Jillian Michaels?

Hi everyone,

I am having some issues with getting to my goal. I have been training to run a 5K on Thanksgiving. So far I have done it on the treadmill in 36 minutes with a 1% incline. I tried running outside today, but I was only able to run 1.85 miles and walk the rest (including a steep 0.35 mile hill :-\ ).

Anyway, I was thinking of buying the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred. Does it really work? Would it be too much to do that in the morning and then run in the afternoons? Also, how much space do you need? I'm in a college living right now, so space is kinda cramped! Thank you for all your help!



  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Well, one thing is that concrete has no give where a treadmill has a lot of shock absorption for your running ability. If you are anticipating running the 5k, I would suggest you run outside a little more often so that your body can get used to the different terrain.

    As for Jillian Michaels, I just bought her 30-day shred and I am waiting for it to come. I have heard very good things though. :)
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    I like the 30 day shred - you need enough room to be able to do jumping jacks and to do push ups - that's pretty much as wide as you get....it's a great workout especially for the short time.

    Good luck!
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    I started a 30 Day Shred group at the beginning of September. All of us in the group are enjoying it so far. It's pretty challenging, but I don't think it would be too much to do running along with it. I ride my bike along with it. However, I am not a doctor and am not qualified to make that decision for you. :happy: Anyway, it's never too late to join our Shred group and everyone is welcome. :drinker:

    Here's the link...
  • i_am_gunz
    the 30 day shred does work. i have used it and the first few days of doing it will be brutal, but work through it, it is definitely worth it. i still do it now but i just do level 3. if you are just starting, start with level 1, make sure you drink water before you start because once you start you will not stop working out for 30 mins straight. the workout consist of 3 mins strength, 2 mins cardio and 1 min abs and repat the circuit, but it's all different exercises. it is a good investment, i'll be going back to doing it 2 times a day. it works really well with a weight regime or with any of the Biggest Loser DVD's. good luck with it.
  • i_am_gunz
    I've started a JM 30 Day Shred Challenge Topic, i hope to see you all there. good luck
  • gunswife
    Unfortunately I fell off the wagon with the 30 day shred but when I was doing it I saw great results very quickly. I'm 27 yeasrs old and just learned how to do a push up thanks to the video. I'm planning on trying it again. Good luck!