SlimBBQ Posts: 6 Member

I wanted to post these pictures to show my progress of trying to lose my baby weight and hope this post helps anyone trying to do the same! The first picture was taken after 5 months and the last 2 months have shown the most dramatic difference in my body... My daughter is 7 months old now 

I had a pretty healthy pregnancy and I gained 27 lbs overall. I thought that after I had her, fat would just melt away! Boy was I wrong! I did not work out for 8 weeks after having her. I just wanted to be around her and enjoy my maternity leave. I started off running and could only do 1 mile and it took me about 15 minutes to finish and I was out of breath at the end. I couldn’t do one pushup (my core was just GONE) and I could manage a few sit ups. If this is you, DON’T GIVE UP! Just keep doing your slow and steady and once you have that down add more.

My biggest problem was food. I had her but I was still eating like I was pregnant and lying to myself trying to justify eating that much! January I joined MFP and tracked everything for the first time and by 1130 the first day I was at 1440 calories and hadn’t even ate an actual lunch! I logged everything and started cutting back on fat and sugar (didn’t give them up just cut them back a lot) and March 5 when the first picture was taken was when I vowed to get really serious and get healthy so that my daughter could have a healthy role model to look up to..

Over the last 2 months I have been eating a lot healthier and actually working out strictly cardio 4 times a week. I am a full time working mom so we just have to make the time to work out, a lot of times I end up putting my daughter in a jogging stroller and just running with her. I plan on starting weight training on Monday so hopefully that makes even more of a difference!


  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    Congrats on the results so far! You're so lucky cardio did so good for you! In the same time, I have shrunk only a few inches total. Bleh! I'm impressed with your dedication to getting back to a healthy lifestyle, for you and your baby! Fantastic!

    Hopefully the added weight training will help you even more! Good luck to you!
  • slimsteelerfan
    slimsteelerfan Posts: 193 Member
  • jwuchef87
    jwuchef87 Posts: 110 Member
    great job!! i'm a full time working mom as well and April was the month i decided to get serious. I'm still taking it slow because I'm correcting a lifetime of bad eating choices...i can blame the parents for the first 18 years but i've taken responsiblity for my life and want to spend the rest of my 20's in a bikini!!!! keep up the great work, you're definitely an inspiration!!! :)
  • Cmonnowguys
    Cmonnowguys Posts: 361 Member
    Can't wait to get in the gym with you next week. =]

    You are motivating for all women, mommies and non-mommies alike!
  • kristinL16
    kristinL16 Posts: 401 Member
    You look great! My youngest just turned 7 months, too. Keep up the good work!
  • SlimBBQ
    SlimBBQ Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks so much :-)
    I can't wait to add weights to my life next week!!!

    It's going to be hard to step away from the cardio. Im planning on doing weights 2-3x per week and cutting cardio down to 1-2x per week... Im hoping this will sculpt and tone everything!
  • Babymomakell
    Babymomakell Posts: 257 Member

    Thanks for posting this, I waited 5years to loose my baby-weight (and due to bedrest complications I gained A LOT)
    Today was my 3rd day in-a-row working out, I am focusing on cardio for now, 45 min of cardio and then I lapswim to stretch out my arms untill I am tired... Today was rough, as I expected it to be, I was told by my trainer that day 3 is hard because your body is feeling sore from the past few days of workouts (and It is sooooo not used to it, lol)

    I have more weight to loose than you, but you have cheered me up and motivated me to not give up :)


    oh, and congrats again!!
  • Tators
    Tators Posts: 75

    I wanted to post these pictures to show my progress of trying to lose my baby weight and hope this post helps anyone trying to do the same! The first picture was taken after 5 months and the last 2 months have shown the most dramatic difference in my body... My daughter is 7 months old now 

    I had a pretty healthy pregnancy and I gained 27 lbs overall. I thought that after I had her, fat would just melt away! Boy was I wrong! I did not work out for 8 weeks after having her. I just wanted to be around her and enjoy my maternity leave. I started off running and could only do 1 mile and it took me about 15 minutes to finish and I was out of breath at the end. I couldn’t do one pushup (my core was just GONE) and I could manage a few sit ups. If this is you, DON’T GIVE UP! Just keep doing your slow and steady and once you have that down add more.

    My biggest problem was food. I had her but I was still eating like I was pregnant and lying to myself trying to justify eating that much! January I joined MFP and tracked everything for the first time and by 1130 the first day I was at 1440 calories and hadn’t even ate an actual lunch! I logged everything and started cutting back on fat and sugar (didn’t give them up just cut them back a lot) and March 5 when the first picture was taken was when I vowed to get really serious and get healthy so that my daughter could have a healthy role model to look up to..

    Over the last 2 months I have been eating a lot healthier and actually working out strictly cardio 4 times a week. I am a full time working mom so we just have to make the time to work out, a lot of times I end up putting my daughter in a jogging stroller and just running with her. I plan on starting weight training on Monday so hopefully that makes even more of a difference!

    Good Job! I was trying to work or build up my core muscles again the other day at the gym. It has been so long since I worked that area. I caught a CHARLIE HORSE in my stomach....I have never had one in my stomach....good gracious!

    Thanks for the reminder to keep pushing. You look good! Keep it up
  • RainbowBrite86
    RainbowBrite86 Posts: 245 Member
  • Awesome work. This is a good reminder for me that as much as I'm working on building up and strengthening my muscles, they won't be visible if I'm not getting rid of the fat on top! Gotta start hitting that cardio again, I've been seriously neglecting it.
  • stacymama5
    stacymama5 Posts: 391 Member
    You look great!!
  • bobbi_jo2
    bobbi_jo2 Posts: 118 Member
    Wow! You look awesome! What a change, especially from the second to the last picture. This really makes me excited. I am about to your starting weight, and my goal weight was about 148. I would LOVE to see even somewhat similar results with those 10 pounds. Great work!
  • littlebuddy84
    littlebuddy84 Posts: 995 Member
    Wow you look fantastic :-)
  • ecsemily
    ecsemily Posts: 1 Member
    Thank you for posting these pics! They gave me hope! This week I have been feeling down because although I have lost the same amount of weight as you have, in the same amount of time, I have trouble remembering if I looked much bigger and if it is even showing a difference. I should start taking pics each month just like you have because it shows that losing 12-14 lbs. really does make a difference!
  • Cmonnowguys
    Cmonnowguys Posts: 361 Member
    Thank you for posting these pics! They gave me hope! This week I have been feeling down because although I have lost the same amount of weight as you have, in the same amount of time, I have trouble remembering if I looked much bigger and if it is even showing a difference. I should start taking pics each month just like you have because it shows that losing 12-14 lbs. really does make a difference!

    It's so true! We are our own biggest critics and that makes it hard to see the little changes that happen on a day to day basis. Taking pictures is the motivation beyond just the numbers on the scla that will keep you striving towards your goal. Plus they're a way for your mind to accept the new you and update your self-image. Nothing worse than having a new body but still seeing the former you in your mind's eye. Progress pictures help you realize that all the hard work is paying off!

    Thanks for the motivation, Brit!
  • Great results!!!!
  • SlimBBQ
    SlimBBQ Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you for posting these pics! They gave me hope! This week I have been feeling down because although I have lost the same amount of weight as you have, in the same amount of time, I have trouble remembering if I looked much bigger and if it is even showing a difference. I should start taking pics each month just like you have because it shows that losing 12-14 lbs. really does make a difference!

    It helps alot to take pictures... I honeslty didnt even notice how much of a difference had been made until I saw the pictures side by side. I saw the numbers going down but felt like 10 lbs wasnt a big difference. I try to take the same angle and the bathing suit each time.. And I did it at the same time of day. And try not to suck in! As hard as that is! LOL
  • good job moma!!
  • OTchic
    OTchic Posts: 205 Member
    wow you look great!!!

    when you say you do cardio what do you do? i am also trying to lose my pregnancy weight. i thought it would go away but a year later... nothingn! so its obvious i need to work on it!
  • entropy83
    entropy83 Posts: 172 Member
    You look fabulous! Congratulations!
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