What was your breaking point?



  • MissPhynes
    MissPhynes Posts: 1
    im really new here but LOVING this program!!! THANK YOU to whoever created it!!!

    im 6ft tall and a BIG girl....my breaking point was when my boyfreind and family couldnt wrap thier arms around me!!! Its a hard road but im happy to be on it and look forward to updating
  • mmessamo
    mmessamo Posts: 23 Member
    WOW! you all are awesome i was not expecting this kind of response at all! everyone on here seems to be super supportive! i was already addicted to the calorie counting. now i can't seem to get off the message boards. lol Good luck to everyone in their weight loss goals!!
  • jiddu17
    jiddu17 Posts: 187 Member
    I've had multiple breaking points... I've started over 50 times... each breaking point should have been enough to carry me through. The three biggest factors have been 1) The pregnancy and birth of my child 3.5 years ago. Wanting to do better for him. Wanting to be a better example. Wanting to be around for him. With this, I began getting more serious about the types of foods we ate in my house. Or rather, we stopped eating nearly all fast foods. No weight loss happened with this, but I gained a better understanding of nutritional values and needs. Unfortunately, the whole first year of my childs life was riddled with horrible emotional setbacks and more trying matters than should have been allowed in the span of 12 months. 2) 2.5 years ago my brother was diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver, at the age of 35. Yes, from drinking. And partially from Hep C. But mostly, from drinking. The more I learned about cirrhosis, the more I came to understand the taxing effect of processed foods on one's body, specifically, the liver. I began to really respect my body's ability to handle fruits, vegetables and grains. I didn't have very far to go to switch over to healthier products in my house... I've been grocery shopping well for years. And as long as I cooked every night, I lost 30 lbs. Because I've been cooking well for years, too.

    BUT - we eat out... a lot. And though we don't hit the Drive Thru's, we still have our favorite items at carry out restaurants. Favorites that are poor choices. And we eat too much of it. And in the last 9 months, I gained back about 20-25 of the lbs I had lost.

    Which brings me to my most recent breaking point (and hopefully the only one I will EVER need again) - After many years, I finally decided to choose a Primary Care Physician. And I participate in a wellness program at my job, which requires a yearly physical. I went to see this doctor, my first visit with her, and she told me she didn't believe I could lose weight without medical intervention... either surgery or a meal replacement program. She was also concerned about my blood pressure and requested I return in a month to have it checked again. I took her lack of belief as a challenge. I am making more efforts to cook at home. On the occasions we do order carry out, I'm reducing my portions and making better choices. I've lost about 9 lbs in the month since I've seen her.

    But when I returned for my follow up a few days ago, she told me I hadn't lost enough for her to change her mind about medical intervention, outright diagnosed me with High Blood Pressure, wants to put me on medications and has ordered an ECG to check the damage to my heart. I had been "borderline hypertensive" for years, and now she is telling me I'm all in. I'm 33 years old and I have High Blood Pressure? Because I was reckless with my eating habits for so many years. Because my husband told me he didn't care how I looked, that I was always attractive to him, but at the same time, eating good food turns out to be one of the major things he and I have had in common all this time. We are each others worst enemy.

    I've put the doc off for another month on the meds, with the promise of getting a blood pressure monitor and the ECG. In the next 32 days I need to work my *kitten* off to avoid those meds... because in spite of EVERYTHING else, THAT is the most EMBARRASSING thing I would have to admit to.
  • jhoff8156
    jhoff8156 Posts: 3 Member
    My breaking point was when my son asked me if i was going to have another baby. I had to go to the drs for a shoulder pain thing and they had me step on a scale and i saw the weight and i nearly died wanted to run and hide. I wasn't healthy and i needed to make a change. This site has helped a lot and the insperational stories.
  • emkrti
    emkrti Posts: 6
    I was having a lot of serious heart issues (it's congenital) and as a result I was - and still am - suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. I spent about 7 months in my house and on the couch. I finally had heart surgery in March and started to feel better overall. I am also getting the counseling I need to deal with PTSD. Since I spent so much time in my house, I was always in pajamas or comfy pants which have a lot of stretch. So when I was finally ready to go out, my jeans wouldn't do up at all, not even close. I had gone up a full pant size in 7 months. I see pictures of myself and hate the way I look. I go shopping and hate the way everything looks on me. It's just not the same. I finally decided that since I'm in a better place with my mental health, I might as well get my physical health in check too - not only for my appearance but for my heart as well. I have a long way to go but I'm determined to get there!
  • ttaylor68913
    ttaylor68913 Posts: 324 Member
    I am 26 years old. I have been "big" for as long as I remember, but I didnt really care as I was "healthy" and had great friends and a good family.

    My breaking point was 5 days before my 26th birthday. I suffer from reflex and had to have a scope done to make sure I didnt have any damage to my esophagus (after having an esophageal spasm in october and landed me in the hospital for 30 some hrs) i was still groggy from the scope and was in with the dr talking about his findings... he told me I needed to lose 100lbs (i was 376lbs at the time you think i needed to lose 100 lbs!?) He wanted to schedule a gastric bypass rigth then and there... OUT OF MY GROG I came. I was enraged that this 70+ old fart(who has had a GB him self... and gained most of the weight back btw) had just basically told me I couldnt lose the weight and I wouldnt do it. ...that week I had my scope turned around had dental work done. I carried out that week got to the weekend and to my 26th birthday party ate and drank what i wanted and had a good time.. My birthday was the 19th went to dinner with my parents, husband and son... that night i found MFP when i was looking for an app for my phone to help me keep track. I lit a fire under butt and am 53 days in and have lost about 12 lbs ( i have a long ways to go but im going) I have set a goal for my self to lose the 100 lbs my dr suggested by my 27th birthday but eventually want to get down to 165-180 lbs)
  • SweetxCatastrophe
    SweetxCatastrophe Posts: 593 Member
    I stepped on the scale on my 3rd wedding anniversary and I was 298lbs -- thats basically double what my husband weighs. My husband married me heavy, but not THIS heavy.
  • vipergts223
    vipergts223 Posts: 114 Member
    Mine was when I weighed myself for the first time in a year, and saw 199. Didnt realize I let myself go like that.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    My breaking point was when I started feeling horrible about myself. I'd been overweight/obese since high school (nearly 18 years) but it never bothered me much. I had good friends, a good job, a nice life and even met a great guy. But as I started getting towards my highest weight ever (260), I started having these thoughts about trying to avoid social situations and generally feeling horrible about how I looked and noticed more and more how things like walking upstairs were becoming hard work. I was even avoiding the scale and I've been a daily weigher since I was in junior high!

    So I decided enough was enough. I joined WW in January 2010, stopped being a WW member in June 2010 but kept recording my food, hit a brick wall early 2011 but was introduced to MFP (thank goodness!) and have been here every since. My ticker shows my progress from the beginning It's taken some time but as far as I'm concerned, this is no race, this is for life and I refuse to deprive myself of the foods I love. I'm happy with the process and am still making changes every day.

    Good luck to you!!
  • kimmers1027
    kimmers1027 Posts: 122
    Seeing myself in pics... A big slap in the face compared to what I looked like not too long ago. Feeling much better already !! :happy:
  • Diane41912
    Diane41912 Posts: 10
    my breaking point was I went to a women's conference with church and I had to find two small ladies to set between so that I would have some room to breath. It is very upsetting when you have to sit in a chair that hurts your hips because you have to squeeze into it. Both of my hips were browsed because if it. I need to change this and I am the only one that can do. But I need a lot of prayer.
    I saw a picture of me at the conference that someone had taken. My head was way to small for my body...
  • mommajolynn
    mommajolynn Posts: 353 Member
    I have had quite a few breaking points to be honest. The first would be when I took a pic of my son and I and I saw the dreaded double chin. I'm 24 and I have a double chin.. :( Then there was my son asking me why I was so fat. And then theres the day I decided to get on the treadmill with a mirror in front of it and realized my ankles were starting to roll over my shoes. I could believe it. I just stood there and gasped. Now I use that image as my motavation to get into good shape. For now 150.. after that.. who knows... kiss 200lbs good bye tho.. that's for sure!
  • FeatherBoBeather
    FeatherBoBeather Posts: 255 Member
    I've had two... lol

    First was when my art was featured in the local newspaper.. and the picture of me looked like I was pregnant! D: ugh what a wake up call.

