Any Older Mom's out there with young kids?



  • cclark1203
    cclark1203 Posts: 244 Member
    I am 53 and the mother of a 17 year old. I was in the hospital the morning of my 36th Birthday and she waited 2-1/2 days. I was happy about that since she would have hated to have the same birthday. It's good because now the focus is always on her birthday and not how old I am getting. I went into menopause at 42, stopped having periods but didn't suffer all the side effects. Just less sleep for lots of reasons. I am glad I waited, I don't think I would have been a good mom in my 20's, I was still very immature and scared of life. But now, it's cool, we do a lot together and are very close even though she is a teenager. She will be graduating high school in 2 weeks and will be going to college. Wow, that does make me feel old!!
    Over the course of the last 4 years I have lost 40 pounds but with 60 still to go I can't seem to budge off the 198-203 range. The minute I get below 200 some switch takes place and I eat my way back to over 200. This time I am determined to see it through. I do have a trainer 2x's a week and maybe it's my age, but the day after I am totally wiped out but I love the progress I have made.
  • I am a mom to nine, age range is 6-21. I am only 26, so I don't know how that happened! (I am 47...but in my mind I still feel much younger.)

    I lost about twenty five pounds last year, gained about six back, and now want to lose about twenty more. It isn't as easy as it used to be, that's for sure!

    I am glad it is warmer out, because now I can bike ride again.

    ETA: I welcome people to add me---it would be nice to have the encouragement/ support from any of you!
  • MariaD23
    MariaD23 Posts: 1
    Well I am 44 years old have two sons and a husband, I also work and have all these events that I do I am also perimenopause. I think I know how you feel. I have gained 20 pounds in the last 4 years and I am working hard to lose this weight I am now 137 from 144 lbs its been very hard. It may not seem alot of weight to many but I am 4,11 in height and I have always been under 118. I feel depressed with this weight and I really hate how I look. Stay encourage and don't give up keep exercising and try to eat as healthy as possible. set a reasonable goals that you know you will stick to. I just joined the gym and I am doing a zumba class and a spinning i love it and lift a little weight for about 30-40 minutes. I hope this will help.:smile:
  • MontagneGitane
    MontagneGitane Posts: 127 Member
    ME! I was 35 when my one and only was born -- five years later we're 40 and 5.

    In the mom's group I frequent, I still gasp when I realize that nearly all the other ladies are a solid 10-15 years younger than me! I just can't imagine being 25 with kids! LOL (I know I'm the odd one out, but I was SOOOO not ready for kids in my 20's!)

    This is me too- exactly!! :)
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    I'm 40 turning 41 in Sept. I am mom to 4 children 16,14, 5 and 3. I have 3 daughters and one son he's the second oldest so no we didn't just keep trying for a boy ;)
  • heidi5k
    heidi5k Posts: 181 Member
    It's fun to connect with lots of moms in similar life situations! I remember being shocked when at 37 my obgyn told me she'd have to mark me as a 'geriatric" patient. WHAT?!?!

    I went on to have another little guy at 41. (Honestly, I thought I had gone into early menopause when I didn't get my period. Nope! Not menopause... Pregnant! :) )

    I am 42, and have 13,11,9,6 and 13 months.

    My biggest motivation in losing weight (about 50 lbs) is to not FEEL geriatric when I'm 50 and still chasing my boys around! :) I am excited to be getting healthy and strong, and know I'll only wish I had done it sooner.

    Good luck to everyone! (PS - let's not call ourselves "older" moms, or 'geriatric" moms, for that matter! How about - "Well Equipped Moms". :)
  • lcooke24
    lcooke24 Posts: 115 Member
    Hi there! I am soon to be 46 with a 4, 8 and 12 year old! (I was a late bloomer!!) I love this site and I will send a request!
  • killinme
    killinme Posts: 73 Member
    49 yr old mom with a 12 and a 10 yr old

    Feel free to add me!
  • Amaywil
    Amaywil Posts: 44
    Hi I just turned 30 this past April all tho I am not 40 I have three children 10 , 8 , and 8 month old . Feel free to add me as I am looking for a lot of support .
  • Bagman12002
    Bagman12002 Posts: 216 Member
    bump, going to show to wife.
  • Im 41 with 3 girls 14,12, and 3. Feel free to add me.
  • Pennapenguin
    Pennapenguin Posts: 33 Member
    I am 39 with a soon to be 4yr old and an 8month old. I work full time out of the house and a new hobby of card making. Plus with summer coming up I am an avid gardener. No idea where I am supposed to get all this extra free time. I was 238 when I had my daughter and am down to 200 and can't seem to get it any lower for awhile now.

    I do Zumba 2-3 times a week after work or go to the gym. I have exactly 30 minutes to spend at the gym before I have to go get my girls from daycare.

    Morning workouts are out. I get up at 5am and leave the house at 6am with both girls in tow.

    Being old doesn't suck, but not having the energy I used to does!
  • queezle_sister
    queezle_sister Posts: 33 Member
    53 year old mom with a 13 yr old and a 16 yr old. Its sure hard to lose weight, but I'm hoping this site will help me.

    I find that my iphone app helps me to stay honest. I set a simple early goal - loss of 15 lbs. I've been struggling with that since the birth of my first child.

    Us women are strong - we can do it!
  • kappyblu
    kappyblu Posts: 654 Member
    Well, I will be 40 on Sunday and have 4 great kiddos. 19, 9, 8, and 5. Two oldest are boys, two youngest are girls. :bigsmile:

    I am done having I hope I do get to go through menopause soon. That may sound crazy, but I am so tired of dealing with the monthly visitor that I have no use for anymore! :laugh:

    I work full time and am also single. So, yeah, it's really tough. I'm just trying to make it through my life one day at a time. Feel free to add me if you wish! :flowerforyou:
  • kappyblu
    kappyblu Posts: 654 Member
    Good morning! I'm going to be 44 on Saturday and have an 11 and an 8 year old. I work full time and have lots of other life stuff. Peri symptoms have been kicking in BIG TIME. My encouragement to you is that you CAN! May not be easy, but it WILL be worth it. Best way to start is to get yourself on a "doable" schedule to get to the store to stock the right foods and to try to fit that exercise in a few days a week. I have to get up at 5:30am most days to do that, but I never regret my morning workout. Best of luck to you!!

    Happy Birthday to you fellow Taurus! My birthday is Sunday. :flowerforyou: :bigsmile:
  • _HeyMommy_
    _HeyMommy_ Posts: 323 Member
    6yo and a 4yo. I will be 41 next month. :0)
  • I am 51 with two kids- my youngest 13.

    It is HARD. So much happening has sapped my energy and resolve to move forward some days.

    I know exactly how to lose all of the weight- totally had it all under control until my DH lost his job and it has been downhill ever since. I just need to eat certain foods and with my entire family home they all are making the food I can not eat and I hardly
    ever get to be in the kitchen doing what I need to do.

    Life has been so hard, I really need encouragement too.
  • MotorCityFemmeFatale
    MotorCityFemmeFatale Posts: 222 Member
    I have 5, but 4 are older, one is 2yo. The Mom's to more are cracking me up! :laugh:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    there's also a stay at home (ish) mom thread out there. we are a mix of ages and so are our kids.

    i am 40 1/2 with a 11.5 yr old girl, 8 y.o. girl, and 5.5 y.o. boy.

    this is a great site and good luck!!
  • mmsilvia
    mmsilvia Posts: 459 Member
    You are only as old as you feel...

    I am a 32 yrs old & have a 1yr old son. I am always looking for other mom's to offer support to. Please feel free to friend me :smile: