What was your breaking point?

mmessamo Posts: 23 Member
I'm new here, been doing the program about a week now. I am looking for a support system to keep me accountable. Also I'm curious to know what point you hit before you realized enough is enough? Mine was when i ate a bacon cheeseburger from whataburger at least 3 times a week along with a large fry and drink, which i found out after i started MFP that meal is all of my daily calories.


  • interceptor311
    interceptor311 Posts: 980 Member
    When I saw the pic of me and my daughter at the redsox game. That pic is in my profile.
  • soph501
    soph501 Posts: 47 Member
    Welcome! I'm pretty new here too, but have been losing weight for over a year now. My turning point was when I realised I had stretch marks forming everywhere on my body and seeing my size in my graduation photo (a day where I should've felt proud of myself, but ended up feeling miserable). I've lost 32kgs so far and only have a few to go :D.

    Good luck with your program, you're sure to find plenty of support and motivation here.
  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    Mine was when I saw my wedding pictures and could not believe how round I looked. 20lbs had crept on since college and 20lbs during my last year of college when I was away from my now-husband. I don't want to be that girl anymore who cannot stand to see pictures of herself. So I'm fixing it. And then I'm going to take some new wedding pictures that I can live with seeing every day.
  • Sinisi2012
    Sinisi2012 Posts: 333 Member
    3 yrs ago after my divorce I lost 50lbs. Overtime the weight slowly started creeping back on but since it was so slow I never really worried about it, I thought it's just 3lbs I can lose it again. Then i realized that all my bad habits were coming back, dunkin donuts chocolate chip muffin and a chocolate milk 4x a week, I was eating over 1,000 calories by 9am! I got back on the scale and realized that those 3lbs were now 35lbs :(
  • laceylou0702
    laceylou0702 Posts: 226 Member
    The day I got on the scale and it said 198.8... I cried a little and decided that I was going to stop making excuses and start getting active & eating better. Today I weighed in at 180.50 and I'm feeling good!
  • abberbabber
    abberbabber Posts: 972 Member
    Seeing my wedding pictures started it for me. I looked pretty, but I couldn't get over how horribly fat I looked. Took me about another year to really get of my *kitten* and do something about it, after I hit another "breaking point" of seeing myself next to the rest of my family (my dad and brother are tall and thinnish, my sister is shorter but not as heavy) and that's what finally tipped the scales (haha, pun not intended but nevertheless enjoyed!) for me. Good luck!
  • jenjensav
    jenjensav Posts: 10
    I work at my sons school and one day one of the boys said something to my son about me being fat.

    He wasn't a particularly nice boy and I had told him off for a minor problem that morning and he decided the best way to hurt me back was by hurting my son... it happens unfortunately.. but my son isn't a fighter and refused to engage in a punch up and so the boy started to tease my son by saying things about me... as boys do sometimes.

    My son became withdrawn and exploded in a rage one evening and it all came out.

    I knew right there I had to do something and I wont stop until I'm a healthier Mum.
  • angrydolly
    angrydolly Posts: 22
    My real turning point was in late November early December.

    I was living in self loathing, while my ex husband pranced around with a 18yr old stick figure. I spent days remembering every girl we'd ever had an issue with, and his other ex, who are all stick figure, and could barely eat or sleep and was still at the same weight I was at 3 years ago when I strove to lose the weight in the first place. I think too, the one thing that stuck out in my head was being told I'd need to get a stair master if i ever thought I wanted to wear a bikini in public.

