Woman 5' 8" 40 ish, what's your goal weight please


A little background first. I started MFP on January 11, 2011 and by January 12, 2012 I had shed 112 pounds. I'm 5' 8", medium framed, age 45 and started with a high weight of 277 and I'm now sitting at a solid 165. I've been plateaued since December and decided about a month ago that my body was done and ready to move into maintenance. I eat healthy and put in 5 intense workouts a week. I thought I was coasting along just fine. So, I go and see a new primary care doctor this week. I'm giving him my medical background and I tell him I lost 112 pounds in a year. He asks my height, looks at my current weight and then proceeds to tell me to drop another 15 to 20 pounds. I think my chin hit the floor. BMI charts can be so bogus. I tell him for nearly 5 months I did EVERYTHING in my power to drop 10 pounds and finally decided to maintain and how did he expect me to drop up to 20. He sets me up to speak with a nutritionist. Are you kidding me?

Anyway, what are your goal weights. Anyone around my age feel being between 165 to 170 pounds, fit and toned goal for them?



  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    I think you look great! If you want to prove that you are healthy, invest in a dexa scan or bodpod to find out your body fat percent. I have a large frame and in my profile pic I'm out of the healthy BMI range but anyone looking would think I was healthy, and body fat is fine.
  • girch_99
    girch_99 Posts: 3 Member
    Weight Watchers sets their weight range for 5 ft 8 at a minimum of 132 and a maximum of 164. You look fabulous and fit in your pics and if you are eating well and exercising I think you are just fine! I also am your height, 37, and am aiming for 160 (8 pounds to lose). Cheers :smile:
  • keeponkickin
    keeponkickin Posts: 1,520 Member
    Weight Watchers sets their weight range for 5 ft 8 at a minimum of 132 and a maximum of 164. You look fabulous and fit in your pics and if you are eating well and exercising I think you are just fine! I also am your height, 37, and am aiming for 160 (8 pounds to lose). Cheers :smile:

    Thanks. I'm sitting at a solid 165. Scale won't budge. He didn't even take into account muscle weight. Just said get between 145 and 150. UGH
  • loranch
    loranch Posts: 94 Member
    I also have a bigger frame and am 47. So right now my goal is 170 and possibly 165 once I reach the first one. I've weighed less but right now I just want an attainable goal where I won't be discouraged.
  • keeponkickin, I've got to tell you, you look AMAZING! congrats on the weight loss!
  • lu136mickey
    lu136mickey Posts: 202
    First I would look for a new DR.LOL with that said im 42 small frame 5' 71/2" and weigh as of wed. 152 lbs and my goal weight is 135, but you are taller and have a different size frame so that would prolly be to small for you acording to your pics you look great and fit so I would stick to what feels good on you!! great job on the huge loss
  • keeponkickin
    keeponkickin Posts: 1,520 Member
    First I would look for a new DR.LOL with that said im 42 small frame 5' 71/2" and weigh as of wed. 152 lbs and my goal weight is 135, but you are taller and have a different size frame so that would prolly be to small for you acording to your pics you look great and fit so I would stick to what feels good on you!! great job on the huge loss

    LOL. He was a new doctor. I will see him a couple of times before jumping ship but he didn't get off to a good start with me. He didn't even say "great job" or anything about losing 112 pounds. Just looked at the BMI chart and tells me to go for me. UGH. I'm glad to hear that 165 isn't unreasonable.
  • dpoovey
    dpoovey Posts: 1
    You look wonderful. For your height, i see nothing wrong with that weight. I would not worry about losing more, just maintain. We are not all meant to be size 3 and 4's. I think if you lost much more you would look too skinny...just my opinion. Great job!!!
  • karen0214
    karen0214 Posts: 120 Member
    First off, I just want to congratulate you on your awesome weight loss. Secondly, I think you look fabulous. You carry the 165 lbs very well. I am 49 yrs old and 5' 9". I always maintained around 155-165 until I had twins at age 40 and my thyroid issues started. I am now at 240. My goal weight is around 155, but if I plateaued at 165 I would not be disappointed. Also, just my opinion, I would not even think twice about what the doctor said. If you are healthy and comfortable, then I say you're good. :wink:
  • keeponkickin
    keeponkickin Posts: 1,520 Member
    First off, I just want to congratulate you on your awesome weight loss. Secondly, I think you look fabulous. You carry the 165 lbs very well. I am 49 yrs old and 5' 9". I always maintained around 155-165 until I had twins at age 40 and my thyroid issues started. I am now at 240. My goal weight is around 155, but if I plateaued at 165 I would not be disappointed. Also, just my opinion, I would not even think twice about what the doctor said. If you are healthy and comfortable, then I say you're good. :wink:

