Tire exercises

I want to make a workout circuit with 4 spare tires I have, what exercises can I do? they are only small tires for 15/16 inch wheels, any tips or links to workout vids are appreciated :)


  • lisao62
    lisao62 Posts: 80 Member
    I have been sprinting, dragging a tire behind me. I wear a belt that attaches to a chain that is secured around the tire. It is very difficult but has done amazing things for my endurance with running/ sprinting
  • ImNotThatBob
    ImNotThatBob Posts: 371 Member
    I laughed because I have been dragging this spare tire around my middle for far too long. You are welcome to it!
  • kailaburch89
    kailaburch89 Posts: 69 Member
    Lol thanks :) will have to buy a belt for that, currently dont own one that fits :(
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    I have been sprinting, dragging a tire behind me. I wear a belt that attaches to a chain that is secured around the tire. It is very difficult but has done amazing things for my endurance with running/ sprinting


    I don't know that you can really do any good flipping with such small tires.

    I got one, spent about 15 dollars on parts, and made a tire sled to drag and it has helped my hips, hamstrings and posterior chain tremendously. All you need is an eye bolt, a couple of washers, and about 10 feet of chain or rope. I'll walk forwards and backwards with it strapped to my weightlifting belt, or actually drag it by holding onto rope with my hands. It's the cheapest and most effective equipment I have in my gym.

    They're great for increasing your general work capacity, and it's an amazing recovery tool. The day after heavy leg days, I'll drag the sled for 5-10 minutes for bloodflow and it knocks out soreness. There is no eccentric movement in sled dragging so you don't get sore from it the way you would with most excercises.

    Good luck.
  • j77r68
    j77r68 Posts: 271 Member
    a few that we do in my bootcamp classes for that size tire are:

    1) stand legs shoulder width apart, knees slightly bent hold the tire out like you are holding a steering wheel and twist the tire like you would turn the steering wheel, than you could do core twists in the same position. hold it out at arms length for more resistance or closer to your body if it's too much.

    2) burpees ( you can look on youtube- explained much better)

    3) toe taps- stand in front of it and just tap the top of the tire with your feet or for more work hop and tap. you can also hold your arms straight like you are going to fly either with weight or body resistance to get some work on your arms at the same time. (believe me you will feel it)

    4) you can do planks or pushups off of them

    5) spidermans or mountain climbers ( youtube) i like the spidermans a lot

    those are just a few off the top of my head but i'm sure if you googled it or typed it into youtube you will get alot more

    have fun