Scale Hasn't Moved In 3 Weeks.... Opinions Please



  • Mell00546
    Mell00546 Posts: 158 Member
    All the nutritional advice people are giving you seems spot on as far as water sodium fats and the Mc muffins etc.
    The advice I would like to share is BE Patient this is a life style change you will have good times and bad and you will stall and plunge and I think you will find it is at the most illogical times. I have been doing this for 4 years this month and have had times I could go a month or more with out weight Loss but my BF and skelatal muscle %s were changing my clothes were fitting better so my body responded even if the scale didnt or how about you really had a week or more vacations dinner out no real idea of a calorie limit and you lose 5 pounds that week not ever sure why also especially when I started my water weight could flucuate by as much as 5 or 6 pounds.
    I was just in the hospital for a kidney stone and in 3 days of IVs and drips my weight increased 12 pounds all water so dont despair just keep improving what you can and the changes will take place

    Lol Im not eating McMuffins. Im gluten intolerant. I make home made egg muffins (could come across as McMuffins) All they are is a piece of lunch meet (this week ham), eggs, egg whites, salsa, and onions. Bake for 15 minutes on 400 degrees.
  • satxdc99
    satxdc99 Posts: 74 Member
    I agree with the comments to limit your processed foods and salt intake. Also, you will hit a plateau from time to time. That is normal. The best thing to do when you hit a plateau is to change your exercise. If you usually swim, go for a bike ride or run. Also, incorporate some weight training. I hope this helps. :-)
  • Mell00546
    Mell00546 Posts: 158 Member
    I agree with the comments to limit your processed foods and salt intake. Also, you will hit a plateau from time to time. That is normal. The best thing to do when you hit a plateau is to change your exercise. If you usually swim, go for a bike ride or run. Also, incorporate some weight training. I hope this helps. :-)

    I am going tonight after work to go look at Gold Gym (near my house). But I really dont want to join till I lose another 10lbs.
  • cmccorma
    cmccorma Posts: 203 Member
    I have my Macros set to 40% Carbs, 30% Protein, and 30% fat. I had it said to 30/40/30 but alwyas went over my carbs (although I hardly eat bread or pasta). I am happy with my Macros (except for my sodium that I always seem to go over).

    I hope Im gaining muscle because this plateau is starting to get very discouraging.

    if you're only doing the shred I doubt you are gaining muscle. It takes a calorie surplus or maintence to put on muscle mass--->and that is when lifting HEAVY weights. girls simply just don't put on muscle mass that easily.

    I'm willing to say that it is water weight and the fact that you may be eating too much. I think you should eat back exercise calories, but not ALL of them.

    This ^^^ 1,700-1,900 seems to be a lot and I firmly believe MFP overestimates exercise calories burnt. Also, there were two week periods when I only lost .6 or so, then a big drop of a few pounds. But during those weeks I still went down the tiniest bit. Sometimes I think our bodies need to catch up to what we are doing :)

    Edit to add my maintenance is around 1,900 or so, but I am also very short. So I was just sharing that for me, 1,700-1,900 would be a lot. I did not mean necessarily for you. We are all different!
  • Mell00546
    Mell00546 Posts: 158 Member
    I believe that MFP does overestimate calories burned as well. Thats one reason I want to invest in a waterproof HRM. I have looked an several websites and it given me the same number of calories burned for the intensity, height, weight, duration of exercise.
  • BaconMD
    BaconMD Posts: 1,165 Member
    1) Weigh your food. Measuring cups are OK, but they're still a lot like guessing compared to weighing.

    2) Get a good HRM (Polar FT4 for about $60 or FT7 for about $100 would be my advice). MFP's exercise estimates are typically way off, sometimes higher and sometimes lower.

    3) Calculate your BMR and your TDEE and eat between the two.

    Sodium is a battle that is practically unwinnable until you start cooking the vast majority of your food from scratch. At least that's been my experience/struggle.