    So, I decided, enough was enough. I am not a repulsive person, I am not a bad person, and I deserve to look and feel good about myself, and set a goal for 125lbs, with plans to work on toning after hitting that point. I reached it in March, and joined planet fitness. I feel amazing, I am confident with my flaws, I eat healthy foods since I'm only feeding myself, and I accomplished a goal on my own; so I know I can accomplish my next goal :)
  • glennowill
    glennowill Posts: 134 Member
    I was at a friend's house and they had a Wii Fit. I got on for the weigh in, and I watched the little avatar blow up until it was obese. That was back when I weighed 270. I'm 214 now, and still working to get to my goal of 180.
  • evilbatwitch
    evilbatwitch Posts: 8 Member
    Hi! I'm 46 years old and my breaking point was my diagnosis of Diabetes Type 2. I've had it for a very long time, at least 7 years. Recently, I moved 1200 miles to another state. Before I moved, I went to one last checkup with my doctor. He put me on a new medication called Januvia. I didn't get the prescription filled out until a month later when I had insurance, and it's a good thing I didn't as the new med cost 230 dollars a *month*. The new insurance only paid 50%. The pharmaceutical company issued 100 dollar coupons. It's expensive. I joined Weight Watchers on December 20, 2011. I've lost 23 pounds, so far.
    I've been on WW before, in 1992. I was going through a rough patch in my marriage, realized I had gained 40 pounds somehow. I went to counselling, then to WW and lost the 40 pounds. Then, after all that lost, got pregnant.
    Twenty years later, I'm well over 110 pounds overweight, with Diabetes, and not taking care of myself. So that was my breaking point.
  • WhatDoesLisa
    WhatDoesLisa Posts: 214
    How about every doctor yelling at me, you would think? I have high blood pressure, borderling high cholesterol and I have been heavy for about 5 years. All of my docs have been really riding me. I went to a plastic surgeon 2 years ago and figured I would just get lipo to jumpstart things. After examining me, the doctor said that 95% of my fat was internal and it was wrapping around my organs and killing me. Now imagine that he said that in a super-dramatic voice? None of this was my breaking point.

    But, no...the thing that really bothers me is that I am tired of being single. And it helps to see people in magazines, celebrities, etc admitting that to stay in shape and be thin takes work. I am finally willing to do the work. Hey, I know Gisele looks like that in large part due to genetics but she exercises and watches what she eats. It is sort of like seeing behind the curtain at the Wizard of Oz. You have to put in the work and it is not fad diet after fad diet.
  • Missi3601
    Missi3601 Posts: 264
    I've been using mfp for a little over two months- if you read my profile you'll see I've been a yo-yo dieter for years.... I finally decided i needed to do something after looking through old pictures.... My weight caused a lot of issues with my ex of 10 years.... I refused to lose weight for someone else- now I'm doing it for me, and I feel better in so many ways
  • seanwebster
    seanwebster Posts: 83 Member
    My third dinner at Taco Bueno in a week, and the guy at the drive-thru just looked at me like "Dude, really?"
  • oreyna
    oreyna Posts: 88 Member
    Everytime I go to an amusement park with my kids and worry about fitting in the seat for the rides :sad:
  • phinphanbill26
    phinphanbill26 Posts: 574 Member
    My breaking point was when I saw a picture from Christmas with my twin brother...and he was quite a bit thinner than me. Amazing how it actually takes a picture to make you realize how bad you really look regardless of how good you may feel.

    Any way, feel free to add me if you need some support.
  • Peter3465
    Peter3465 Posts: 20
    My breaking point was when the love of my life ,a 9yr old boy , came into the hospital room after suffering some heart problems from poor care , enormous weight gain , cried and whispered in my ear please don't leave me I need you . I realized my eating does not just effect me anymore . But it was hurting the ones I loved. I vowed to lose weight no matter what it took.
  • Im an over the road commercial truck driver...went for my 2 year medical card to drive (Dept of Transportation required) and my sugar showed high. I brushed it off to eating cheescake the night before went back 3 weeks later and sugar was fine. BUT.... doctor there said "no no no ....you have to get an A1C blood test or im pulling your DOT card". AAAAGGGHHHHH!!! now you're messing wth my career....

    So went for my test (after trying to investigate online how to cheat the level down I figured "well what if it really is bad?" )...it came back high but workable with diet and exercise.

    Here I am......50 lbs to lose ....day 2!
  • Dstarr1515
    Dstarr1515 Posts: 24
    My breaking point was when i started to feel horrible and realize that my diet and way of living was going to kill me before I reached an old age.
  • My breaking point was that I took a trip to Boston and I noticed that I was always the biggest girl in the picture and people around me. My feet was swelling and I thought I just turned 30 this is not me. I will put the picture on my profile
  • dear mmessamo .....youre at the right place...you appear to be young from your picture.....be glad you realized this well before it was too late. i consulted and hired a registered dietician because ive tried everything else She referred me to this site and I love it! good Luck