anyone have actual zumba results??

hfzimmerman Posts: 200 Member
I'm just wondering if anyone has done zumba and had real results if so can you share?



  • taintedbutterfly18
    taintedbutterfly18 Posts: 189 Member
    I love Zumba. I have been doing it for 7 months. I have not lost much weight from it, but I didn't gain any in that period either. I started changing what I ate and now I'm getting great results. Besides weight loss though, the other benefits can't be beat. I have energy through the roof and have gotten coordinated again! Zumba is tons of fun and there is no better workout than one that let's you have fun to pass the time as well as working hard.
  • 1stladygigi
    1stladygigi Posts: 17 Member
    I have the DVD' but haven't started doing it so I would like to know also
  • Bortnipx
    Bortnipx Posts: 13 Member
    I love Zumba too...I do it every week and love it! I have lost weight but I go to gym 3-4times a week including that class and watch what I eat and have lost weight.
  • hfzimmerman
    hfzimmerman Posts: 200 Member
    I've heard people lose inches more than weight but I've never heard anyone's results except those on the commercials
  • SmoothScientist
    SmoothScientist Posts: 4 Member
    I was doing it consistently last year and doing portion control and lost weight! My energy was way up and I felt so much better. Then the class times changed and I couldn't do it and fell off the wagon. I now have the DVDs and am back to it and am already seeing a difference within a week.
  • blueberry67
    blueberry67 Posts: 44
    love it - doesn't seem like exercise it's so much fun although i sweat alot - definitely lost inches
  • bookyeti
    bookyeti Posts: 544 Member
    It doesn't matter what form of cardio you do - so long as you're working hard and burning calories (burning more than you consume) - you should see results of some kind. :)

    I personally love Zumba because it's fun, and if something is enjoyable I'm more likely to stick to it. I do at least 20-45 minutes per day, sometimes an hour. I see results, especially around my core. I don't weigh myself (because weight doesn't matter to me), but I've lost plenty of inches and really toned up. I wear an HRM while I work-out at home to my DVDs and Zumba Wii, and I burn a good 12-15 calories per minute, sometimes more depending on how hard I push myself.
  • stacygayle
    stacygayle Posts: 349 Member
    I was going to Zumba once a week for a while and seemed to be getting more energy. I am thinking of going back to that class again since it was so fun. Any exercise that is fun can't be bad in my opinion :happy:
  • freedski1
    freedski1 Posts: 65 Member
    It has made my booty go from flat, wide, and squidgy to looking like it's being held up by duct tape! Butt lift!!!
  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    went from a size 14/16 to a size 2/4, lost 25 pounds, and have lost tons of inches and gained tons of energy. sweat buckets and doesnt feel like anything doing it. 3 year old even imitates it:laugh: i absolutely love it. i never stick with anything, its been 15 months and i still love it.
  • LatinaGordita
    LatinaGordita Posts: 377 Member
    I have been on my weight loss journey for 4 months, over 2 of those months I did zumba 5 to 6 times per week for an hour. I burn 450 to 550 cals in an hour. I also diet and log my cals here.
  • hfzimmerman
    hfzimmerman Posts: 200 Member
    That's awesome thanks for sharing your results
  • Jessmiloo
    Jessmiloo Posts: 25
    I take a Zumba or Hip Hop Hustle class once a week. It is so much fun and I don't feel like I'm working out. I have lost 26 lbs. and this has been my primary work out.
  • hfzimmerman
    hfzimmerman Posts: 200 Member
    I'm just starting my workout schedule of the 30 day shred for 30 days straight and zumba 5 days a week at least one of the 20min dvds. I'm hoping this along with trying to eat less/better will let me see some results. I took my measurements and before pictures so wish me luck :)
  • bellanoelle
    bellanoelle Posts: 105 Member
    I do zumba 3-4 ftimes a week for an hour class. According to my HRM, I am burning 550-600 calories for each class. I really love it and it has been the only exercise I have really stuck to it!
  • Tiff6884
    Tiff6884 Posts: 28

    I have been doing Zumba for 3 days and lost 5lbs with a reduced calorie diet, and drinking LOTS of water! I love Zumba it is pushing me in directions I never thought possible. I used to dance in High School and missed it! Sitting up with a 1.5 month old at night I saw the commercials and thought to myself that sounds like a blast! So I went ahead and bought it and don't regret it! If my results are this good now I can't wait to continue my journey! If anyone wants to add me as a friend who is doing Zumba or just to chat, feel free to add me!
  • temsabi
    temsabi Posts: 45 Member
    Just started Zumba last week :). So much more fun than going to a gym or running to me :). I love danicing and even though Zumba is pretty simplistic and repetitive, it's still probably one of the few workout classes I could ever see myself looking forward to. Also, I will never buy a Zumba DVD because I am not a good self-motivator. If it's between me and the tv deciding my workout, I'm always going to watch an episode of 30 Rock over a glass of wine instead of doing Zumba on the XBox. But for some reason, I stick to going to assigned classes. I missed mine today after getting all dressed and waiting at the bus stop for it because I forgot my bus pass at home...I was so bummed :(. Will do the class twice this weekend to make up for it though, I hope.

    As far as results. I can't say I've lost any weight but I've only done four classes so far. I do feel more toned for sure though, and actually sore in my thighs and calves (though I think that's because the shoes I use to dance in have too much traction). My goal is to go to class 3-4 times a week. Once I learn all the moves a bit better I might switch to a more fast- paced instructor, but in the meantime I was trained in dance and am still glad I'm going to a class where everyone looks as goofy as I do. Even with slow-tempo steps the instructors don't break the choreography down for you so you just kind of have to fake it the first few times. But it's what you make of it, and I realize that when I'm super confused over the steps I'm supposed to do and not hopping about and getting as much of a workout as I should be, then at least my brain is getting a workout :)

    Story short, Whether or not I'm going to lose weight with Zumba, at least it's inspired me to actually look forward to working out. Which is progress in and of itself:). I'll keep you posted if I lose any weight though...
  • louiseecroney
    louiseecroney Posts: 5 Member
    I have been doing Zumba on the Wii since Sept 2011. I also swim three times a week and count my calories. I have lost 69lbs. There are some weeks when I have done Zumba for 25mins every morning and in those weeks I have lost approx 2lbs so it does work.
  • chunk1691
    chunk1691 Posts: 90 Member
    hi. i did zumba twice a week for almost 2 years, although i felt fitter and had more stamina i didnt lose any weight and i didnt see any visible changes either, but to be fair i wasnt eating very healthy either, lol.
  • trishka48
    trishka48 Posts: 51 Member
    Hello :)
    I started doing Zumba ( in addition to Water aerobics 2x a week) 4 times a week in January. While I did not lose a lot of weight- I did RESHAPE my body.
    I would say I was the shape of a pumpkin- and now I am have more of a shapely gourd. ( tee hee).
    But seriously, my midsection looks way better from it , and my legs are more toned as well.
    While I feel I am not getting what I once was out of it- I still go 1-2 times a week because any movement is better than no movement, and because it is fun, I keep it up.
    I hope that helps. I have told everyone who " hates to exercise" to try Zumba. It really is like a party.
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