Jillian Michael's 30 day shred



  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    In my opinion, if you want to see results you need to do an hour of cardio a day. I do this video then a 1 hour (5 mile) run. And 3 days a week I do 1.5 hours of weight lifting at the gym in addition to 30 min eliptical and a 5 mile run in the mornng. And I am barely seeing results. Everybody is different though. Maybe I just have a harder time losin weight.
    Another question -- I have about 40 pounds to lose. Quite a bit. Is 'shred' more appropriate for people who don't carry as much extra weight, but just want to shape up? Is it too much to expect to notice a change?
    It just seems like a lot of the people doing this are not that overweight.
    I mean, obviously, I know I'm not going to be 'shredded' in 30 days, but do I burn enough calories with this? I can always tell when my muscles get stronger, but it doesn't show. No one else can tell, because of the fat.
    I know strength training is important, no matter what your weight, but I wonder if I would benefit more from more cardio, at this point. Should I just try and do some extra cardio, or do you think that 'Shred' is enough?

    This is my first time trying this but it seems like it is geared toward people trying to drop the last few pounds and tone up. I have 25lbs to lose still. However I've read strength training and cardio together are important. If nothing else you will get stronger. I would try a combination of cardio and the strength/circuit training and see how it works.

    Maybe you're overtraining. That was my prob a way back and seem to be doing better just relaxing and letting my body mend and heal. You need it, for muscles to grow. I'm still recovering from surgery and FINALLY have my eating in control. THAT"S THE BIG ONE. I can hardly wait to start and get back at it.
  • I find that for me the 30 day shred definitely isn't enough to burn a significant amount of calories, but that's probably because of the video's length. It's far too short to get a decent calorie burn for me (I use a Polar 6). However, it's definitely good to do when you're short on time or when you want to split an hour workout into two half hour ones (the shred being one of those workouts). Don't get me wrong the 30 Day Shred is HARDDD (I'm on level 3 currently using 5 lb weights), but no way should you expect to get anywhere near "shredded" unless you're already got a low percentage of body fat on you and need to lose the last few pounds. The calorie burn just isn't enough (I burn approximately 250 calories with rests between every circuit as I haven't gotten used to level 3 yet). Expect to get stronger and lose weight, but it's not a miracle worker. Your body WILL get use to it. So I definitely wouldn't recommend doing this more than 3 times a week after your body has adjusted to the workout unless you're upping your weights or upping the level once it starts getting easier to handle (able to complete the whole thing without rest).

    I also recommend JM's other longer videos: Banish Fat Boost Metabolism and No More Trouble Zones. :smile:
  • Week 3 begins!
  • pcbta
    pcbta Posts: 227
    guys....you don't need to do extra cardio to lose fat. SHRED is enough, and has been for me in the last few months. you can burn a lot more calories in 20 minutes doing this...don't do hours and hours of pointless cardio...build and tone muscle and give your metabolism a permanent boost!!!

  • christyodom2
    christyodom2 Posts: 22 Member
    I am trying to put this in under my exercise and can't find it. Do you mind telling me how please. I am trying to keep up with everything.
  • i have started shred since yesterday..doing it for first ime...it seems tough and seems like that it will bring results...
    but i need to ask how many days level 1 should be done and then proceed to level 2/...

    i guess every level has 10 days is it so....

    i hop i see change in me.

    good luck to all.
  • pcbta
    pcbta Posts: 227
    Put it in under circuit training...in cardio.

    Do it until you WANT to move on and try the next one!!!! They're all about the same, some things might be a little harder at first.....good luck!

  • cheri03
    cheri03 Posts: 172 Member
    I agree that one 20 min session is not enough exercise. It only burns around 175 calories per session (I have the gowear fit). I lose much better at around 75 min of cardio per day. I think for me, some of the biggest loser tapes are better.
  • pcbta
    pcbta Posts: 227
    Sorry, but I don't agree...my heartrate with the shred goes sky high, and I know through circuit training that I burn around 250-300 cals in that time...it depends on your intensity and how well you perform the exericses

  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi, I am doing level one of the Shred every other day . I don't know how long I'll have to do level 1 before I'll be ready to move on. I burn 250-300 calories doing level one. I walk 3-5 miles a day at a very brisk pace in addition to the Shred. I don't think the Shred would be enough for me to do to lose the weight I want to lose. Go Shredders GO !!!!! Cindy :heart:
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    I'm no expert.

    However, everyone's Heartrate isn't the same. From what I've read the more you weigh the more work your body is doing therefore your heartrate is higher in turn making your calorie burn higher.

    I just ordered the shred because I'm down to my last 10 pounds. I was concentrating more on cardio when I began (35 lbs to lose). 60 minutes eliptical at least 4 times per week. Although I will continue to do my cardio, now I will incorporate the 'Shred' to get the definition I seek.
    Just my .02

    If you guys don't mind I will be joining your group once I get it in the mail. :flowerforyou:
  • So I skipped a week because I was sick with the flu. I have to say that I have still noticed a huge difference in myself though. Today I did a hill run that I haven't done since I started the DVD. I was running so much stronger and faster. I was able to push myself much harder than before. I think this is a great dvd. For those concerned about moving to level 2 or 3 I would suggest watching it and then decide. I thought level 2 would be a lot harder but it wasn't. Good luck. Thanks to all of you sharing this "experience" with me it keeps me motivated.

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  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    So I skipped a week because I was sick with the flu. I have to say that I have still noticed a huge difference in myself though. Today I did a hill run that I haven't done since I started the DVD. I was running so much stronger and faster. I was able to push myself much harder than before. I think this is a great dvd. For those concerned about moving to level 2 or 3 I would suggest watching it and then decide. I thought level 2 would be a lot harder but it wasn't. Good luck. Thanks to all of you sharing this "experience" with me it keeps me motivated.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter

    Glad you are feeling well enough to Get moving again.

    I haven't done the Shred again... I've been at the gym instead. I use a HRM and not seeing over 500 on workout days gets me anxious :laugh: I plan to do it today after my cardio.

    You are doing great if you took a week off and came back at the same level :drinker:
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    I'll be shredding today-level 3! I am short of time for a workout so it's perfect!
  • spicy618- I do the shred in addition to cardio also. I love seeing how many calories I burned on those days. Today once I do the Shred I will be at almost 1000 calories burned!
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    spicy618- I do the shred in addition to cardio also. I love seeing how many calories I burned on those days. Today once I do the Shred I will be at almost 1000 calories burned!

    WoW! That is an Awesome burn. I only get numbers like that when I rollerblade for 90 minutes. :happy: You've earned a great meal... what was it?
  • Olive Garden

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Calorie Counter
  • To those of you interested in doing this a second time check out the group below:

  • overit
    overit Posts: 273
    I am halfway through her 30 day slimdown. Does that count? It includes the metabolism boost and no more trouble zones.
  • theresefulford
    theresefulford Posts: 22 Member
    Okay so I just finished. The sweat is dripping, heart is beating, and I am breathing hard. That was harder than I thought but do-able! About half way in I had to pause the DVD because my calves cramped up! I will definately stick with it. It's a 20 minute work out so I can definately fit it in easily.

    Try walking or getting on a treadmill for 10 minutes or so. It cramped my legs teribly unitl I started warming them up before I started the video
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