So disappointed



  • 7219Amber
    7219Amber Posts: 14
    Hey hun,
    You have gained muscle and lost inches. Don't stress about it. U shouldn't really go by what the scale says, you go by the inches you have lost.
    Then there could be a plataue. Maybe up your calories and change your exercise up a bit. Or maybe take a few days off and give your body a rest, also up your protein as well hun!
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    If I lost 6 inches I'd be celebrating with a hot fudge sundae right now :bigsmile:

    I looked at the OP profile to get a better read on her goals, progress, maybe browse her diary to see if I have a few suggestions and all i found was a blank generic page...with very little info. No worries, some people like to stay anonymous. But in the future if you're looking for some constructive input you're gonna have to put more of yourself out there.
  • Elona_30
    Elona_30 Posts: 66
    not really understanding how you could be disappointed when you losing inches, that can only be a good thing I wish I were losing more then what I am, its not easy for me, or most I know I just seems to be really struggling and feel like Im not getting very far.

    Keep up the great work:happy:
  • dlwyatt82
    dlwyatt82 Posts: 1,077 Member
    You mean implied.

    As a general rule: no socks with sandals.

    Hmm, indeed I do. Wonder how often I've used the wrong word there.
  • MindyG150
    MindyG150 Posts: 1,296 Member
    I have busted my butt for the last 4 weeks. 3 days a week with a trainer and on those days do 45 minutes on the treadmill, I run at 5.0 any where from 1/4 of mile to a mile and walk at 4.0 the rest of the time. I average about 3.33 miles. The 2 days a week I'm not with my trainer I"m the treadmill for 60 minutes with the same routine. Yet I gained 1/2 pound in a month. Yes, I lost inches (6.25) and I have stayed within my calories with the exception of 2 or 3 days during this month time frame. Has anyone else experienced this issue. I really want to throw my hands up in the air and say forget this!

    I totally get what you are saying, there is a disappointment there. Hang in there, it will surprise you, just like flower bulbs in the spring. One day you’ll find those pounds are gone. Don't dwell on it too much, it will all come together. I did a whole round of The 30 Day Shred without losing a single ounce. Stick with it, you’re worth it!
  • bradthemedic
    bradthemedic Posts: 623 Member
    A pound of feathers VS a pound of bricks. We get it folks. ;)
  • rave7278
    rave7278 Posts: 10
    Throw away the scale, invest in mirrors and measuring tapes.

    Lmao!!! This quote, is what I need as well and this is so right. My scale didn't move and though I had hit a plateau, but after doing measurement I found out I had lost three inches from my stomach. So that is exactly what I did, I threw out the scale and stuck with measuring tapes.