only. Just trying to help..
  • dlcam61
    dlcam61 Posts: 228 Member
    You are right, but don't forget that you are losing fat & muscle. I wish I had been told that when I started because I did hardcore cardio and lost 24 pounds. Too bad I still look flabby & have to fight to regain that lost muscle plus gain new muscle. Good job losing the weight! That's such a great success no matter what! :flowerforyou:
  • imarlett
    imarlett Posts: 228 Member
    Never heard of the term... I guess I am living under a rock.
  • Chipmaniac
    Chipmaniac Posts: 642 Member
    OP. You do understand that if you didn't post the thread in the 1st place, no one would be getting on your back about anything.


    And Skinny-fat means someone who is thin but leads an unhealthy lifestyle such as not exercising or eating right. Has nothing to do with how you workout. But all the other people that have already said this are correct - If you want to continue to lose FAT and not MUSCLE you have to do body weight exercises or resistance exercises eventually.

    People were getting on my back (and everyone else's) before I made this post. And some must have a different definition of skinny-fat because I have been told more than once "If you don't start lifting heavy soon, your gonna end up skinny-fat."
    Don't listen to them. Just try to mixup your cardio activities to work your entire body (I recommend a rowing machine, or actual rowing if you are near water) and you'll be fine. The lifters just like to pick on people who don't subscribe to their philosophy. It reminds me of those great Planet Fitness commercial where they guy throws the body builders out of the gym.

    Ok, hears the deal. You're the one picking on people here. I am not usually one of those people who try to "save the internet" by calling out people who are "incorrect" or whatever. But just because you don't lift doesn't mean there isn't something truth or meaning to it.

    THE POINT IS, everyone needs to be well-rounded in their diets and exercise routines. That's the best way for it to be. Just because I"m a lifter doesn't mean I don't do my p90x cardio DVD every other day. I HATE cardio, but I understand the importance of it. Just like you should understand the important of picking up a dumbbell once in a while.

    That's all.
    Did I hurt your feelings? Aw. Sorry. I thought you guys were tough.
  • lettie1955
    lettie1955 Posts: 13
    Never heard the term until just now!
  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member
    Enjoy having little muscle mass and a saggy physique and brittle bones.

    ^ unneccessary IMHO.

    Running has lots of benefits. I lost a good 50 lbs before I bothered lifting anything. Yeah i love lifting. But I also love running. No need to be so negative to people who prefer cardio to lifting.

    In my opinion, the best exercise includes BOTH lifting and cardio, and STRETCHING. I don't want to be buff, but unable to run three miles. I don't want to be able to run 20 miles but not do a push up. And i don't want to be able to run 20 miles, DL twice my body weight, but be unable to touch my toes :) But hey, that's just me!
  • Jennyzfit
    Jennyzfit Posts: 175 Member

    Cardio is good. strength training is good. Cardio and strength training is better. Cardio, strength training and flexibility is best.


    I couldn't agree more. You need both.
  • saintspoon
    saintspoon Posts: 242 Member
    I don't hate the term "skinny fat" it has a meaning but i don't think it applies in your case.... i totally get what you're saying though!

    I have been 260 & it took a lot to get me moving so i honestly totally hear yah! It is awesome that you are moving.... there is no rush to get into lifting/muscle building right now. Yes it has many benefits but you gotta do everything in YOUR time when YOU'RE ready!

    I've lost almost 50 & a big chunk was just watching my food... another chunk I did a lot fo walking. Cardio builds up muscles too! You should see my butt before & AFTER I started walking... I went from flat-*kitten* to a semi bubble :)

    I now just started getting into HiiT & some lifting/muscle work but it took me a few years to get here! The thing is now i REALLY want to do it & will! At 260/240 or even 220 there is nooooo flipping way I would have even considered it! Now I am ready & that's what it took!

    When you are good & ready for more it will happen... till then keep up the awesome work & new attitude!