Walking causing feet pain

I'm just curious if it is just me. Recently I have started walking a lot more then I am use to and I have noticed that the balls of my feet tend to start hurting in the middle of my walks. Is this normal? Do I need an insert? Anyone have any information?


  • shbretired
    shbretired Posts: 320 Member
    Do you have arch support?
    Where do you walk?

    Do your feet hurt walking barefoot inside your house?
  • porrasc
    porrasc Posts: 23 Member
    No my feet don't hurt when I walk barefoot inside. I don't have any arch support. I usually am walking on pavement.
  • debra4647
    debra4647 Posts: 71 Member
    Maybe you need different shoes? If not add some foam inserts and see if that helps.
  • fbichick
    fbichick Posts: 9 Member
    When I walk, I have had issues with my toes tingling and feeling numb-like and the balls of my feet would hurt. I went to a running store in our town and they videotaped me walking on a treadmill and told me about my style of walking and recommended a specific shoe. I thought great, this will fix my problem. WRONG! Not only were they successful in selling me a $100 pair of "running" shoes and I'm NOT a runner, my feet still tingled when I walked for 30 minutes or more and the balls of my feet hurt. I changed the type of socks I was wearing. The cotton socks were causing the balls of my feet to hurt because they were gripping the wet sock. I changed socks and went to a "moisture wicking" sock so they don't stick to your feet. The balls of my feet stopped hurting when I did that. I gave the $100 pair of running shoes to a friend and I bought a pair shoes that worked with my feet and I make sure they aren't laced really tight - that was my other problem, lacing them too tight. When you walk, your feet swell and you need enough room in your shoes to accommodate the swelling. It worked for me - I don't know if it will work for you but it's worth trying. I don't know how old your shoes are but they are only good for 300-400 miles (usually 4-6 months). They may still look new to you but what you can't see is the breakdown of the shoe on the inside, especially the arch support. It breaks down before the bottom will wear out, hence the pain in your feet. I hope this helps provide some insight and if anything, it would be worth seeing if any of these suggestions would help stop or make the pain better.
  • shbretired
    shbretired Posts: 320 Member
    Get arch supports, and make sure to stretch your acheilles tendons.

    I wouldn't recommend walking on pavement, if you can walk on the bare ground.
  • str8bowbabe
    str8bowbabe Posts: 712 Member
    I just recently started running and walking a lot more also. Before I did, I went in and had my feet and gait checked. This was to make sure that I had the correct kind of shoes for my walking/running style. Before my feet would hurt and I did not know why. Now after purchasing a good and correct running shoe, they dont. I suggest doing the same. It is well worth it in the long run.
  • str8bowbabe
    str8bowbabe Posts: 712 Member
    No my feet don't hurt when I walk barefoot inside. I don't have any arch support. I usually am walking on pavement.

    This is the same problem I had. Make sure if you get new shoes, you get one that does not bend easily in the middle. You need something with a good arch. Check out a brand Saucony with arch-lock.
  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member
    I walk heavy on my heels as well and I used to get that super sore heel pain all the time in my work boots so I got

    For exercise I got the Reebok Zigs and now every thing is just pure comfort.

  • anestoiter
    anestoiter Posts: 4
    It's not about your shoes, insoles, or other stuff. You are working your feet more but do not allow them to stretch and bend as they were mean to when walking barefoot on natural, untouched, grounds, very irregular. You need one of my products. Search for Nestoiter-Gravity on Amazon. If you are otherwise young and healthy, go for the water pipe stand.
  • pjsmom04
    pjsmom04 Posts: 3 Member
    I have the same issue with my two toes on either foot going numb and the balls of my feet becoming very painful after about twenty minutes of walking. I've been to a podiatrist who did a scan of my feet while walking and suggested orthotics and foot exercises ......... fixed an arch problem but not the tingling numbness problem. I have great shoes to walk in and firmly abide by the 4-6 mnth rule for shoes. I'm thinking it's a nerve issue (from all the Greys Anatomy---- I can sooooo diagnose myself..lol) and have yet to get that done. Good luck with the sore feet, I hope you find some relief soon.