    Good luck! :)
  • Mell00546
    Mell00546 Posts: 158 Member
    1) Weigh your food. Measuring cups are OK, but they're still a lot like guessing compared to weighing.

    2) Get a good HRM (Polar FT4 for about $60 or FT7 for about $100 would be my advice). MFP's exercise estimates are typically way off, sometimes higher and sometimes lower.

    3) Calculate your BMR and your TDEE and eat between the two.

    Sodium is a battle that is practically unwinnable until you start cooking the vast majority of your food from scratch. At least that's been my experience/struggle.

    Good luck! :)

    My BMR is 1552 and my TDEE is 2405.
    This whole concept is confusing as well. So I should eat between 1552 and 2405 and not eat back exercise calories? Or eat 1300-1500 calories a day and not eat back exercise calories?
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    I have been told to start lifting now but I still feel very insecure about going to a gym right now. I have been heavier than my current weight and I have been lighter than my current weight. And if I lose 10 more pounds I will be the weight I was when my boyfriend and I first started dating and the last time I was actively going to the gym.

    What only thin people are allowed at gyms now? I'm a lot bigger than you and have been going since I started (at 300lbs) Ive been doing NROLFW since I was 238lb (am now 227lb) You are a lot smaller than I am and you will get amazing benefits from going to the gym now. My weight loss has slowed down but my body has changed shape in astonishing ways. Health is not a number. Health is how you feel.
  • Mell00546
    Mell00546 Posts: 158 Member
    I have been told to start lifting now but I still feel very insecure about going to a gym right now. I have been heavier than my current weight and I have been lighter than my current weight. And if I lose 10 more pounds I will be the weight I was when my boyfriend and I first started dating and the last time I was actively going to the gym.

    What only thin people are allowed at gyms now? I'm a lot bigger than you and have been going since I started (at 300lbs) Ive been doing NROLFW since I was 238lb (am now 227lb) You are a lot smaller than I am and you will get amazing benefits from going to the gym now. My weight loss has slowed down but my body has changed shape in astonishing ways. Health is not a number. Health is how you feel.

    It is amazing what weight training can do. I have just started reading NROLFW but have to divide my time between school and work so Im not as far into my reading as I would like. I would like to read the book before starting to lift. And I would feel more comfertable if I could lose another 10lbs before joining a gym. Im not saying that you have to be thin to go to the gym. I would just like to feel comfertable before going in and lifting weights like the clueless female that I am... lol
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    So what happens if you're not comfortable in 10lbs? Do you put it off again? Or it takes six months to lose that 10lb?

    I get the fear of the unknown. I do. I did my first three workouts of NFOLFW with my eyes closed I was so scared. But I did it. You can. (and it doesn't have to be new rules I'm just using it because you have it)

    Why put something off of you can do it today? It wont hinder your weight loss. You're not going to be magically more comfy once that 10lb is gone.
  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    Another thing. I know A LOT of people think swimming is a great workout. I swam in college and I was FATTER than I am now that I don't swim. Not saying you should stop all together. Maybe just don't make it your primary source of exercise?

    I don't know what it is but I think swimming causes you to gain weight or maybe you think you're burning more than you are. Competitive swimming is all about learning how to swim in a way that uses the least amount of energy. The better you are at this, the least amount of calories you are going to burn doing it. Swimming makes me ravenous as well. Just my 2 cents tho so it may mean nothing hahaha
  • ashleyacee
    ashleyacee Posts: 118
    If you haven't already try to switch up your excersize routine, your body gets use to the same routine after a while and needs to be challenged. Skip the coffee creamers is all I can say because thats all I can see of your diary. Hope that helps
  • Mell00546
    Mell00546 Posts: 158 Member
    So what happens if you're not comfortable in 10lbs? Do you put it off again? Or it takes six months to lose that 10lb?

