Hey! I'm Marti

Hey Guys! My husband and I started the Insanity workouts on Sunday and WOW is all that I can say. I'm alittle worried that the nutrition guide is saying that I need about 2700 calories a day. SERIOUSLY?!?! Does that sound like A LOT? I am 5'10 and sw of 244lbs (I'm down to 240.6 as of this morning) and I just do not want to gain weight. Has anyone else had this problem?

Also, I was wondering if anyone would like to be workout buddies? I can use the motivation and would love to motivate someone else!

Marti =)


  • lynnetted43
    lynnetted43 Posts: 252
    hey im lynnette. i will chat with you. you push me and i will push you. im a personal trainer by day so i kinda kwow this stuff.... like the back of my hand. im fairly new to this site. i joined for the motivation of pushing through to another figure competition this coming fall!!
  • martib380
    martib380 Posts: 3
    Hey Lynette! It's nice to meet you :) A figure competition sounds awesome and I'll definitely be rooting for ya!