    Thank you so much. I'm VERY healthy. Blood pressure is amazing, total cholesterol of 123, all lab tests are normal, I have tons of energy, I workout hard 5 days a week, running, intense cardio intervals and I lift heavy weights every other day. If he rags me about losing more weight on my next visit it will be my last visit.
  • karen0214
    karen0214 Posts: 120 Member
    First off, I just want to congratulate you on your awesome weight loss. Secondly, I think you look fabulous. You carry the 165 lbs very well. I am 49 yrs old and 5' 9". I always maintained around 155-165 until I had twins at age 40 and my thyroid issues started. I am now at 240. My goal weight is around 155, but if I plateaued at 165 I would not be disappointed. Also, just my opinion, I would not even think twice about what the doctor said. If you are healthy and comfortable, then I say you're good. :wink:

    Thank you so much. I'm VERY healthy. Blood pressure is amazing, total cholesterol of 123, all lab tests are normal, I have tons of energy, I workout hard 5 days a week, running, intense cardio intervals and I lift heavy weights every other day. If he rags me about losing more weight on my next visit it will be my last visit.

    I think that doctors sometimes forget that everyone is not created equal. Just because someone else at 5' 8" weighs 150 lbs does not mean that is for everyone. He apparently didn't have eyes to see all the other great numbers that you're running (cholesterol, blood pressure, etc.) and just the fact that you are a Type I diabetic. I'm with you -- try him again and if he rags you, go elsewhere. Blessings to you.
  • keeponkickin
    keeponkickin Posts: 1,520 Member
    Thank you so much everyone. It's good to hear that I'm in a pretty good spot and don't really need to push for more.
  • caterpillardreams
    caterpillardreams Posts: 476 Member
    You look amazing.
    You know your body better than your doctor. He is a doctor he knows a lot medically, but you look amazing and if you are not overweight, and everything else is on point, then good for you. Unless there is some medical health reason for you to lose those 20lbs I would think you should be fine.
    Its your choice.
    If you want you can consult another doctor if it will ease your mind. We all have our own opinions, but most of us are not professional. I do not consult my doctor for everything, they are not always right.
    I would not take offense to it.

    Congratulations on your amazing weight loss.
  • slimsue28
    slimsue28 Posts: 7 Member
    You look wonderful.

    I'm 5'8" and 50 and I'd be thrilled to be at your weight. I set my goal weight at 175 since I always felt most comfortable around that weight.
  • skybird455
    skybird455 Posts: 172 Member
    you look awesome!!! I am just over 5 8, goal weight is 145 for me (im 38 yrs old) sitting in the 160s right now.
  • badgeratheart
    badgeratheart Posts: 91 Member
    I'm 5'7", age 38 and plateauing at 162 right now. Looks like this may be where I settle, but I have been thinking that I should be back between 150-153. I think you're in a a good spot. Keep up the great work!
  • cygnetpro
    cygnetpro Posts: 419 Member
    :smile: Oh, my gosh, you look AWESOME!

    I'm 5'9, and my goal weight is 140-150. But I will be thin/slender at that point. I have a friend who is probably 5'8" and she is 165, and looks terrific. She has no interest in going lower. She's healthy, curvy (and I don't mean curvy the way it's sometimes used-- I mean nice womanly hourglassy thing going on), and strong. So if I get to 165 and think I am where I should be, then I'll shift my goal accordingly.

    Congrats on your weight loss! Very inspiring.
  • terraskye
    terraskye Posts: 370 Member
    You look awesome!!! Bonk that doctor on the head for me!:bigsmile:

    I'm 44 and 5'8 My final goal weight will be around 150-155-ish I am pretty sure I have a large frame so I'll hit that target and see how I look from there. I dont expect though that I'll aim for anything lower. Just work on heavy lifts and eating right
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,923 Member
    I think you might need to find a new doctor (Again). Even though 165 and 5'8 is on the heavy side of normal I think he should be have been happier than a clam that you dropped the 112 pounds. You look amazing and if you are comfortable and happy with what you've done, screw him. You obviously don't need a nutrionalist if you lost all the weight on your own. If you were unhappy and felt you needed to lose more weight I'd say either find a personal trainer or go to the nutrionalist and see what they have to say. But there's no shame for enjoying the size you are now!
  • sdow
    sdow Posts: 71
    You look beautiful. Do I see more confidence in your smile? Weight varies so much for each individual. I am 5'4" and my best weight is 125. I have a friend who is my height who weighs 110. We are both healthy. We both look good.

    Your doctor should have said, "Nice job on losing 112 pounds." You have changed your lifestyle and who you are.

    Nice job of remaking yourself. Love yourself.:smile: