I don't like real food?!?

I was never was overweight until I went on medical leave for 9mos. Now I'm back and looking to lose the 30-40lbs I put on. 
I never realized until I started tracking my diet. I don't eat. 
I never crave or desire real food. And with the exception of a small dinner (salad and veggies usually) i never ate..breakfast and lunch was substituted with candy and cookies!!
I hate chicken, turkey, steak and most fish. And I'm severely lactose intolerant.
How do I increase my stomach size?? Im full after eating an apple lol..im still just snacking but just a wee bit healthier
And how do you start enjoying eating real food? 
 I'm barely consuming 1200 calories now and its still not well balanced. 
I know I didn't gain weight magically, but I didn't do it eating meals.  Was with low estimate of 150gm of sugar a day. 
Am I the only one who's like this?? 


  • valerie521
    valerie521 Posts: 140 Member
    I am not like this ...

    However, my brother in law is and he swears if there was pill he could take once a day to give you all
    the nutrition you need, he would take it.

    I have not answers on how to help... but there are people out there like you. As a matter of fact, if my
    brother in laws wife didnt get pregnant last year and began loving food -- she was just like him. I'm
    not saying by any means that you have to get preggers though :)

    good luck
  • morgansmom02
    morgansmom02 Posts: 1,139 Member
    Your diary makes me so sad. You are probably not getting enough vitamins or protein!! Can you at least try some protein powder??
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    drink more caloires, juice, smoothies, milk substitutes etc. This will give you more cals and will not fill you up nearly as much as solid food.
  • gogojodee
    gogojodee Posts: 1,261 Member
    I used to be like that, especially when I was vegetarian. I loved processed food and still do to an extent. My caveat is fried stuff. I looooove chicken nuggets and fries. And like the poster above said about her brother - I'd take that magic pill. It's about incorporating foods you do like and trying new ones. I love veggies now more than I did when I was a teen vegetarian. :] I hope you find those foods or someone with more insight. I know I could use it haha.
  • JoniBologna
    JoniBologna Posts: 653 Member
    Not everything I eat I really enjoy, but I eat it because it is good for me. Make small steps at incorporating fruit and veggies into your diet. Lean meats are important too. I can tell you I have seen a lot of people in your position.
  • Suzanne77598
    Yeah, I hate real food, too! You make me feel better. :) Unfortunately, I CAN eat a lot - just not healthy stuff. I don't like veggies. I hate fruit (yuck!), and I really don't like much home cooking. I do, however, like protein, fat, and carbs. That's my problem. I only want to eat steak, prime rib, and bread.

    My only advice would be to get a Starbucks drink (if you like them) and have them add protein powder.

    Good luck!
  • jenniebee19
    jenniebee19 Posts: 19 Member
    Your diary makes me so sad. You are probably not getting enough vitamins or protein!! Can you at least try some protein powder??
    Made me sad too lol. It's blah, boring and your right it's completely lacking vitamins and protein
    And I'm still not hungry!!
    (I've been trying to eat nuts to add some) but your right never thought abt adding a protein powder.
    I wanted to start going to the gym. But didn't want to start until Im getting a better balanced diet. At this point my body going to go into starvation mode.
  • chrisb75
    chrisb75 Posts: 395 Member
    Your diary makes me so sad. You are probably not getting enough vitamins or protein!! Can you at least try some protein powder??
    Made me sad too lol. It's blah, boring and your right it's completely lacking vitamins and protein
    And I'm still not hungry!!
    (I've been trying to eat nuts to add some) but your right never thought abt adding a protein powder.
    I wanted to start going to the gym. But didn't want to start until Im getting a better balanced diet. At this point my body going to go into starvation mode.

    Make it a goal to add 100 calories a week from good sources. Go slow if you have to. Your metabolism is slowimg way down.
  • MDyck1979
    MDyck1979 Posts: 21
    Funny, the more we tell ourselves that we have a certain trait/behavour/lifestyle, the more feverently we tend to hang on to these things. Unless your parent never fed you any "real food" growing up - entirely possible given the pre-packaged garbage geared towards toddlers on store shelves - I would venture to suggest that you DO KNOW what real food is, but just aren't too keen on eating it. Sounds like more of a palate issue than a dietary one - cookies taste better than lean turkey. And that old adage that if you are craving something specific, it must mean that your body needs it? Total BS. Don't fall into that trap.

    As for the weight gain with "no food" - the easiest analogy: if you put cheap gas in your car it will run poorly. You put garbage in your body and it will not perform at it's peak, making weight managment and exercise very difficult.

    Hate to sound so callous, but really, it all comes down to making better food choices. Though not as tasty as cookies an' chips, try eating salads and fruit (WITHOUT DRESSINGS AND DIPS) - you'll be amazed at the energy you have for things like regular exercise.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    All I can say is to go for very calorie-dense foods that have the nutrition you need, and eat as much of them as you can manage. If you have to use protein shakes, fruit smoothies, vegetable juice, etc to get your nutrition in, then that's what you have to do.

    I suspect once you start feeding your body more properly, you'll start building some more muscle and your metabolism will start going up and stabilizing a bit - then your appetite might start coming along for the ride.
  • Jezebel9
    Jezebel9 Posts: 396 Member
    Lifting weights makes me hungry. When I eat the good food, even if I don't enjoy it at first, my body finds out what the good food does for it and then I actually start to crave it. Healthy skin, my teeth stopped hurting, energy, alertness, not sluggish any more... I want salads with olives and onions and nuts and raw veggie and fruit smoothies. It is possibly a matter of fake it til you make it... Make it!
  • WhatDoesLisa
    WhatDoesLisa Posts: 214
    I think you should watch some of the YouTube episdoes of that show Freaky Eaters on TLC. They have some good strategies for overcoming your aversions to foods. Granted some of the freaky things are indeed freaky but they devise strategies for people to try things.
  • jenniebee19
    jenniebee19 Posts: 19 Member
    No I was never beatin with a chicken as a kid-- Lol
    My mom was a great cook -- well balanced. I mostly would eat the veggies --vegetarian but not by principal, desire.
    I never eat prepackaged food actually never had a frozen dinner until I was in my mid 20s-- still don't care for it..
    To show you how bad it is, ive been nursing a 6oz yogurt for almost an hour!
    I need to increase my stomach size--Sounds wrong when your heavy but it is a common problem.
    I'm amazed I'm not anemic --- until I started counting I never put two n two together that I don't eat. It was 90% junk food!
    Like above said. It's a lifestyle change, least I'm learning now.
    Thx guyz!!
  • iwillsoonbeslim

    However, my brother in law is and he swears if there was pill he could take once a day to give you all
    the nutrition you need, he would take it.

    I was exactly the same from the age of about 15 til 30/31. Had little to no interest in food, and often moaned that I wished there was a pill you could take instead of having to eat. Still ended up 251lbs, despite being fairly active. I used Slimming World to educate and inspire me in the world of food, and after a year or so I began to enjoy and look forward to food like, I presume, 'normal' people do. I then found CCing, and have never looked back. I relish 1200 days, cos I don't have to eat too much, but at least now on my super high calorie days (sometimes with 3000 eat backs), I finally have foods I enjoy cramming down my neck once in a while lol
  • kasebrad
    kasebrad Posts: 61 Member
    There's some good advice in this thread, but one thing I might add is that you can make more nutritious substitutions. For example, you could swap your light yogurt for greek yogurt. In the same 6oz you'd get double the calories, extra protein (around 16g) and fat.
  • Polly758
    Polly758 Posts: 623 Member
    I was never was overweight until I went on medical leave for 9mos. Now I'm back and looking to lose the 30-40lbs I put on. 
    I never realized until I started tracking my diet. I don't eat. 
    I never crave or desire real food. And with the exception of a small dinner (salad and veggies usually) i never ate..breakfast and lunch was substituted with candy and cookies!!
    I hate chicken, turkey, steak and most fish. And I'm severely lactose intolerant.
    How do I increase my stomach size?? Im full after eating an apple lol..im still just snacking but just a wee bit healthier
    And how do you start enjoying eating real food? 
     I'm barely consuming 1200 calories now and its still not well balanced. 
    I know I didn't gain weight magically, but I didn't do it eating meals.  Was with low estimate of 150gm of sugar a day. 
    Am I the only one who's like this?? 

    Okay wait-- you were on medical leave for 9 months and DURING THAT TIME you lost your appetite? or you never have had an appetite?

    Because if you were quite sick for that long, your biology may be all confused. You may want to see a doctor to see what she recommends for your appetite. But then again it may be something you can plan out for yourself, gradual increase of calories, slowly introducing new foods, just like a newborn :)

    Otherwise I'd say protein shakes, or better, meal replacement shakes. Alive makes a good one, sourced from whole foods, and it's well balanced. The only thing about getting a lot of your calories from shakes is ummm loose stools. But have some bread and veggies and that should help.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    I used to be like this, I really didnt eat alot of real foods skipping meals and eating alot of ice cream, I was over weight and not healthy
    Your body gets use to whatever you do. start eating breakfast, it doesnt have to be a big breakfast a smoothie or protein shake, or nonfat yogurt or fruit. Eat 3 meals at regular times and eat 2 snacks a day. Once you start eating healthy foods you will actually start craving them , I never thought I would crave oranges and sweet potatoes....LOL
  • Gwoman2012
    Gwoman2012 Posts: 163 Member
    If you can barely eat why are you allowing sugar free jello? My grandma wanted to gain weight once and my mom said "well, then why do you keep buying nonfat pudding cups??"

    Seriously, throw away the jello and replace it with a piece of fruit and some almond butter.

    While your at it, get rid of the dannon and replace it with 2% fat greek yogurt.
  • slipandsink
    slipandsink Posts: 43 Member
    In a different vein, try making more of your food yourself. Experiment with tastes and colours and textures and see what you can make. Food always looks and tastes better if you've enjoyed making it!
  • momtokgo
    momtokgo Posts: 446 Member
    If you can barely eat why are you allowing sugar free jello? My grandma wanted to gain weight once and my mom said "well, then why do you keep buying nonfat pudding cups??"

    Seriously, throw away the jello and replace it with a piece of fruit and some almond butter.

    While your at it, get rid of the dannon and replace it with 2% fat greek yogurt.

    This. Replace what you are eating with healthier versions of it. Including the monster energy drinks! If you eat some food, you'll have more energy.