Pain behind knees

Hi everyone

I seem to be having some pain behind my knees.

It started behind my right knee as few weeks ago and it gradually eased off. Then over the weekend after lots of walking as was on a break my left calf was knotted and it seemed to creep up to behind my knee area and then the pain was different to a knot and was hurting with every step.

Today my left knee has eased off a bit and its hurting behind the right again! I've not dared workout today I thought give them a bit of a rest. I have been stretching out my hamstrings and they are a bit tight but the pain is mostly concentrated more behind my knee than hamstring/calves themselves. It is quite painful to drive.

I can head to the docs but I wondered if anyone has had similar and/or knows if this is likely to be some sort of recurring problem?

Thanks all!



  • MrsT99
    MrsT99 Posts: 148 Member
  • chrishgt4
    chrishgt4 Posts: 1,222 Member
    I don't know what exercises you're doing but my mate had some really bad knee troubles and it stemmed from how he ran. He got properly fitted for running trainers at a running shop and it fixed it right up.

    He wears them to do weights in because he was also having the pain when doing squats/lunges/deadlifts etc so perhaps that could be a consideration.

    We were both amazed at how big a difference proper footwear actually made.
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    I think thats calf related my dear. GO see a physio
  • kvissy
    kvissy Posts: 205 Member
    I think I have the same problem...I would blame it on my shoes as well...

    bump for later
  • Jo_permiegirl
    Jo_permiegirl Posts: 38 Member
    I have had this since Monday, I pushed myself harder jogging (in shoes that I haven't jogged in before) and the last 2 days have been hell. I couldn't straighten my knee out properly at all yesterday. I have always had 'bad' knees but i have never ever felt this before, my calf is also very sore, would have to assume it's all related as the song goes "leg bone's connected to the knee bone". I had also done a few classes with many many lunges and squats so who knows.

    Back into it tomorrow to see how it goes.

    Good luck, please update us on how it goes :)
  • osorio1
    osorio1 Posts: 63
    I think i have the same problem! I cant straighten my left leg and i constantly feel a weird stretching with pain behind my knee. I also have pain that shoots up my hamstring. I am thiinking a pinched nerve???? Somedays i can hardly walk without being in pain. I made an appt to see the dr cuz enough is enough. Bumping for later.