Why do I feel like this isn't happening..?

So far, I have a weight loss total of 12 pounds. I've been really watching calories, rarely going over, and exercising close to daily. Part of me still thinks the scale is wrong, or something. My clothes fit a little better, I can button jackets I used to not be able to, I posted before and after pictures and you can see a little difference. My father in law, who NEVER comments on my size, asked if I was losing weight.

Why do I still feel like it's not happening, and this isn't real!? I will weigh myself in 10 times every Friday morning, making sure the scale isn't wrong. I just want to be PROUD of myself that I'm really doing this, but a part of me isn't letting that happen. Does anyone else feel like this??


  • KrystleKiri
    KrystleKiri Posts: 135
    I hate bumping...

    but I'd really like to know if anyone else feels like this.
  • katekizm
    katekizm Posts: 47 Member
    I avoid the scale and just mostly look at how my clothes fit. The scale pisses me off. I can feel great, feel like I've made incredible progress, and then get on the scale and have it tell me there's no change or that it's MAYBE a # or two. Heck, one day, it told me I'd GAINED SEVEN lbs. In a week!
    I had some choice words for that POC that morning, let me tell you!!

    Instead of standing of the scale, maybe just take a tape measure and measure your upper arm, chest(just under the armpits, not your boobs!), upper thigh, calves, hips and waist.
    Use those measurements as your new way to 'weigh in'.
    Screw the scale!!
  • lauraesummers
    lauraesummers Posts: 3 Member
    I feel the same way you do! I bust my *kitten* working out and use My Fitness Pal every day. I even joined a bootcamp that I'm doing at 5am in the morning 4 days a week. I'm with KateKizm - screw the scale.
  • chanson104
    chanson104 Posts: 859
    I've been very overweight my whole life. Now that I have lost quite a bit of weight I still find myself thinking like the fat person that I use to be. I know what the scales say; I know what size the clothes that I have to buy say; I hear all of the compliments, but I have a hard time seeing it. Sometimes I think that everyone must be in some kind of conspiracy to make me think that I'm no longer obese when I really am. It's hard to let go of a thought process that I've had my whole life.
  • AshRyd
    AshRyd Posts: 126 Member
    i agree I finally got rid of the scalle bought several really pretty ribbons and measure myself with the ribbons! line and date! numbers are a big girls enemy! we want to be a certain clothing size, but that changes by store, we want the scale to say a specific number but that can change daily, we want the 24, 36, 24 body but nobody is really those numbers, numbers are BAD! get a cute ribbon (no numbers) and start marking off your "measurements!"

    you see success pictures of people holding up there old clothes vs the new, or one girl kept one shirt during the entire journey and put is on for pictures each time --- you don't see them proudly holding a tape measure or scale.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    Yes, I get that feeling all the time. I work out, the scale changes, my pants get a little looser, my stamina improves, but because the changes are so gradual I don't notice them in myself.

    In general, we (and especially "we" as in those who are trying to lose weight) are our own worst critics.

    Take a picture in your undies and put it in a drawer. In two months, go back and compare a fresh picture with the one you took today. You'll probably be astonished.
  • KrystleKiri
    KrystleKiri Posts: 135
    I've been very overweight my whole life. Now that I have lost quite a bit of weight I still find myself thinking like the fat person that I use to be. I know what the scales say; I know what size the clothes that I have to buy say; I hear all of the compliments, but I have a hard time seeing it. Sometimes I think that everyone must be in some kind of conspiracy to make me think that I'm no longer obese when I really am. It's hard to let go of a thought process that I've had my whole life.

    Exactly. Like, they're only saying nice things because they know you're trying. I really want to be happy with what I've done. "12 pounds in 22 days is a big deal!" My mom is really proud of me, she tells me all the time. I don't know, I just want to feel the same way.
  • omanitshann
    omanitshann Posts: 179
    Why do you care what the scale says as long as you feel better? You're working out almost daily and trying really hard, isn;t that reason enough to feel proud of yourself?
  • hostile17
    hostile17 Posts: 54 Member
    You getting impatient for a reply after a mere 40 minutes maybe sums up your issue: patience!

    Have patience in the weight loss. It's not overnight. You won't lose weight in 40 minutes... the world will not change in the next hour. Just take time, as you have a long term goal.

