MFP plan

Hello, I am new at this site and just entered my weight loss and fitness goal.. Do I just need to track the food each day and make sure it doesn't go over my daily allowance? This seems easy compare to other diet I have done..


  • Hayley7611
    Hayley7611 Posts: 20
    Thats how it is supposed to work! You can change setting on your diary. . what I have to watch is my calories, carbs, fat, protein & sugar. Much more difficult than it seems to keep everything within the "limits". I have lost 62 lbs so good luck!
  • toothfairy79
    toothfairy79 Posts: 70 Member
    Ok thank you.. The protein intake is what I find hard to follow, I seem to always go over..Do you have any suggestions??
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    Don't worry about that one. MFP sets you really low on protein. Eating more than that number is definately ok. Just keep up your log carefully and you'll do great! Cheers!