WTH? Seriously confused



  • hanna6774
    hanna6774 Posts: 225
    I lost 100 lbs one day on my scale. The next day I bought it new batteries. :grumble:

    Me too only I lost a 167 lbs!......and it wasn't really my scale.....my divorce was finalized!!!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • opus649
    opus649 Posts: 633 Member
    I step on scale in morning, then step off, then step back on.. If its the same, I record it.... If not, then I do not record it... I do this every morning, but I do not hold myself to the daily number... Just my Sunday numbers!!!

    I take 3 measurements every day and then keep a 7-day rolling average... I like numbers :happy:
  • Cmonnowguys
    Cmonnowguys Posts: 361 Member
    I step on scale in morning, then step off, then step back on.. If its the same, I record it.... If not, then I do not record it... I do this every morning, but I do not hold myself to the daily number... Just my Sunday numbers!!!

  • MissingMyOldSelf
    MissingMyOldSelf Posts: 689 Member
    Does anyone else have a name for their scale? My old scale was Herman. It was very therapeutic to flip it off after no, or negative results after a week and yell "F*** YOU HERMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!"

    Then, I would go downstairs and have my coffee and watch Food Network.

    My monday rituals are very fun :)
  • opus649
    opus649 Posts: 633 Member
    Does anyone else have a name for their scale? My old scale was Herman. It was very therapeutic to flip it off after no, or negative results after a week and yell "F*** YOU HERMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!"

    Then, I would go downstairs and have my coffee and watch Food Network.

    My monday rituals are very fun :)

    I am totally naming my scale now....
  • Bikerjewelz
    Bikerjewelz Posts: 67 Member
    Scale is dependable
    Brand new batteries this morning
    No 20,000 calorie workout :(
    I weigh once a day, same time, same scale.. Just was being odd by reweighing, that's not normal for me.
    Typically if I do reweigh, I do it at night to laugh at how my heart I gain in a day and lose by morning.. I don't record it.. But I've NEVER gone down throughout the day, only up!

    I'll take it if it still reads the same In the morning.. Who am I to argue 7.8lbs in 2 days? That's not unusual for me with my health situation... Especially once I start back on my 4 litres of water a day.
  • senyosmom
    senyosmom Posts: 613 Member
    you should only weight yourself first thing in the morning before you eat or drink anything - that is the most accurate number. If you weigh yourself at another time that is fine but keep it the same time everytime you weigh in. This last time when you were up by 7 lbs had you recently eaten?
  • jasonblend
    jasonblend Posts: 4 Member
    measure inches, your energy level, and how your clothes fit.

    don't check the scale more than once a week. Wild fluctuations are totally normal based on digestion, bowels, water retention, and metabolism. (note, I don't take my own advice and check it every few days, but I'm also paying attention to how my face is looking skinnier and my jeans are fitting better, so I'm not obsessing over the scale)
  • Bikerjewelz
    Bikerjewelz Posts: 67 Member
    Oh, and as for being obsessive, I am... And I'm willing to accept that. I was severely anorexic as a teen, years of therapy, and up and down a hundred pounds through babies, and surgeries, and an abusive husband... I learned bif I weigh daily, it keeps it in perspective for me... It keeps me on a healthy pattern instead of not realizing i've gained 20 lbs and going into anorexic mode. May not make sense for others, and that's OK. My therapist at the time says if it keeps me healthy who cares about the number obsession... I've taken off 90lbs this way and just fluctuates the last 20-30 depending on myvlife at the time, which is what I am trying to manage now.
    Not everyone works the same, but I think we have to stay open minded to people's methods, even if they are neurotic, if the end goal is a healthier life :)
  • danibu98
    danibu98 Posts: 281 Member
    Does anyone else have a name for their scale? My old scale was Herman. It was very therapeutic to flip it off after no, or negative results after a week and yell "F*** YOU HERMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!"

    Then, I would go downstairs and have my coffee and watch Food Network.

    My monday rituals are very fun :)

    I am totally stealing this!! What a great idea! My scale fluctuates like crazy too... my weight varies within a 7 lb range every week. SIgh.
  • shellrocker12
    shellrocker12 Posts: 47 Member
    Does anyone else have a name for their scale? My old scale was Herman. It was very therapeutic to flip it off after no, or negative results after a week and yell "F*** YOU HERMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!"

    Then, I would go downstairs and have my coffee and watch Food Network.

    My monday rituals are very fun :)

    Love it!! Totally thinking of a name for mine now!!!
  • Bikerjewelz
    Bikerjewelz Posts: 67 Member
    Thanks Jason,
    I totally do. This was intended to be more of a humorous post.. I do know ALOT about health/fitness and diet.. Just thought it was so strange to actually go DOWN during the day :)
  • hanna6774
    hanna6774 Posts: 225
    Oh, and as for being obsessive, I am... And I'm willing to accept that. I was severely anorexic as a teen, years of therapy, and up and down a hundred pounds through babies, and surgeries, and an abusive husband... I learned bif I weigh daily, it keeps it in perspective for me... It keeps me on a healthy pattern instead of not realizing i've gained 20 lbs and going into anorexic mode. May not make sense for others, and that's OK. My therapist at the time says if it keeps me healthy who cares about the number obsession... I've taken off 90lbs this way and just fluctuates the last 20-30 depending on myvlife at the time, which is what I am trying to manage now.
    Not everyone works the same, but I think we have to stay open minded to people's methods, even if they are neurotic, if the end goal is a healthier life :)

    Just wanted to clarify luvey, I should have put an "lol" after I wrote obsessive. I wasn't intending to insult, more so tongue in cheek. :flowerforyou:
  • Bikerjewelz
    Bikerjewelz Posts: 67 Member
    OK, well.. Weighed this morning... I'm down a total of 10.2lbs in 3 days! Not hugely excited as I know I gained at least 5 of that in the last week in fluids and I've made a MAJOR lifestyle change. So I'll be excited in 4lbs. But I can definitely already see it in my fingers (my rings come off again!! Yay!!), and tummy.