40 lbs down (w/ links to pictures)

Hey guys! I am officially 40 lbs down since January 9th! It's been a gracy process and I still have a lonnng ways to go. I guess when you see yourself changing you never really notice it, until you look back on pictures. The picture quality is not great and the second picture is from March 31st (so I've lost weight since then too). Hope I can motivate someone out there! You guys are my support group. Thank you all!

Name: Jewl (Jewel)
Age: 18
Weight Lost: 40 lbs
Ht: 5' 11"
Area: Midwest

Heaviest Weight - 260lbs
Photo Taken - September 2011

Weight on photo below- 222lbs
Photo Taken - March 31st

Current Weight - 216 lbs
Photo Taken - Last Saturday (May 5th)

Thanks Guys! Add me! I'm just a teen looking to lose weight!