    If you feel like your clothes are shrinking and you're getting compliments, that's all that matters. Numbers are exciting, but mean squat. I'm not perfecting at ignoring the numbers - but a compliment is worth much more.
  • BPayton27
    BPayton27 Posts: 626 Member
    Yes. I am right there with you. After almost 70 lbs lost, I still do not feel proud of myself. Being overweight my entire life, I guess I had high expectations for certain weights. I thought I'd look more different. I just use it as motivation to keep going and reach my goal. This is not just a physical process. It is emotional as well. You need to figure out what is making you FEEL this way, and work on that. Easier said than done, I know.
  • pakrat77
    pakrat77 Posts: 6 Member
    There have been days where my close were looser than the last weigh in but the scale says i haven't lost. And remember if you're exercising you are building muscle which weights more than the fat you're losing!
  • Gizziemoto
    Gizziemoto Posts: 430 Member
    The scale is just a number and shoud not dictate your life. You are feeling better, your clothes fit better and people are noticing that your body is changing. Those are all way more than important than the number on the scale. I remember years ago reading a story about Gabby Reese the volleyball player, she was modeling at the time also and was amazed to see that she only weighted 10lbs less than me! I looked horrible and she was modeling! Muscle weights the same as a fat, it is just leaner and you look much better.

    You should invest in the ribbons or a tape measurement. Even though the scale does not move, the body is changing and seeing those numbers get smaller should help you see that you are making changes and wonderful things are happening to your body.

    Keep up the great work and forget about the scale.
  • jennifer52484
    jennifer52484 Posts: 888 Member
    Think positive about it. You've lost 12 lbs.. that is awesome. and clothes are fitting better, that is a sweet non-scale victory. You will get to where you want to be you just have to keep at it and stay positive.
  • jellybeanhed313
    jellybeanhed313 Posts: 344 Member
    I know what you mean. I still see the fat girl in the mirror and I've lost 75 pounds! Everyone thinks I'm crazy when I say that, but its true. You get used to the way you look, especially if you have been big for a long time. Just this past weekend I went to a party and wore a cut short skirt that I would have thought was not ok to wear, but my friend said it looked great. Well, we took a bunch of pictures and when I saw myself in the pictures in that skirt, I was like...OMG I am so small!! That was the first time I have felt that way. Hang in there, you will see it in time. What you are doing IS an accomplishment and you should be proud! :)
  • gpstrucker
    gpstrucker Posts: 930 Member
    You've lost 12 pounds so it is happening. Patience Grasshopper. :)
  • KrystleKiri
    KrystleKiri Posts: 135
    You getting impatient for a reply after a mere 40 minutes maybe sums up your issue: patience!

    Have patience in the weight loss. It's not overnight. You won't lose weight in 40 minutes... the world will not change in the next hour. Just take time, as you have a long term goal.

    If you feel like your clothes are shrinking and you're getting compliments, that's all that matters. Numbers are exciting, but mean squat. I'm not perfecting at ignoring the numbers - but a compliment is worth much more.

    I don't think I was getting impatient... I was bumping the thread so it didn't get lost three pages back.
  • imjessly
    imjessly Posts: 140 Member
    I've been very overweight my whole life. Now that I have lost quite a bit of weight I still find myself thinking like the fat person that I use to be. I know what the scales say; I know what size the clothes that I have to buy say; I hear all of the compliments, but I have a hard time seeing it. Sometimes I think that everyone must be in some kind of conspiracy to make me think that I'm no longer obese when I really am. It's hard to let go of a thought process that I've had my whole life.

    Exactly. Like, they're only saying nice things because they know you're trying. I really want to be happy with what I've done. "12 pounds in 22 days is a big deal!" My mom is really proud of me, she tells me all the time. I don't know, I just want to feel the same way.

    Wow thats a huge amount of weight for such a short period of time, although its normal to lose a lot of water weight etc at the start, so don't be surprised if it slows down from here.
    I have the same feeling, I think in time it will get better. For me though, its more of a patience thing, i still feel a long way from my goal and want to be there already. Other days i'm more content with the progress i've made.

    +1 to the taking a photo of yourself in your underwear, i didn't feel like i had come very far at all and it makes me feel better about it all:

    I'm still flabby and gross, but its a lot more than you think. :)
  • hostile17
    hostile17 Posts: 54 Member
    I don't think I was getting impatient... I was bumping the thread so it didn't get lost three pages back.

    After 40 minutes.

    My point is, taking the rest of my post into account, it's a lifetime change not a marathon that you have to solve in an afternoon.

    I've been there with the impatience... trust me. It's when I get most discouraged.
  • katekizm
    katekizm Posts: 47 Member
    Wow, imjessly, that's a big change!! Just look at the gap between your arm & body now. GREAT JOB!!
    DANCHAN1 Posts: 113 Member
    Most people on this site that have had great success say the same thing over and over again. STICK WITH IT. Do not get discouraged just keep moving forward you will get there. I know it is slow it is for me too but I got nothing but time. If it takes me a year to lose 30 pounds well the year is going to come and go regardless of my weightloss so I may as well just stay on this path.

    We should have this conversation in 5 months. As long as you keep on the right track would love to have you post something 5 months from today. Let's face it the 5 months is coming anyway. 12 pounds is nothing to sneeze at have you seen what 1 pound or 5 pounds of fat look like.....look it up on the internet and you will know just how much progress you have made,
