Any former Weight Watchers followers?



  • DivaMaria225
    DivaMaria225 Posts: 70 Member
    I did Weight Watchers for 7 months last year and I got SO sick of it, I found it far too restrictive and the more I learned about healthy eating, the more I realised that on Weight Watchers, you can eat any kind of crap as long as you're under points. I quit, I did nothing for a few months, I gained 10lbs because I fell back into bad habits. I absolutely LOVE MyFitnessPal - I've been following it properly now for 3 weeks and I'm down 6lbs already. I had a big loss the first week too, mostly water weight I think, but I love how this encourages healthy eating and exercise and bettering yourself. With Weight Watchers, everything was about that damn scales. I know people who used to starve themselves for two days before their weigh-ins and then hit McDonalds afterwards. How can that be healthy! I'm not entirely knocking it, I did lose 39lbs while on it, but I think it took me a long time to realise that it was ME doing the work, not the class. I used to completely pig out on the weekends using my 'spare' points, and with this, I don't do that because there shouldn't be any spare points. Everyone's entitled to a day off, but I think this is better because it's not actively encouraged every week.

    I still have to train my brain to stop pointing everything, but I'm getting there ;-)

    Plus, MFP is FREE :)

    That is what I did..would eat in moderation, starve 2 days before the weigh in and then pigged out for 3 days after that! Now wheres the education in that!?
  • turcbbop
    turcbbop Posts: 19
    i am sort of doing both still.. just weight watchers was hard to get all the info from each food item all the time.. with this its all about calories!
  • Evkor
    Evkor Posts: 2 Member
    I do love WW but have lost and gained the same 20lbs over the years. With MFP I like to make a village of daily like minded people. So if you like please add me. I am hoping calerie counting might work better for me and to also know carbs and sugar consumed.
  • ktsail
    ktsail Posts: 21 Member
    I just canceled my WW monthly pass today. I did Weight Watchers eleven years ago and had a lot of success. When I decided to lose weight again this time, I tried WW again, and lost and gained the same three pounds over the span of three months. The new Points Plus system did not work for me. So, I am trying this and I hope that I will have more success with this program.
  • mimiislosingit
    mimiislosingit Posts: 39 Member
    I did WW off and on for 19 years. About 10 years ago I lost 70 pounds. Their program worked for me, but the cost kept rising and the system kept changing. Really when you come down to it, watching your calories, getting in activity, drinking your water and having a support system is what it's all about! I don't have to drive anywhere, try to keep up with the changing rules, etc...! And, honestly, the support here is so much better!!
  • MauC25K
    MauC25K Posts: 40 Member
    I tend to switch between MFP and WW ... I think my main issue with WW is I play games with my points and eating just to have a good weigh in. I really would like to even it out more and eat well all through the week not just starve myself for 2 days, have a good WI and then eat for 2 days. It seems counterproductive and I just keep gaining and losing the same 5 pounds over and over again. Mostly though I need a change so i'm back to MFP. Hope this gets off my last 15 pounds or so ... plus this one is FREE.
  • TODJ06
    TODJ06 Posts: 85
    yes i agree! although i prefer MFP over WW.. i am still happy i tried WW.. i did learn a lot of helpful tips!!!

    I prefer MFP over WW too.

    I was on WW for 6 months or so... and I didnt really receive the support I was wanting (online).
    Plus I was also paying for the service and it wasnt giving me the benefit I was wanting.

    So, I quit WW, and ironically the next day a friend of mine sent me a MFP link.... almost a year on, I am still here.
    Not only is it a free service, but it has a greater/wider amount of people who can offer advice, listen to you moan and be friends with.

    MFP works for me and im not going back!

    If anyone would like to add me, feel free too!

    Cheers all.

    p.s.. Im a 32 y/o mother of 4, studying law, and trying to find time to sleep and exercise!!!!!
  • KodiCoop
    KodiCoop Posts: 7
    I switched because I found myself getting really bored with WW. I kept eating the same things day in and day out. I started going to meetings but when I went, I was always the youngest person, which I didn't like. I need people I can relate to and 70 and 80 year olds aren't it.
  • Patsy165
    Patsy165 Posts: 12 Member
    I wish I could have all the money I have given to WW back! I lost about 45 lbs. on the old point system but have been playing around with the same 5 pounds for a year and a half on the new program. I would stick to it faithfully WW, but I had gotten so good at cheating that it really wasn't working for me. I have been doing MFP for a few weeks now and have almost lost those 5 pounds, but think I can keep going this time! I need to be accountable for EVERYTHING that I eat. There is no such thing as "free" calories and I am loving the challenge of this new program. It just makes more sense. The database is so much more complete, and you can do it even without a computer or phone (reading labels and writing it down on a piece of paper!) PLUS it is FREE!!!!
  • wendyrvp
    wendyrvp Posts: 46 Member
    WW simply did not work for me. I think it is a great program for many people but required way to much food for me to lose weight. I stuck to it strictly for 4 months, worked with the leaders to make adjustments, and only lost 2 pounds. I did really like the in person support, but need the weight loss to work.