50 Year old this year - HOW GOES YOUR BATTLE?

Trishajac Posts: 482 Member
Morning all,

1962 was a great year - Let's embrace our milestone!!

I am reflective today as my 50th birthday is just around the corner (Sunday)...

2 months of steady logging - and I am down 9 lbs.... part of me wishes it was more (don't we all).... But I am pleased with all of the changes / efforts I've been making!

Please share your journey.... how long/how much..... Inspire me! Insprire us all! :flowerforyou:


  • Glenruth
    Glenruth Posts: 35 Member
    Bit older at 57 now but decided I needed to do something about my weight. I used to be skinny as a kid but have not controllled it very well. Lots of excuses, none are really valid. So started in november 2011 and have been very strict with myself and set target of 65lb loss, currently at 70lb off. and settling down to regular eating now. Still losing and hope for about another 7-10 lbs.

    Seems it is all about willpower, sensible diet, some exercise and common sense. I need to watch out for negativity from others who think I have done too much and say I don't look healthy. I am certainly capable of execising more and playing golf more than I used to.

    Good luck with your journey, Only you can dictate where it goes.
  • SueGeer
    SueGeer Posts: 1,169 Member
    Morning all,

    1962 was a great year - Let's embrace our milestone!!

    I am reflective today as my 50th birthday is just around the corner (Sunday)...

    2 months of steady logging - and I am down 9 lbs.... part of me wishes it was more (don't we all).... But I am pleased with all of the changes / efforts I've been making!

    Please share your journey.... how long/how much..... Inspire me! Insprire us all! :flowerforyou:

    I'm a little younger than you....turn 50 on 8th June.

    Lost 19lbs since joining MFP in January last year.....am really struggling at the moment & have regained 7 :sad: Wanna be fit at fifty but won't be at this rate......I'm eating like a pig & can't seem to stop.....
  • trollydollymolly
    trollydollymolly Posts: 107 Member
    Good Morning... 1960 was a vintage year too!!!!!!!

    I cannot believe I will be 52 this year... I joined MFP in January as I wanted to be happy with the way I looked and felt. I have lost 39 lbs so far and started the Couch 2 5k training programme.... me a runner... NEVER EVER... but i have to say, something has clicked in my brain (must be the bloody hormones!!!!) and I am enjoying it... even if it nearly killed me to start... you could read my blog called C25k challenge includes joggers that fall down and wet lycra!!

    Feel free to add me as pal if you want...

  • Empress62
    Empress62 Posts: 89 Member
    62 was a great year! I am hoping to be halfway through my journey by my 50th in November.

    Just finished the first two weeks of paying attention and honestly tracking myself switching two a healthier lifestyle. My body responded with amazing results at the drastic changes in diet and exercise, I have a feeling the rest of it will be a long haul though, no more honeymoon weeks of 5.6 lbs lost a week. In fact (I know I shouldn't) I have been weighing myself daily, and the last two days I stuck to plan and gained small amounts of weight.

    This is the point in the past where I get discouraged and give up but not this time! I am determined. Partially due to all the wonderful people on this site. Plus, this time I payed for 30 sessions with a personal trainer so I'm too cheap to give up! Honestly it's the best gift I've ever given myself, having this site, and those times I have to show up at training will take me over the 'bored, tired of it' phase I have always had before when starting then quitting a lifestyle change.

    Here's to the best years of our lives! Cheers!
  • Trishajac
    Trishajac Posts: 482 Member
    62 was a great year! I am hoping to be halfway through my journey by my 50th in November.

    Just finished the first two weeks of paying attention and honestly tracking myself switching two a healthier lifestyle. My body responded with amazing results at the drastic changes in diet and exercise, I have a feeling the rest of it will be a long haul though, no more honeymoon weeks of 5.6 lbs lost a week. In fact (I know I shouldn't) I have been weighing myself daily, and the last two days I stuck to plan and gained small amounts of weight.