    And then to kick my butt into gear I finally realized that the food I was eating made me literally feel tired and sick.. I kept waking up feeling like crap (after 9+ hours of sleep)... and knew something had to change.

    Now it's all about healthy *real* (no non-fat or sugar-free) food choices and fitness.
    I feel SO much better already... and I'm 18 pounds down. :-)

    *editing to add... that the thing that bothered me the most about the newpaper article was that I wasn't proud of my accomplishments like I should have been, all I could feel was ashamed of my photo. Completely sucked!
  • michelleepotter
    michelleepotter Posts: 800 Member
    My breaking point was in February, when I stepped on the scale and was overweight for the first time in my life. I was underweight my whole childhood and teens. I weighed only 110 when I met my husband which, being 5"6", is 20 pounds underweight. I started gaining from my husband's cooking (I used to barely eat because I was too lazy, seriously), and then from 7 pregnancies. At first I was *happy* to finally be at a healthy weight. After that, every time my weight would go up, I'd blow it off saying, "I'm still in the healthy range."

    I had thought about losing weight a few times, because my husband needs to and I worry about his health -- he's older than me by a decade, treated his body really badly before we met, and his dad has Type II diabetes. I don't want to be a widow at a young age, you know? Plus I considered the example I was setting for my kids. But it took seeing that magic number -- 165 lbs., overweight, unhealthy -- before I really committed.

    Of course, now I realize that even though I was in a healthy weight range, I still wasn't healthy. I was eating crap, was undernourished even as I was getting fat, and my muscles were weak from disuse. So now I'm really grateful for the opportunity to show my kids, especially my daughters, not only that healthy is what's important, but also that it has nothing to do with your dress size.
  • misty0413
    misty0413 Posts: 212
    Being with in 10 pounds of my delivery weight. WTF my bouncing baby boy is 5. I have to do something now I am misrable.
  • anitasingh1529
    I knew I had to lose the weight when someone asked me if I was pregnant....and I'm not....so wish me luck on this new me :)
  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    Kudos to all of us for taking control of our lives and trying to change! I am beyond grateful for my breaking point because it brought me here and I am already better for it.
  • bwesseler17
    bwesseler17 Posts: 1 Member
    My breaking point was looking in the mirror this morning. I'm tired of what I see in my reflection. I don't feel like I weigh 220 lbs. I just want to do better for myself. So I decided that today I would get back to the old me. I'm tired of not feeling comfortable in dresses, shorts, tank tops, or any of my clothes for that matter. I just want to be a healthier weight :smile:
  • red_jess
    red_jess Posts: 15 Member
    I had my son two and a half years ago. Despite breastfeeding for a year, I was not one of those lucky ones who saw the weight just drop off! In January I landed a new job and decided to buy some new work clothes. Wandering around the shops, I couldn't help thinking that I had an entire wardrobe of pre-pregnancy clothes I love, that I haven't worn for three years. And, fact is, when your child is two and a half, the baby weight is just weight. :-)

    I was a health mag editor at the time and we'd recently run a story on health and fitness apps, so I decided to take some of my own advice and downloaded MyFitnessPal. It was a real eye-opener! I've lost 21 pounds (9.5kg) and can already fit into some of my old wardrobe items. If I lose another 12 pounds (5.5kg), I'll be back at my pre-pregnancy weight finally.
  • nomorenassau4me
    I went to my 10 year reunion (end of last year) some of my old friends took pictures...when one of the girls posted it on her Facebook page a few days later I was so upset about it. There was nothing wrong with the picture at all- just couldnt believe how big I was in it. So instead of worrying about her "tagging" me in it for all to see- I used it as motivation. I actually commented "This is the before picture". Of course everyone responded with things like..."oh dont be silly, youre fine". But that was it - that is my profile picture now :) And I am in one of the girls weddings in September. I paid for the plus size 16-18 dress but I told the lady when I was fitted that it was going to need to be taken in when it arrives. I think she thought I was being silly but I am in a loose size 14 already and not close to giving up now that I know what it takes and see that its working!
    Good luck to all of you too!!!!