weekly weighing ainnnnnt gonna happen

iam three weeks come monday into this diet and have yet to step on a scale ,i dunno in a way i feel weekly weighing doesnt do nuttin but make you eat or cheat , lose alot in a week you think yeah ill give myself a treat, lose too little and you get so pissed you think why bother dieting , why does everyone weigh every week? why not once a month?


  • SorchaRavenlock
    SorchaRavenlock Posts: 220 Member
    Some people like weighting weekly, or even daily, to keep an eye on their progress and adjust their diet/exercise accordingly. It's one way of keeping track of progress, and some people love a visible number as proof that what they are doing works.
    Just weighing can get a bit obsessive, since it doesn't always reflect your overall progress properly, for example when you haven't lost any weight, but gained muscle.
    There are other ways of keeping track as well, like measurements, how your clothes fit, generally feeling better. It's a good thing to keep those in mind besides the number on the scale.

    If once a month works for you, then do that. Each to their own :smile:
  • george29223
    george29223 Posts: 556 Member
    lol i like to be angry at my fat cursing it to leave never to return lol sorta like my girlfriend used to tell me ha ha
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    I weigh more than once a week and it doesn't really make me eat less or eat more. I just do what I do and celebrate if I see weight come off, chalk it up to bad eating or water weight if it doesn't come off.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I personally weigh in every single day. It helps to keep me on track. I feel like ignoring the scale (while mentally can be a good thing) it makes it too easy for me to fall off and slowly gain weight back. I've learned my normal fluctuations and how certain foods affect me. I know how much water I need in a day and so on. I feel like it has definitely helped me to fully understand what's going on with my body.

    I say to each their own. If you don't wanna weigh in every week, don't. Do what works for YOU.
  • royalty_mind_1me
    royalty_mind_1me Posts: 284 Member
    Im slightly different :glasses: ...I weigh in but dont track it on mfp unless its under (lower than the last weigh in)...so thats not cheating its just being wise...no way would I track something that would move my wieght up again....lol :laugh: Just try it this way and it will motivate you either way to keep pressing forward! :flowerforyou:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • daisyhougan
    daisyhougan Posts: 52
    I weigh myself daily because I think not weighing myself allowed me to be slightly delusional about being overweight. While I know that there can be some variations each day, it helps me keep on track and actually helps keep me on track. This last week has been hard due to a family birthday and a whole lot of bad-for-you food at work and knowing I'd have to step on the scale in the morning keeps me in check. And when the weight comes off? Yay! I like the idea of cursing it and telling it never to come back. I think part of my problem in the past is that I rewarded myself with food and that's part of what got me into trouble. So when the weight comes off, I don't think I'd allow myself to cheat by having a little bit of a treat (unless it fit into the calorie count, then great) because I'd rather reward myself with something other than food. But this whole weight loss thing is so personal that it needs to be whatever works well for you.
  • Kaylyn221
    Kaylyn221 Posts: 123
    I am a monthly weigher. I used to weigh everyday to every other day but was becoming to emotional with the constant ups and downs from day to day with weight. To me it's just easier {especially for my sanity} to weigh once a month, that way there is more of a chance to see some actual weight loss vs. up and down, up and down.
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    I weigh in 3 times a week, right before I jump on the treadmill. That way I know that the calorie count on the treadmill is as accurate as possible.

    When the scale shows a gain, it sucks, but then I know I need to work a little harder. When the scale shows a loss, it puts a smile on my face, and a spring in my step. The scale is moving down for me VERY slowly. I do about 12 miles a week on the treadmill--9 of them hill intervals, and about 60 minutes a week of light weightlifting ( I use the machines at the Y, and the heaviest I do is 70 pounds on the back extension. Most are set at 30-50 pounds). I have myself convinced that I am building muscle, and that is why the scale is moving so slowly.
  • paulasue145
    paulasue145 Posts: 157
    i weigh everyday.... in the morning, no clothes, and right after i pee. LOL Every little bit helps.

    I wish i didn't...it can be discouraging!
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    I guess it depends on what your goals are
  • bacitracin
    bacitracin Posts: 921 Member
    Weighing daily KEEPS me motivated. If I don't get on the scale, then I tend to eat MORE.
  • bunnzye2
    bunnzye2 Posts: 56
    when I see that I've lost a few pounds, I mess up. So I dont weigh myself weekly. I really dont weigh myself that much, I go by my clothes mostly. I may weigh once of month, maybe every two months
  • mlbrowninsc
    mlbrowninsc Posts: 22
    Generally I weigh in every couple of days. I just like to know what is going on so I can adjust my diet/workouts accordingly if need be, but right now I seem to be in a good grove. I don't want to hit a plateau and not know about it for a month.
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    I'm also a daily weigher. It's really helped me see how things ebb and flow based in my workouts and what I eat. I don't let it affect me in any major ways, it's just a way for me to really see how things cause natural variances. Strength days, heavy cardio days, high sodium meals, cheat meals, cheat days, post vacation, pre-TOM, during TOM, etc.

    It's given me a much healthy outlook on my final goal and what to allow for natural fluctuation when I get there. Things to worry about (post-vacation weight) and things that go away on their own (pre-TOM).

    It helped me see an unhealthy pattern when I was trying a weekly cheat day for awhile to break a plateau. I thought I was just staying stuck in that plateau. When I started weighing daily, I saw the scale jump the day after the cheat day and then that weight would come back off over the course of the next week. Then I'd have the cheat day again and watch the same pattern. So I was losing the same three-four pounds ever week. Once I cut out the weekly cheat day, the cycle stopped and the scale inched down again.

    Had I only been doing a weekly, or less frequent weigh-in, I may not have discovered that cycle I was trapped in.

    Everyone is different, and there are arguments for more or less, but I wouldn't trade in my daily method. :)
    DFWTT Posts: 374
    Minimum of twice daily. Some reasons:
    How certain foods and trends such as complex carbs affect my overnight fuel. I have learned where my water threshold is and how to battle sodium intake by adjusting H20. Constantly picking at my method and how my deficit and activity levels affect my progress. Tuning in my consumption for long runs to avoid depletion. There are a few more. I am slightly compulsive though and a data nerd so I need to know everything.

    I have also been compulsive on the bio-impedance toy too so it's not just the scale.
  • butterfli7o
    butterfli7o Posts: 1,319 Member
    I have no idea how much I weigh! I'm more interested in inches lost than weight. I don't remember the last time I got on a scale. and honestly I'm scared to!