    This is the point in the past where I get discouraged and give up but not this time! I am determined. Partially due to all the wonderful people on this site. Plus, this time I payed for 30 sessions with a personal trainer so I'm too cheap to give up! Honestly it's the best gift I've ever given myself, having this site, and those times I have to show up at training will take me over the 'bored, tired of it' phase I have always had before when starting then quitting a lifestyle change.

    Here's to the best years of our lives! Cheers!

    Awesome for you.... Might I suggest that you don't weigh yourself daily.... there can be so much fluctuations in a day. As someone who has been off and on diets and different weight loss programs - a weekly weighin is definitely the best plan. I have a scale in my house now - bought in Jan 2012 - first time I ever owned one... not the greatest idea, I think sometimes - as my weekly weigh in sometimes gets peeked at during the week... but - I do resist the daily... hard on the head for me.

    I hear you about being discouraged in the past... me too! But - in it for the long haul this time.

    Cheers to you too!!
  • Trishajac
    Trishajac Posts: 482 Member
    Morning all,

    1962 was a great year - Let's embrace our milestone!!

    I am reflective today as my 50th birthday is just around the corner (Sunday)...

    2 months of steady logging - and I am down 9 lbs.... part of me wishes it was more (don't we all).... But I am pleased with all of the changes / efforts I've been making!

    Please share your journey.... how long/how much..... Inspire me! Insprire us all! :flowerforyou:

    I'm a little younger than you....turn 50 on 8th June.

    Lost 19lbs since joining MFP in January last year.....am really struggling at the moment & have regained 7 :sad: Wanna be fit at fifty but won't be at this rate......I'm eating like a pig & can't seem to stop.....

    Aww Sue... you will get back on track. If I recall, you are down to smaller numbers now (in weight left you want to loose?) ... and that is always hardest... I have gotten so close - and then up I go... ever so slowly - but up..... I am determined this time to get there...

    Let me know how / if I can help you along the way!

  • Flamenquero
    Flamenquero Posts: 132
    Happy Birthday! (in a few days). 54-yr old here. Life is good!
  • Trishajac
    Trishajac Posts: 482 Member
    Bit older at 57 now but decided I needed to do something about my weight. I used to be skinny as a kid but have not controllled it very well. Lots of excuses, none are really valid. So started in november 2011 and have been very strict with myself and set target of 65lb loss, currently at 70lb off. and settling down to regular eating now. Still losing and hope for about another 7-10 lbs.

    Seems it is all about willpower, sensible diet, some exercise and common sense. I need to watch out for negativity from others who think I have done too much and say I don't look healthy. I am certainly capable of execising more and playing golf more than I used to.

    Good luck with your journey, Only you can dictate where it goes.

    Thanks for sharing Glen! You have done so well.... and just since Nov 2011?? Wow....

    I never noticed the last 10 lbs creep on, you know... currently I'm where I have been for the past 4 years approx... but I am motivated now to after getting the first 9 off ... to get the other 30 off that I need to lose...

    I love to golf too and so it will be good to not carry as much extra weight with my clubs! :happy:
  • Trishajac
    Trishajac Posts: 482 Member
    Happy Birthday! (in a few days). 54-yr old here. Life is good!

    THANKS!! ... and yes LiG! :smile:
  • makakehau
    makakehau Posts: 8 Member
    Hey folks, I am a 1963 edition myself.
    With the help of MFP I've lost 31 pounds so far this year and looking to lose another 21.
    I will turn 49 in June and am already plotting my 50th birthday celebration.
    More than anything I would love, love, love to run the Kona Marathon in Hawaii for the big 5-0.
    Not sure where the money for that dream is going to come from, but if I can lose the weight and get myself
    trained ... I will find a way to finance this adventure.

    I'm on a mission here!!!!
  • Trishajac
    Trishajac Posts: 482 Member
    @ makakehau ..... good for you! 31 lbs - impressive!
  • Trishajac
    Trishajac Posts: 482 Member
    I hit 11 lbs off today! (I measure from my heaviest weight (ever) on 04 Mar 12.... 2 days before the big 5-0!!! Yippee!!
  • Trishajac
    Trishajac Posts: 482 Member
    bump :flowerforyou: