I'm not saying I agree with this but....

Loraah Posts: 111 Member
Today I read that if you are obese, starvation mode isn't an issue because your body burns up the fat first and then only when your body fat percentage gets really low does it start to burn up muscle etc.

My situation is that this week I tried again to quit smoking AGAIN then had a really tough couple of days where I really went over my calorie goal. I need to make up for what I did so today I hit the elliptical trainer burned off a lot of calories and decided not to eat them back. Im 119kg and am eating 1600 calories per day.

Please give me your views on this, I'm really not sure what to think.


  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,519 Member
    I will say that I agree that fatter people can tolerate large deficits without risking muscle loss. I'm not going to get into the "starvation mode" issue.
  • Loraah
    Loraah Posts: 111 Member
    I do not at all intend to starve myself, i'd still be eating 1600 but trying not to eat back all of my exercise calories, easier said then done.

    All i really wondered is, would this be safe. Eating 1600 calories burning 700 calories and not eating them back.

    So confused
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    I agree with UTR, and will add... I'm sure you know that nicotine is an appetite suppressant so you are going to be hungry while you quit smoking... If you're going through a rough time, just do what you need to do. I don't think you're going to deal with starvation mode as long as you're getting in enough calories to survive. Starvation mode is an extreme condition.
  • cyclerjenn
    cyclerjenn Posts: 833 Member
    I go over and under my food goals every day. As long as you have on average a deficit in your calories, but not too large, you will be fine.

    I eat 1800 calories, today I will eat 1800 calories, but I'm burning 2000 just on my commute to work. There is not way I will be eating those back, I will eat those calories tomorrow when I don't have a large workout.
  • RunsForFood
    RunsForFood Posts: 110 Member
    I wouldn't worry about eating back your exercise cals....unless you are just really hungry, then go for a healthy snack.

    Also, awesome job on quitting smoking!
  • zeldalemons
    zeldalemons Posts: 16 Member
    your body doesn't go into starvation mode unless you have a BMI of less than 10.
  • invisibubble
    invisibubble Posts: 662 Member
    I'd eat half of your exercise calories back. You may want to lose weight and make up for bad days and shizz but your body needs fuel no matter your size or goals.
  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    A large daily deficit here and there won't do any harm. It's when you have a consistently low intake every day that it can cause a problem.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    If you went over a few days ago, then it's equally OK to allow yourself to go under today. Your body doesn't follow a 24-hour schedule, and you aren't going to harm yourself in the slightest by going under for a day or two here and there, any more than going over by a day or two here and there.

    I will say, not meaning to cause offense, that the smoking is probably doing as much or more damage to you as the obesity. Unfortunately, nicotine is (as previously mentioned) an appetite suppressant, so part of the withdrawal for that is the desire to eat more. That ain't gonna get any easier or better as you proceed with weight loss.

    You get to call your shots, but might I respectfully suggest switching to weight maintenance for a couple of weeks and focusing on getting the smokes out of your life, if that's a goal? Once you get clean from those, you'll be able to sustain much heavier workouts and the weight loss (once the short-term appetite issues are dealt with) gets a lot easier.
  • Loraah
    Loraah Posts: 111 Member
    You guys are all so fantastically helpful. I was really worried about posting this topic as I know it's been a much talked about subject on here. Thank you all so much for helping me with this one :)
  • joanie152
    joanie152 Posts: 159 Member
    I completely agree with you. I have not been eating my calories back and the weight is coming off. Now that may change as I lose more weight, but right now that is the case.
  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member
    I predict just because op used the term "starvation mode" that this thread will last 12 pages and it will turn into starvation mode battle that will be about if it does or does not exsist. The moral here is to enjoy the first few pages OP then whamooo.. :laugh:
  • Pedrocas
    Pedrocas Posts: 22 Member
    I'd eat half of your exercise calories back. You may want to lose weight and make up for bad days and shizz but your body needs fuel no matter your size or goals.

    Totally agree with you, give it a try eating half of exercise calories =)
    I quieted smoke long time ago, and I can only give you strength to drop it as soon as possible, I really have life quality now!
  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member

    ^^^LOL told ya and here it begins... hahaha
    upnorthtim goes off first and starts swinging words in the way "starvation mode" here comes the battle. Bye bye another possible good thread..
  • grex1949
    grex1949 Posts: 130
    I'd eat half of your exercise calories back. You may want to lose weight and make up for bad days and shizz but your body needs fuel no matter your size or goals.

    I agree wholeheartedly with this approach, for what my opinion is worth. You should eat, but keep a reasonable deficit, even on a weekly basis. You will lose weight and get in shape. Good for you for quitting tobacco! Major win for you.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    You guys are all so fantastically helpful. I was really worried about posting this topic as I know it's been a much talked about subject on here. Thank you all so much for helping me with this one :)

    The only real problem with not eating back your exercise calories is having a LOT of them, and putting yourself in a longer-term cycle where you affect your metabolism negatively or just suffer from "the hungries" for so long that you give up and eat back all your hard-earned gains.

    And, of course, not having taken your time to learn what a healthy maintenance diet looks like, so you revert to old eating habits and therefore revert to the old weight.
  • Great job quitting smoking! Your first step to health. You can do it. I don't eat my excercise calories back unless I am very hungry and water won't fil the void.
  • Loraah
    Loraah Posts: 111 Member
    No offense taken at all. I have realised how bad smoking is and since I've started working out and feeling healthier I feel that I have to quit in order to get back to the level of fitness i was once at.

    Fortunately I'm not a really heavy smoker on average I smoke about 5 cigarettes a day so I'm really gonna try and kick it for good this time and try to keep on track with my diet at the same time although if this doesn't work I'll definately give maintenance a shot.

    Thanks so much for your advice
    If you went over a few days ago, then it's equally OK to allow yourself to go under today. Your body doesn't follow a 24-hour schedule, and you aren't going to harm yourself in the slightest by going under for a day or two here and there, any more than going over by a day or two here and there.

    I will say, not meaning to cause offense, that the smoking is probably doing as much or more damage to you as the obesity. Unfortunately, nicotine is (as previously mentioned) an appetite suppressant, so part of the withdrawal for that is the desire to eat more. That ain't gonna get any easier or better as you proceed with weight loss.

    You get to call your shots, but might I respectfully suggest switching to weight maintenance for a couple of weeks and focusing on getting the smokes out of your life, if that's a goal? Once you get clean from those, you'll be able to sustain much heavier workouts and the weight loss (once the short-term appetite issues are dealt with) gets a lot easier.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    I predict just because op used the term "starvation mode" that this thread will last 12 pages and it will turn into starvation mode battle that will be about if it does or does not exsist. The moral here is to enjoy the first few pages OP then whamooo.. :laugh:

    Wow. The very next post. Well played!