For those of you that jog on the treadmill



  • carrieliz81
    carrieliz81 Posts: 489 Member
    When I first started trying to run, breathing was my biggest problem. The key to it, for me, was to focus on taking really shallow breaths. I had thought, I need to breathe really deep so I can get lots of oxygen! But that made it really hard. Really shallow, small breaths taken frequently helped me to run better and farther. Typically my pattern is associated with my footfalls, so I breathe in for a two count and breathe out for a one count. in, in, out. in, in, out. And again, shallow breathing is the key for me. If I start getting cramps, one or two really deep breaths in the midst of the regular pattern can help me to alleviate it somewhat.

    I hope what works for me may work for you!
  • Rachael235
    Rachael235 Posts: 35 Member
    I used to be able to jog 20 minutes solid at 4.5 before I had kids but having just started up again Im taking it slowly.
    I start on 2 for 2 mins then 3 for 3 mins then 3.5 for 4 minutes then 4 for 1min then back down to 3.5 for 2 then back upto 4 for 2 then down to 3.5 for 2 then 3 for 3 mins and then down to 2 til I feel my heart and breathing has returned to normal.
    Distance wise Its not very far but I aim to slowly increase my minutes on the 4 speed and will slowly get faster (I think!! Hopefully!!)
  • Rachael235
    Rachael235 Posts: 35 Member
    Also what carrieliz81 said about breathing is exactly how I do it too!
  • try the c25k program - its fantastic! i used to not be able to run for more than like 30 seconds, but im on week 4 and im up to running for 5 minutes straight now :) good luck!
  • NNAhuja
    NNAhuja Posts: 669 Member
    Tell me how to be able to breath better! After I jog for a minute or a minute and half on 4.5 I need to walk because I feel like I am out of breath. What is the secret to having more lung power for jogging?
    For me it was about havign great music to jog to. I would want to give up after a min and a half with no music but let me have great music and I'm good for 8 minutes.
    I also had to stop smoking. I don't smoke cigs but I'm have a hookah every now and again but I realized that once I stopped that, I was good for running.
    Breathing through your nose, helps too.
    Intervals! When I first started, I'd walk for 5 minutes 3-3.5, then jog at 4.0 for another 5 minutes. I'd do two sets of that. Little by little I'd take a min of the walking and add it onto the jogging.
    Having water nearby doesn't hurt either. Just take small sips.
    Good luck with building up your endurance! It will all be worth it.
  • carrieliz81
    carrieliz81 Posts: 489 Member
    1) Slow down. You can worry about increasing your speed later.

    2) Breathe using your diaphragm. Basically, make sure it's your stomach, NOT YOUR CHEST, that's moving in and out. This is the best way to breath while running.

    When someone shared tip #2 with me, it improved my breathing A LOT! Plus, it helps eliminate/reduce side cramps while running.

    Good luck & good job!!! :smile:

    I am the opposite of #2. If I breathe with my diaphragm instead of my chest, I get too much air and it makes running awful for me. As a singer, I had to learn that the deep diaphragm breathing worked for singing, but I had to alter my pattern to be more shallow and light for running. It is interesting that different patterns work for different people. You should experiment to see what will be best for you! And again, timing it with my steps really helped me control it too, as several others have said.
  • mhankosk
    mhankosk Posts: 532 Member
    Couch to 5K! It is a great program. I did it a couple months ago. I had a really hard time just getting through the first week and I thought I would never progress. But you do and you feel awesome! :) Good luck!
  • Jen16226
    Jen16226 Posts: 20 Member
    I agree 1000% with C25K.
    Believe me when I tell you that the first week I could barely run the 30 seconds.......week 5 day 3 I had to run for 20 minutes straight and was so flipping proud of myself for it I literally cried when my one friend walked into the gym. She is my inspiration that I can do this as she lost 100 pounds doing C25K in addition to healthy eating habits.

    Find some good music with a great beat.
    Do not look at the distance you are attention to just being able to run. The distance WILL come later.

    Tomorrow is week 6 day 3 for me.

    If I can go from barely being able to run 30 seconds to being able to run for 20 minutes at a time.....being literally just under 200 pounds PLUS only 3 months out from quitting smoking, anyone can!