Not understanding BMR

Alot of people have been telling me (since my weight loss is stalled) that I should eat at my BMR to lose weight. I've researched and asked around but I'm still a bit confused by it.

This site says that my BMR is 3141 (moderately active 3-5 days a week exercise). So If I want to lose 2 lbs a week do I eat 2141 for the 1000 cal a day deficit or am I looking at this completely wrong?


  • sid719e
    sid719e Posts: 47
    I couldn't get the one that you used to work. Try this one:

    3141 sounds WAY too high for BMR.
  • lyricalLies13
    lyricalLies13 Posts: 151
    ok that one gave me 2022. so do i eat that many calories? where does the deficit come in for weight loss?
  • sid719e
    sid719e Posts: 47
    From what I understand, the deficit comes into play with your TDEE vs your BMR. Your BMR is your calories burned just for normal bodily function. Your TDEE is the total amount of calories burned for your activity level. So, the deficit would need to come from your TDEE, but try to stay above your BMR. You will also hear people say that they eat below their BMR and lose weight, and then some will say that you won't lose weight if you eat below your BMR because your body will hold onto everything. So, depending on who you talk to, you'll get varying answers. Try eating at your BMR (2022) for a week or two and see what happens. Apparently you need to change things up since you've stalled, so it couldn't hurt. What is it that they say about doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results?
  • carwen62
    carwen62 Posts: 7
    Insanity - Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
  • sid719e
    sid719e Posts: 47
  • chrisb75
    chrisb75 Posts: 395 Member
    What is your activity level? If you pm me i can help. Writing this out on a tablet isnt going to work! :-)
  • _Schatzi_
    _Schatzi_ Posts: 112 Member
    That sounds like a really high BMR! Your BMR doesn't have anything to do with your daily activity level. This number is how many calories your body needs for your organs to function properly. For example, if you were in coma, the doctor would give you your BMR.

    Try this calculator instead. Go here and determine your body fat %.

    Then go here and select "Basic Metabolic Rate" from the 'exercise level drop down box. Under Advanced options choose the Catch- McArdle formula and enter your body fat %. This should give you a solid number to use for your BMR.

    Your TDEE however, does depend on how active you are. This is how many calories your body burns through daily activity and exercise. This is the bottom line. Eat more than this, you gain weight, less, you loose weight.

    The idea is to eat ABOVE your BMR and BELOW your TDEE. The closer to your BMR, the faster you will loose weight.mButna word of caution- eating below your BMR can have disastrous consequences. Don't be tempted! Be good to your organs and give them the fuel they need!