Anyone loosing weight before their wedding?

I started my fitness pal after I got engaged. Is anyone else loosing weight for a wedding or special event?


  • I did. I was engaged for a really long time (5+ years), and then I decided to start losing weight. When we finally set a wedding date after I had been using MFP for a few months, I made it my goal to make it into the 150s by our wedding. I didn't care if it was 159.9, as long as the scale showed a number that started with 15. Lol. I'd work for a while, and then I'd hit a plateau or not be as careful about my habits, etc. and my weight loss would stall. All those times though, the wedding would be a great motivator because there was always something wedding-related to do to remind me of what I was working toward. I tried on dresses in April and was so excited because I didn't have to try on plus-size wedding dresses, so that helped me get over a lull. Then we took engagement photos, which helped me again get past a plateau. Any time that I would get discouraged, something wedding-y would come along and give me the boost I needed to try to reach my goal.

    I ordered my wedding dress one size smaller than what I fit into at the fitting, and I was so concerned that it wasn't going to fit. I finally got the dress in, and it was slightly too big! It was a pretty amazing feeling. The week before the wedding, I stepped on the scale and it said 158.8, and I said, "I made it. I'm not weighing myself again until after the wedding." Lol. I stopped worrying and enjoyed the rest of the week and the wedding. Overall, from when I started MFP to the wedding, I lost about 55 pounds. I felt beautiful in my wedding dress, which is something I thought for a long time would never happen. I'm just sad now that I don't have it to motivate me anymore!
  • R_is_for_Rachel
    R_is_for_Rachel Posts: 381 Member
    kind of as we're not yet engaged!
    been together with my chap for 6 years now, we will be getting married sometime in the next couple of years (before i'm 40 please!) and i do really want to be slimmer for my wedding day :D
    so no date to aim for, but i prefer that as i don't feel under pressure!
  • pjcamp11
    pjcamp11 Posts: 1
    Yup...I've been trying to get in shape for years now but getting engaged got me on track! LOL
  • MommyofTwinies31
    MommyofTwinies31 Posts: 77 Member
    I did we are getting Married this October I have lost 13 pounds and 18 inches off my body still have a ways to go before the wedding but i know i will make it :drinker:
  • MrsRobertson1005
    MrsRobertson1005 Posts: 552 Member
    Yep, our wedding is in 6 months and then our honeymoon to Hawaii! I've got about 15 lbs left to go. Feel free to add me!
  • Rogiefreida
    Rogiefreida Posts: 567 Member
    I was trying to lose a few before we got engaged last August, but I was re-motivated after I picked out my wedding dress. I've lost about 10 inches overall since October, and about 7 pounds. My wedding is in 3 weeks (from tomorrow!), but feel free to add me.

    My new goal after the wedding is to run a 5k and the warrior dash this summer.
  • stefanieprice07
    stefanieprice07 Posts: 22 Member
    I get married next june!
  • DanyelleKimberly
    DanyelleKimberly Posts: 45 Member
    Me too! I have renewed motivaiton and since we haven't set a date yet I kinda feel like I'm getting a job start on it! Hope it works :)
  • nataliefamily3
    nataliefamily3 Posts: 189 Member
    I am lose 35 lbs before next may
  • seal57
    seal57 Posts: 1,259 Member
    Yup, then the next step is to find the man.....:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Amy1813
    Amy1813 Posts: 1 Member
    I just started to try to lose weight before I get my wedding dress. My wedding isn't until May 2013, but I want to look great in my dress when I find it! I'm looking to lose about 30 pounds :(
  • Chubbyhulagirl
    Chubbyhulagirl Posts: 374 Member
    Yes! Wedding is August 11th! :)
    I started seriously trying to lose on Jan 9th. We had a baby back in July last year and I was breastfeeding and just trying to juggle the new baby and my existing work and children. Between Jan 9th and March 1st I lost about 19lbs. Really healthy eating and gym 5 days a week. Between March and late April my house kept getting sick. We have three kids so it just kept ping ponging between us and I didnt really work out at all. :( So no loss but fortunately no gain either. I have lost another 4lbs since about two weeks ago. I am 157lbs today. I wanted to be 125lbs by the wedding but with my two month stall I dont think it will be possible. Ill be happy to get to around 135lbs now. Ordered my dress a size smaller but I am smaller than that already. Wish I had ordered it two or three sizes smaller for the added motivation.
    Congratulations OP and posters who recently got married or engaged! Work it hard. Balls to the walls!
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    Technically, yes. I'm going to get married in the future, and I'm losing weight... soooo losing before my wedding. xD
  • Cravenamanda
    Cravenamanda Posts: 54 Member
    Congratulations future brides! I know it is tough staying motivated and on track, but we have the best reward to look forward too!...looking sexy on our wedding night:heart: ! Oh, and fitting into our dress lol
  • alapoint89
    alapoint89 Posts: 632
    i am married but i am going to have a wedding and i told my husband that we cant have one till im 69 pounds smaller
  • cellokitty91
    cellokitty91 Posts: 127 Member
    Yep! Getting married August 0f 2013 :] And congrats!! Its pretty exciting.
  • misalillstead
    misalillstead Posts: 407 Member
    Yessss! :D I'm getting married in October and I'm trying to slim down a bit. It's really helped to keep me on track. lol
  • mtaylor1980
    mtaylor1980 Posts: 134 Member
    Kind of...My main goal is to be thin and fit for this Summer, but I want to be totally toned and have Britney circa 2000 arms (haha) for my wedding in June of 2013. I do really want to be 30 lbs less on my wedding day!
  • Steph_2011
    Steph_2011 Posts: 7
    Yeah getting married in August of 2013. I would like to lose a total of 75 pounds before then.
  • giadatje
    giadatje Posts: 59
    I'm going to get married some time soon. Still waiting for the engagement ring, but he started talking about having a baby next year. I think he's almost ready... I hope so!

    In the meanwhile I'm trying to lean out :smile:

    Feel free to add me :flowerforyou:

    and maybe someone wants to join this group