charlie horse

Hello, can someone tell what I'm doing wrong? I get a charlie horse in my stomach when I do crunches.


  • belldandy1
    belldandy1 Posts: 264 Member
    I have never heard of a charlie horse in the abs before, but if it feels the same as the kind you get in your calf, it well may be that you are not getting enough potassium in your diet. Lack of potassium is a rather common cause of muscle cramps. Try eating some bananas, potatoes (sweet or reg.) or cantaloupe. See if that helps.
  • jojogirl
    Try to breathe on exertion (while coming up). It will take some practice, but I'm sure it will help as well as sufficient water.
    Good Luck
  • heathyr
    are you possibly doing crunches to frequently.? your muscles may need time to heal.