NO appetite- Weight Gain!

Hi Everyone,
I am at a loss right now. I was eating 1400 calories a day with okay weight loss. Then, after being informed on variables such as BMR, TDEE, etc, I bumped it up to roughly 1600. I began to gain weight at that point after waiting it out 1+ month. Therefore, I switched to the whole idea of intuitive eating.

That's when I realized that my appetite is literally non-existent. It is weird because I'm rarely every hungry. Therefore, because I don't want to force myself to eat more than I need (or before today, thought I needed) I would average anywhere from 850-1200 calories per day. I know I've always heard that's too little but I don't know what the next step is... I'm gaining weight agian and it's frustrating.

What should I do? BMR and all that didn't work, honoring my hunger didn't either....
Btw I'm 5'9" and weigh 163.5 as of this morning.


  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    Then, after being informed on variables such as BMR, TDEE, etc, I bumped it up to roughly 1600.

    How long did you give it? Also if you're now undereating and 1400 was working, go back to 1400.
  • seekingstrengthX2
    The logical thing to me would be to do what you know works. 1400 was working. Go back to that.
  • Roxey7
    Roxey7 Posts: 10
    definitley go back to your logs where you were losing - and just back track - use what worked before and maybe add a little more exercises in - just brisk walking would do. Never give up...just get back to what your were doing and continue to eat healthy - it will start to balance out patient!
  • HealthyHappyVegan
    Thanks everyone! Sorry I didn't get back to your replies sooner- didn't have computer access for most of the day. I'll have to go back and check what my weight inputs were back while I was doing 1400ish calories but I just hate this weight gain and don't want it to go high up once AGAIN when I try and eat more.

    Isn't there a slight problem though if I have no appetite? Like I've never heard of anyone who has to force themselves to consume 1400 and wants to vomit from it... (not ED related. vomit as in natural body response)
  • Zangpakto
    Zangpakto Posts: 336 Member
    I know what you mean, my body seems to just get sick on its own, really is irritating... can't keep a lot of food down....

    No appetite? Then why eat currently? Or I should say rather, you tried maybe just having meal replacement shakes? They quicker, have all essential nutrients and you will lose weight from them as they not exactly designed for 1 shake = 1 meal so 3 per day kind of thing... I talked to someone and they suggested a minimum of 5/6 a day and they said I would actually still lose from that as it is still inadequate calories... Healthy though due to all nutrients...

    Seriously, maybe your body just needs a rest from eating solids... Have a few shakes for a few days, either your appetite will come back or you still will be keeping up nutrients and keep losing anyway, either way win/win really for you...
  • grex1949
    grex1949 Posts: 130
    When you were eating 1400 cal/day, were you working out? If so, you probably were not eating enough. When you say you have "gained weight" since you increased your calories over the past month, how much weight are we talking about? It's normal to gain a couple of pounds after you increase your calories.
    I'm interested to know what's going on because I'm following a (very nearly) vegan regimin, too.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Thanks everyone! Sorry I didn't get back to your replies sooner- didn't have computer access for most of the day. I'll have to go back and check what my weight inputs were back while I was doing 1400ish calories but I just hate this weight gain and don't want it to go high up once AGAIN when I try and eat more.

    Isn't there a slight problem though if I have no appetite? Like I've never heard of anyone who has to force themselves to consume 1400 and wants to vomit from it... (not ED related. vomit as in natural body response)

    Suppressed appetite is a symptom of metabolic slowdown. How long did you try eating 'more' for?
  • HealthyHappyVegan
    Just about a month and a half. I got some bloodwork done yesterday to check for thyroid problems (just in case that it affecting my appetite as well as some other medical things going on) also.
  • HealthyHappyVegan
    When you were eating 1400 cal/day, were you working out? If so, you probably were not eating enough. When you say you have "gained weight" since you increased your calories over the past month, how much weight are we talking about? It's normal to gain a couple of pounds after you increase your calories.
    I'm interested to know what's going on because I'm following a (very nearly) vegan regimin, too.

    While eating 1400 I was exercise. But I made sure to replenish the burned off calories by eating what I burned and I still lost weight. I increased to 1600 because of information I read on BMR. Initial gain was expected but I didn't like it so I decided to switch to intuitive eating where I'd honor my hunger. Right now I'm averaging around 1000 calories per day because I have no appetite.
  • DeeDoy
    DeeDoy Posts: 45
    I struggle most days to eat my recommended intake of calories and then I'm told to eat more due to exercising when I was struggling before then too.

    Basically I've cut out junk food but I've never been big on large portions of food in the past it seems, just the snacking on all the bad stuff.

    Any top tips for foods etc that can be consumed to get the cal count that I need to be able to have workout energy without filling me up that isn't junk?

    Might help for you too, sounds like we have a similar sitch.
  • lauleipop
    lauleipop Posts: 260 Member
    Suppressed appetite is a symptom of metabolic slowdown. How long did you try eating 'more' for?

    Suppressed appetite is also a symptom of overtraining. How much are you exercising and are you giving yourself rest days?
  • HealthyHappyVegan
    Suppressed appetite is a symptom of metabolic slowdown. How long did you try eating 'more' for?

    Suppressed appetite is also a symptom of overtraining. How much are you exercising and are you giving yourself rest days?

    I actually cut my exercise down recently. I'm doing C25K so I run roughly 3 days per week. I used to go to the gym and do bike, elliptical and running and I'd burned 700-900 calories. It was getting a little too intense so I cut back. My appetite has always been suppressed from exercise but I've not usually experienced it during a normal day without exercise... so it' a little whacky for me.