Injury and losing weight

I am having a hard time. I am recently new to logging in my food and have been doing a good job of it so far. However i cant really work out due to i just had surgery on my ankle about three weeks ago. I have been doing push ups and sit ups and leg raises and just simple stuff. Since i am using a knee scooter to get around and i have a dog when i take him out i get a good little walk work out in with him in the 5-10 minutes we are out at a time so that is good. I guess its just hard because i keep weighing myself hoping to see results every day but i know that is to much to ask for. normally i give up when i dont see results but i am trying to push through that. Just looking for more support. I have a few friends that use this too so that kinda helps but i was just wondering if anyone else has gone through this and has some ideas. I do start physical therapy in another two weeks or so and can go back to driving in two days. any support would be greatly appreciated. thank you


  • MonicaWalls
    MonicaWalls Posts: 35 Member
    I had several brain surgeries last year and I am still dealing with the effects of that. I am able to do water aerobics and I am about to start Tai Cheng. I have learned that nutrition is 70% of the battle so if you are doing well there then the pounds will come off. Try not to weigh yourself to often because it will make you crazy! Measuring inches sometimes is a better indicator than the scale (the scale lies to us! Lol) I have had a lot of success with good nutrition and I am sure you can to. I have become a fitness consultant and I have a health and fitness page on FB if you need more support!
  • Serenstar75
    Serenstar75 Posts: 258 Member
    I'd say definitely push through it. I tore my ACL a couple of years ago and didn't get the needed surgery. I was walking my dogs in a leg brace up to my hip and a cane. It was a rough time and I was at my highest weight when it all started. It's not going to be easy, but half the battle is choosing the right food and just doing what you can.

    I do agree with the idea that the scale LIES
  • M1chelles5
    M1chelles5 Posts: 107

    I'm recovering from a broken leg...almost died from the blood loss and complications so I can most def relate to wanting to be as Healthy as possible as Soon as possible!

    Sadly I gained 20lbs from months of inactivity...however once I started physical therapy, I began very intense strength training...not so much for gaining muscle (it was needed) but to increase my balance, stabilty and endurance. I basically had to re-learn how to walk.
    I would recommend that you ask your therapist for endurance training...its less stressful and you will sweat if you push yourself!
    This will prepare you for the real workouts after you heal :) I wont lie and say its going to be will hurt, you will feel like giving up.

    Over and over I repeated to myself "I refuse to give up on ME...just do one more...then another...just one more."

    Take it one day at a time...take it as a lesson to be patient w/yourself, love yourself a little bit more! Most importantly...I cant stress this enough Maintain a Positive Attitude! You will succeed :)
    Feel free to add me...
  • srhmorgan6
    srhmorgan6 Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you all. This all helps. I am pushing through as hard as i can. My husband took me to lunch today and even though it wasnt all healthy and i really didnt want to log it i did. Today is my day of rest for my work outs but i did get in some good "walking" with my knee scooter when we went food shopping. I got lots of veggies and fruit to help with those times im sitting at home and just want to eat eat eat. We did buy some chips and what not but i am going to monitor myself with those as hard as i can. I will check with my physical therapist in a few weeks and see what he says. my ankle is already feeling better but i dont want to push it just yet! hope its ok that i add you all.