Any Older Mom's out there with young kids?



  • cheryl5115
    cheryl5115 Posts: 154 Member
    I am 48, will be 49 in July. I have 3 kids, and 1 granddaughter, age wise we are close. But I understand the life getting away from you. Mine did too. I am trying to get this done before I hit 50 also. My goal is to be in better health at 50 than I was at 40 or 30 for that matter. i want to be a good example for my kids & granddaughter. We can do it together with MFP and all the support we get on here. Good luck, Oh forget luck, you can do it without it. :wink:
  • 5schneids
    5schneids Posts: 4
    I am new to this site, I am 38 with a 17 year old daughter, 9 year old daughter and 7 year old son.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    Hi, I'm 44 with 4 kids, ages 14 - 4. Feel free to add me. You can do it!
  • janeite1990
    janeite1990 Posts: 694 Member
    OP, I must be your motherhood twin. I'm 44 with a kindergartner and 3 year old twins. It's hard to fit in exercise time with career and all those little ones, but I'm glad to be setting a good example for them.
  • DMH1963
    DMH1963 Posts: 17 Member
    On my 49th birthday one of my twins announced to his kindergarten class that it was his mom's birthday and she was the oldest mom in the whole school! I think he may have been right as most of the moms are 10 to 15 years younger than me! Don't mind being the oldest mom but don't want to be the fattest and least fit. How do I add people.
  • mamamudbug
    mamamudbug Posts: 572 Member
    Turning 48 next month-- mother of 9-- yes, all one marriage-- nope, no twins-- we do have a TV, and we know what causes it. :wink:

    Ages 4-21

    Hahaaaaa... I get those questions too. I have 5 children, 18,16,15, 12, and 2. With the last baby, I had enough of the "don't you know what causes that" question and started telling people yep, apparently I'm good at it :wink:

    Eta: I'm 38 :happy:
  • jhanooman
    jhanooman Posts: 2 Member
    Just turned 46! :( with 4 kids, oldest heading to college soon. It's been a rough road trying to lose weight. Bolted up to almost 170 and at 5 ft 5 inches...that's way too much...I recall the days wearing a size 1. I know there's no way I will, can or want to go back to a size 1 but MFP has helped me. I try to log what I eat most of the time and have been walking almost every day. I like the mobile app where I can scan store bought products and add it right in. For instance, if I'm making a sandwich: I scan the bar codes on the bread, the mayo, mustard, meat, etc. and enter the portion and then enter into my log!!! Perfecto!! But I would love to get some inspiration on how to lose the last 10 pounds..down to 151 and stuck there!!!!
  • DMH1963
    DMH1963 Posts: 17 Member
    I am a Taurus also. Happy Birthday.
  • redcut
    redcut Posts: 176
    I am 40 and have a 9 year old I also have 5 stepchildren from a previous relationship I call them mine so my kids range from 9-23 i also have 3 grand daughters one is 7 the other is1 so yea I guess I am an older mom and a young grandma. feel free to add me. Hope you have a wonderful journey
  • DMH1963
    DMH1963 Posts: 17 Member
    Wow, you are in the throws of twin madness. Good luck to you.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    It's fun to connect with lots of moms in similar life situations! I remember being shocked when at 37 my obgyn told me she'd have to mark me as a 'geriatric" patient. WHAT?!?!

    Hahaha, oh I remember going to the "Elderly Maternal-Fetal" Specialist at Mayo Clinic while pregnant with my 3rd at 35.
  • va_va_voom
    va_va_voom Posts: 467 Member
    Turning 48 next month-- mother of 9-- yes, all one marriage-- nope, no twins-- we do have a TV, and we know what causes it. :wink:

    Ages 4-21

    Best post ever! :D
  • va_va_voom
    va_va_voom Posts: 467 Member
    38 y/o momma of 4 beautiful kids, ages 10 down to 3 months. 10, 7, almost 2, 3 months - to be exact.
  • DMH1963
    DMH1963 Posts: 17 Member
    OP, I must be your motherhood twin. I'm 44 with a kindergartner and 3 year old twins. It's hard to fit in exercise time with career and all those little ones, but I'm glad to be setting a good example for them.

    Yes, you are in the throws of twin madness. My boys will be 6 this year and are pretty self sufficient so that helps a ton. Big sis is 9 and is a great helper. Working, taking care of the home and shuttling kids to all their activities makes my head spin.
  • lokun1
    lokun1 Posts: 5
    I'm 43 & have 25, 22, & 6 year old. Also raising the 4 yr old grand.

    Getting preggers again at 36 was NOT part of the plan, but she is the absoute BEST thing I could have asked for. Like others I remember being a "geriatric" patient ~ lolz.

    I've found that what I lack in energy I've made up for with patience. Zumba ~ <3 it! So much more fun than the boring machines & lifting weights. Classes are better than using the Wii or Xbox ~ the energy from the class keeps me going when I feel like I'm going to drop.

    Good luck on your journey!
  • DMH1963
    DMH1963 Posts: 17 Member
    Wow, all your posts have really made me feel like I am not the only one who needs to take better care of themselves while caring for our families. Ready to go have a healthy lunch and do my 8th week of Couch to 10K training when I get home from work. At least school is winding down so no more tedious homework before dinner time. Good luck all. Still don't know how to "add" people.
  • RunawayDaisy
    Im 37, and a mother of 3. 17,6 and 4. I just recently joined this site hoping to find encouragement and motivation. I suffer from a diesease that has caused alot of inactivity and weight gain over the past few years. Im trying to take my life back, so I can be with my children a very long time. They are my reason for living! I work part time for a bank, which equates to a lot of sitting all day- so Im trying to add some activity to my days. Today is the first day I feel like giving up. Im just tired and very sore all over. I thought after 2 weeks I might have some renewed energy. I also feel very alone on this journey, guess Im just havng an off day. No matter how I feel at 5 I know I will be driving to the gym.
  • jenna0215
    jenna0215 Posts: 62
    It's comforting to see how many other people are in the same situation. I am 45 and the mother of 5. I have identical twin girls that are about to turn 23, a son 18, a daughter 7 and a daughter 5. In January I had a complete hysterectomy and was instantly thrown into menopause...which was not at all fun and quite traumatic. I have since begun Hormone Replacement Therapy Pellet Implants. HRT implants was probably the best decision I ever made.
    Everyone feel free to add me. I am on daily and love to offer support. I am currently doing low carb to see if that will help as my body was stuck at a plateau for so long.
    Looking forward to making new friends!
  • jjelizalde
    jjelizalde Posts: 377 Member
    I'm 56 and my four kids are 31, 29, 27 and ....... 14. So, yeah, same boat here.
  • jessper1572
    jessper1572 Posts: 16
    I am a 40 year old with 2 kids one is 15 and the other is 4 feel free to add me!!