New On Here

Hi! I'm new to this group but not new to trying to lose weight. I struggled for many years and finally, a couple years ago I decided to have bariatric surgery (Rouen-Y Gastric Bypass). It was a difficult decision that I struggled with for many years but all other methods failed me. Since the surgery I've lost about 200 lbs and feel great! Recently decided to get a full body lift to get rid of the excess skin left over from the weight loss. Frustrating that the human body can be so good about growing extra skin when you need it but not at getting rid of it when you don't need it any more. I do like the way I look and feel now. I look better and am more fit than I was as a teenager! I like to tools I found on this website for tracking my food intake and exercise outtake. Look forward to making lots of use of them.


  • Denjo060
    Denjo060 Posts: 1,008
    You ca add me if you want the more support the better and congratulations on your success so far
  • playbyte
    playbyte Posts: 14 Member
    Wow what a deciscion to take, well done on your loss.

    I am happy to go along with you if you want to add me i am on here every day, baring holidays lol
  • jemloujem
    jemloujem Posts: 4
    im new to this im trying to lose weight and a lot of weight needs lots of support thanks add me xxx
  • kimmers1027
    kimmers1027 Posts: 122
    Anyone can add me if you like... Welcome to MFP. I am on everyday and try to be supportive :smile: