


  • lchovet
    lchovet Posts: 68
    I have Zumba for the Wii but also prefer going to the classes. I can make myself go to class easier than make myself do the game. Which I do like but actully find harder than doing the class. My friend has the new Zumba 2 for the wii and likes it much better than the first though.
  • Becoming_A_Butterfly
    Becoming_A_Butterfly Posts: 2,534 Member
    If you can find the Zumba workout DVDs on eBay for cheaper, then they are worth it. They are a fun workout. I don't like the so-called Zumba Toning, though. If you have any strength or muscle whatsoever, then Zumba Toning is a bit of a joke. Don't expect much from that one!

    I have the older set. I think there's a newer set that I haven't tried. I like how the older set has a 20 minute workout, a 45-minute or so workout, and then a live workout about 55 minutes long. I like being able to choose the length of the workout based on the time I have and how I feel. And no doubt about it, it is a lot of fun!
  • lchovet
    lchovet Posts: 68
    Zumba is the best thing ever. I LOOOOOVE it! Bally's Fitness only offers the class twice a week, so I am looking for other classes. I would love to do zumba 5-6 times a week! I have never done the dvds.

    Zumba.com lists all the classes in your area by distance. Just click on find a class.
  • CindyCountingCalories
    CindyCountingCalories Posts: 321 Member
    Zumba is fun and it works! You should get it :wink:
  • thechubner
    thechubner Posts: 94 Member
    I L-O-V-E love love LOVE zumba. I prefer the classes at the gym to the dvds (but that's mostly because I enjoy the class environment and the energy from everyone as well). The DVDs are quite fun as well. I group of girls and I do zumba DVDs at lunch. If you like to dance / like to move / don't like repetitious exercise zumba is definitely a good option.

    Some of the moves I don't get exactly right because I'm not that coordinated and I'm afflicted with a condition I call "Gringo Hips" - I'm well aware that sometimes I look like a wounded baby buffalo galloping around the dance floor, but I'm having a BLAST while I'm doing it and I burn about 800 calories a class :)
  • thechubner
    thechubner Posts: 94 Member
    and PS - I've lost 110 lbs so far and zumba has been a big part of that success
  • MeliciousGibson
    I am currently a Zumba instructor, and have lost all of my weight through doing Zumba, eating healthier choices, and calorie control. I have been a dancer since I was little, but my first Zumba class I was HORRIBLE! If you do go to a Zumba class, might I suggest committing to at least 2 classes. The first one you will have no idea about the routine, and might just flail around like I did. My second class, though, I knew a bit better what to expect, and decided to become an instructor THAT DAY! I signed up for the instructor course that afternoon, and became an instructor 2 months later.

    I've never done any of the "games" (Wii, etc.) because I don't have a game console, but I've seen how they make them, and they are pretty amazing.

    As for the jumping and injuring yourself - you can go at your own pace. Just do something else instead of jumping. Remember, it's YOUR workout!
  • butterfliespink
    I love Zumba-I have it for the WII. I just recently started so no success stories yet-but I can feel it the next day so I know it's working all my muscles!!
  • zsaoosh
    zsaoosh Posts: 402 Member
    I go to a Zumba class....I love that i can dance, shake it and sweat my butt off :)
  • zassgirl
    zassgirl Posts: 5 Member
    I took a zumba class for a year and a half and loved every single second of it. I stopped because I was training for a military obstacle race and wanted to do the Insanity and Jillian Michaels Body revolution program. But I miss Zumba everyday. Feels more like a night out with the girls dancing rather than a work out!!
  • maeveabyrne
    I'm a Zumba instructor and I LOVE it. It has totally changed my life. I have lost weight and my body has toned up and slimmed down. Plus, it's FUN!!! The hour flies by. I highly reccomend trying a class out! Zumba.com has a list of where you can find a class near you!
  • jacquirich
    jacquirich Posts: 105 Member
    It is good fun, I bought the DVD's and you have the choice of several classes, love the music
  • cis0122
    cis0122 Posts: 2 Member
    I want to start Zumba but every time I start moving and doing even little jumps somehow I end up jamming my ankle, or my knee hurts...it almost feels like I'm too heavy for it.

    Those of you that have done it, were you already somewhat in shape/lighter when you started? Or did you find that your body adjusted? Last thing I want is to go once, blow an ankle and be out of commission 6-8 weeks.

    Start taking the classes. If you feel like you are pushing a body part, take the jump out of the step. The point is to move and the more you move the lighter you'll get. The lighter you get the easier the jumps will be able to do, and before you realize it, you are melting away. It's great! Best of luck to you!
  • caterpillardreams
    caterpillardreams Posts: 476 Member
    I love it. I got it for my birthday, I just cannot afford a gym membership or classes all the time, and my schedule is always different.
    I can see why people say they would get bored. My solution is add other dvd's. Jillian micheals avg $9 at target & walmart. Yes it can get boring at home, but most of the time its boring at home, you have to make it fun. I would love to go to a gym but I cant so I do with what I have. I have lost lots of weight with workout dvd's and running.
    I also like it because at 10:30 pm when kids are asleep and all is quiet I can add a workout in if I need to.
  • cis0122
    cis0122 Posts: 2 Member
    Start taking the classes. If you feel like you are pushing a body part, take the jump out of the step. The point is to move and the more you move the lighter you'll get. The lighter you get the easier the jumps will be able to do, and before you realize it, you are melting away. It's great! Best of luck to you!
  • jetabear10
    jetabear10 Posts: 375 Member
    I love zumba...it isn't my hardest workout all week but it certainly is the most fun and by the end of my hour I am soaked in sweat! (sorry for the visual...lol)
  • shughes1982
    shughes1982 Posts: 8 Member
    Zumba is a great way to shed all those unwanted pounds! I have both the older and newer (exhilerate sets of DVD's)! I love them both! Once you pop the DVD in, you just shake shake shake!!!! It is fun, the music is great, and you will get results!!! If you are looking to finding classes.... Just go to Zumba.com and click Find class and type in your zip code and it will show you all the classes located nearest you! Most of the classes cost around $5 or more (drop in)... Go for IT!!!
  • Kerri_is_so_very
    Kerri_is_so_very Posts: 1,005 Member
    Zumba is great, get Zumba 2 if you are getting it for Wii. A class is much more fun, but Wii or a DVD is a good filler if you can't get to a class.
  • arojas1227
    arojas1227 Posts: 56 Member
    I have the DVD's and the wii games. I honestly have to convince myself it's fun but I love it because it burns calories REALLY fast. Totally worth the money. :)
  • Fe1sty
    Fe1sty Posts: 16
    Wow that's awesome! I'm loving these reviews!