Gluten free?

I have just learned that I have an allergy to Gluten :( So I am trying to cut out as much gluten as possible. Any tips?


  • Jennrubi78
    Jennrubi78 Posts: 1
    Lots of blogs! Lots of Websites! And Pinterest has tons of recipes. Cutting out wheat/gluten isn't the end.... lots of healthy options out there!
  • jerijett
    jerijett Posts: 14 Member
    Gluten free is everywhere now. I like trader joe's multigrain gluten free rice bread. And Quinoa or Buckwheat anything. Even regular old cereal, like Life, is gluten free. It will be very easy and your stomach will feel much better. Good Luck.
  • agbaeb
    agbaeb Posts: 179 Member
    Hey! Check out my blog:

    I review gluten-free products, do a buttload of homemade cooking, and wouldn't mind any questions you might have. :)

    Fire away! :) (and feel free to add me! :) )
  • dsrszs
    dsrszs Posts: 14
    I have been gluten-free for over 5 years now. I feel so much better, I do not have any desire to eat the foods that once made me sick.
    I have a simple rule: If it comes off a farm, I will probably eat it. The exception being wheat, barley, rye, malt....

    If it comes out of a food processing plant and has ingredients with chemical type names, I pass.

    Going gluten-free is the best thing that ever happened to me. I did not like the vast amount of starch added to so many of the processed gluten-free products. It forced me to take a good look at everything I had been eating.


    It will help you get started.

    Stick with it. It takes some adjustment, but it is so worth it.
  • peace_pigeon
    peace_pigeon Posts: 120 Member
    A lot of gluten free products are pretty processed and junky. Read labels! I do Love Aleia's coconut macoroons though, lol. Simple ingredients and only 30 calories for 2 cookies! So good! If you are looking for a good GF protein bar, check out Quest bars as well- 20 grams of protein with no added sugar, sugar alcohols (in their regular line) artificial sweetners, soy or *weird* ingredients. Good luck- getting off of gluten when you have an allergy will make you feel SO much better :-D
  • FabCheeky
    FabCheeky Posts: 311
    My favorite sites:

    My favorite products:
    raw coconut aminos (tastes like soy sauce...less salty)
    Bubbie's pickles (naturally fermented...full of probiotics)
    Nutiva extra virgin coconut oil
    Tree of Life stone ground mustard and yellow mustard
    Wild Planet wild, sustainably caught sardines (not super fishy like most sardines)

    Gluten can be in a lot of things that you don't expect. Also cross-reactivity is an issue for many people with Celiac's (which is why I advocate a diet of whole foods). More info here:
  • Awesome, thanks everyone!