How to Love Your Body!

Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
I often reblog this on tumblr, and this is really great when your self-esteem needs a boost. <3 Just because you want to lose weight doesn't mean you shouldn't love yourself the way you are, too.

"Guide to loving your body:

1. Get naked and take a good long look at your body. Trace your stretch marks, feel your hip bones poking out, place your hand over your tummy and take a fistful of yourself in. Appreciate your scars and pimples, your uneven,large,or nonexistent breasts. Take pride in your un/shaven, un/cut, fantastically odd private bits. Hold up a mirror to yourself and study your body. Love it.

2. Be Ugly, reclaim words that are used to put you down and shut you up and scream right back at these fascist beauty standard reinforcing scumbags. Give them the finger and tell them to kiss your fat/skinny/somewhere in between a** ‘cause you ain’t got time to waste with their body hating BS. and remember, you don’t owe prettiness to anyone. Validate yourself by accepting yourself.

3. Wear clothes that don’t fit, that are too big or too small and show all your “problem areas” that cosmo insists you hide and walk down the street like the f****** fabulous queen you are. Sashay the hate away.

4. Do what YOU want with YOUR body. Shave or don’t, wear makeup or don’t, whatever choice you make is yours to make, and anyone who shames you for your decision can keep it moving. This also means respecting the choices of others, even if they differ from your own.

5. Surround yourself with loving and supportive people. Rid of the toxic bull**** in your life if possible, and immerse yourself in a community that embraces body positivity and diversity.

I can PM the source on request (it's got a word in it that I think the system would censor).


  • Tree72
    Tree72 Posts: 942 Member
    Thanks so much for sharing this. I truly believe that more people need to take the time to do this. So many of us have spent years hating our bodies.

    One of the hardest parts of my journey to better health has definitely been the mental aspect. Part of that has been learning to love my body. Some days it's harder than others. But I've come a long way in learning to appreciate all the things my body can do. Appearance, and certainly someone else's standards of appearance, is way down on the list of what's important to bring happiness in my life.

    One of the most important points mentioned here is #5. Find people that love you for who you really are. There's really nothing that helps more in getting past a lot of the negativity that's thrown at you by society in general than finding a place where you fit because you are accepted just as you are.