those who workout at home



  • momto1g1b
    momto1g1b Posts: 118 Member
    My husband and I work out at home with workouts. LOVE them!
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    I workout at home. I do the workouts. My husband found kettlebell and other circuits/reps challenge on youtube. We have a pull up bar, pairs of 5, 10, 15 and 20lbs dumbbells, 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25lbs kettlebells, 8lbs medicine ball and resistant bands that I use for strength training exercises. I am doing stronglift 5x5 lifts with the weights I have, but I probably need heavier weights for some of the lifts.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    I was wondering how many people just workout at home? I do as we can not afford to pay for a gym membership or buy any machines at home. For those that do what types of things have worked for you. I have plenty of cardio workouts dvd and wii but am trying to figure out some strength training stuff to do that produces some results.

    Bodyweight training will give you good strength. I would suggest looking into the bodyweight training group here as there are lots of resources you can use there.
  • smplycomplicated
    smplycomplicated Posts: 484 Member
    Done all of mine from home. I do alot of Jillian Michael's DVD' Wii Just dance 3, and do alot of running. :)
  • medaglia_06
    medaglia_06 Posts: 282 Member
    I have many on Jillian's DVDs (I love to hate her!), I have Just Dance for Wii, I have a weighted hula hoop and I do have an elliptical, treadmill and weight bench at home. We couldn't afford it either so I picked all of them up for less than $100 on Kijiji. They aren't the best quality, but they work just fine.
  • ber3023
    ber3023 Posts: 146 Member
    My strength training, has mainly just been with 30DS. I do some walking when I can get out and 2 weeks ago started the C25K program.
  • sparkie51
    sparkie51 Posts: 98 Member
    I walk about 40 to 60 mins,or I do aerobics on my air stepper and I do some weight training. I change it up so my body is fooled and burns more calories.. As long as I MOVE each day, I am burning calories and losing weight!
  • pixelberry
    pixelberry Posts: 167 Member
    I've been doing the P90 system at home with free weights and a resistance band, also some Wii Fit, and run on an elliptical machine.
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    i do and it works out really well for me. i ended up cancelling my gym membership because it wasn't as useful to me as working out at home.
  • Amber50lbsDown
    Amber50lbsDown Posts: 255 Member
    I do the 30DS, the wii fit plus and skipping. I also use my 2year old as weight. lol
    I lay on my back and lift him in the air as many times as a I can. lol he has fun and I get a good arm workout.
  • cdpm
    cdpm Posts: 297 Member
    I have little room to work out in, but still manage P90x and 30DS. I have a set of dumbells (5lbs) and 3 resistance bands. Nice and compact and really easy to up the resistance with the bands
  • michcruz
    michcruz Posts: 152 Member
    I have a lot of Jillian's DVDs, P90x, Brazil Butt Lift and a Wii. I will be getting 10 minute trainer and turbo fire soon. I need a change of pace and I've also taken up running...well couch to 5k. Hopefully, in 2 months from now, i'll be a 5k runner. :)
  • ANeWcRe8N
    ANeWcRe8N Posts: 1,180 Member
    For strength training I have 30DS ($10), Supreme 90 Day ($20), and plan to get Chalean Extreme some time soon.. I know that one is more pricey so I hope it's worth it :tongue:
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    I get DVDs from the library. They're free and I can usually renew them for a couple of weeks. And I get to switch up often.
    We also just got a wii fit (used). The disk that comes with it is kind of lame (IMO) but at least a decent start. I can't wait to get zumba for it. Oh, and we also have wii sports, that's a decent burn too.

    Maybe invest in a few hand weights and look into strength training using body weight. Yoga is one good way to do that.
  • mum32008
    mum32008 Posts: 37 Member
    I only work out at home, cant afford gym prices plus with being a single mum getting someone to look after my kids while i go is impossible, i used to use the zumba dvd's but now use Jillian Michaels 30ds, going to move on to ripped in 30 after :smile:
  • Donnacoach
    Donnacoach Posts: 540 Member
    I work out at home. I have my own weights and bench and elliptical. Six days a week I use the elliptical for no less then 30 min. Usually about 3 miles. Mon. Wed. Fri. I do some weight lifting and Tues. Thurs. Sun. I do a bunch of Abs and Butt exercises, such as Knee leg lifts, Side leg lifts, Straight Planks, Bridge up and down, Long arm crunches, Bicycles, Exercise ball crunches, and Exercise ball pushups, verticle scissors and some good ole but squeezes. I think I am going to be starting the P90 on my Tues. Thurs. and Sun. next week though. I need to change it up a bit. Good luck.
  • Colbyandsage
    Colbyandsage Posts: 751 Member
    I don't go to the gym. For me, it's more about time than cost because the nearst good gym is 20 mins away.

    I love the Beach Body products and Jillian Michaels/ Bob Harper videos. I also run outside.

    If you have an Ipad, Iphone, or Droid, try searching workouts. There are some cool apps out there :happy:

    Good Luck! Find something that you so you will stick to it.
  • judybegood
    judybegood Posts: 18 Member
    I have zumba , biggest loser, Wii fitness, and just dance on the wii. I have lots of DVD's including belly dancing, bodies in motion with gilad and 30day shred. I also have Tony Littles ab lounge and a stationary bike (both bought cheap a the yard sale). When I get bored with one I change up and do something else. Right now ZUMBA ROCKS. You can also pick up exercise shows on your TV depending on what channels you have.
  • nikkijoshua
    nikkijoshua Posts: 85 Member
    I only workout at home. I have alot of DVDs. My favorites are by Cathe Friedrich. She has cardio, circuit, and weight workouts. Since you're looking for more strength training workouts, I highly recommend Cathe. Her website is Other favorites are Jeanette Jenkins, Michelle Dozois, and Turbofire.
  • t0adstyle
    t0adstyle Posts: 2
    I have a large basement with a bench press, squat rack, power tower, and leg press. I can do more in my basement then my local gym. AND I GOT IT ALL FREE. As far as the best exercise...SQUATS...plain and simple