    I get the fear of the unknown. I do. I did my first three workouts of NFOLFW with my eyes closed I was so scared. But I did it. You can. (and it doesn't have to be new rules I'm just using it because you have it)

    Why put something off of you can do it today? It wont hinder your weight loss. You're not going to be magically more comfy once that 10lb is gone.

    I would agree with you but I was (as I said) 10lbs lighter when I was working out in the gym 5-6 days a week. I wish I would have knows about NROLFW back then. But that aside. I was comertable and confident when I was 10lbs lighter. Im not saying that Im not going to join the gym when I go and look at it today after work. But for me... I want to lose another 10lbs before commiting to heavy lifting.
  • Mell00546
    Mell00546 Posts: 158 Member
    Another thing. I know A LOT of people think swimming is a great workout. I swam in college and I was FATTER than I am now that I don't swim. Not saying you should stop all together. Maybe just don't make it your primary source of exercise?

    I don't know what it is but I think swimming causes you to gain weight or maybe you think you're burning more than you are. Competitive swimming is all about learning how to swim in a way that uses the least amount of energy. The better you are at this, the least amount of calories you are going to burn doing it. Swimming makes me ravenous as well. Just my 2 cents tho so it may mean nothing hahaha

    I swam competitively for 14 years and stopped in college. I was in ok shape when I was swimming competitively (didnt watch what I ate) but the reason I started swimming again was 1) yes it is a good workout 2) It was an exercise I actually enjoyed. I had a gym membership that I never used because I was not motivated to be there. I canceled my membership and started swimming again with my local masters program (structured/timed practices) and I love it. I feel like I am me in the pool. I mix up swimming, running, and 30DS for now.

    I know I need to get into a gym (weight room) but I dont want to give up swimming. Maybe 3 days lifting and 3 days swimming?
  • BaconMD
    BaconMD Posts: 1,165 Member
    1) Weigh your food. Measuring cups are OK, but they're still a lot like guessing compared to weighing.

    2) Get a good HRM (Polar FT4 for about $60 or FT7 for about $100 would be my advice). MFP's exercise estimates are typically way off, sometimes higher and sometimes lower.

    3) Calculate your BMR and your TDEE and eat between the two.

    Sodium is a battle that is practically unwinnable until you start cooking the vast majority of your food from scratch. At least that's been my experience/struggle.

    Good luck! :)

    My BMR is 1552 and my TDEE is 2405.
    This whole concept is confusing as well. So I should eat between 1552 and 2405 and not eat back exercise calories? Or eat 1300-1500 calories a day and not eat back exercise calories?

    There are many ways you can do this, it's up to you, but I do a kinda mix. For instance, my BMR is somewhere from 2100 to 2300, depending on the formula used, and my TDEE is around 2800-3150 for lightly active. I exercise about every-other-day, so what I do is I aim for 2500, and eat back most or all of my exercise calories which I track with my Polar FT7 HRM. It's working well for me, and my sedentary maintenance for my goal weight is 2450 according to Fat2Fit Radio's calculator, so I believe I'm on the right track. I eat back my burn rather than a set amount because my activity level is all over the place from day to day, week to week, season to season.
  • Mell00546
    Mell00546 Posts: 158 Member
    If you haven't already try to switch up your excersize routine, your body gets use to the same routine after a while and needs to be challenged. Skip the coffee creamers is all I can say because thats all I can see of your diary. Hope that helps

    Is that all you can see or the only problem you see?
  • tejaae
    tejaae Posts: 12 Member
    I recently just started back with the Master's Swim program again as well. I love it too! But I also do other exercise as well. Have you tried group classes? Those seem to work very well for me to want to go.
    And I think swimming is a great workout personally.
  • ahsongbird
    ahsongbird Posts: 712 Member
    30 DS is definitely not know for making the scale move, but it DOES change your body significantly! Consider taking your measurements instead of relying on the scale :)
  • Mell00546
    Mell00546 Posts: 158 Member
    Im going to take measurements tonight (Day 10 of 30DS). Hope to see some movement there.