

  • jesska812
    jesska812 Posts: 102 Member
    I once ate a whole family variety bucket from KFC - plus an extra large chips. These days I can barely finish a small chips with a burger.
  • rima933
    rima933 Posts: 151 Member
    Hamburger Helper Beef Stroganoff, I'd always plan on saving some but an hour or so after dinner I'd go finish the rest off. Then I'd feel disgusted with myself for the rest of the night. I don't buy that stuff anymore.

  • ashleyacee
    ashleyacee Posts: 118
    A whole medium pizza in one sitting, 2 footlongs in one sitting. While drunk
  • zen_mama
    zen_mama Posts: 51
    Little Debbie's Nutty Bars- I would buy a box and hoard them in the freezer, then eat them as soon as my kiddo was in bed. Awful . things and about 1200 calories right there. I don't buy them anymore. I also used to eat entire pints of Ben and Jerry's ice cream in one sitting (hey, who hasn't?) No more B&J allowed in this house EVER!
  • sarahsxt
    sarahsxt Posts: 66
    Anything gooey that comes in jar form.

    -Peanut butter
    -Almond butter

    I don't buy them. I eat the whole jar!
  • CandaceyD
    CandaceyD Posts: 74
    Ate a whole pizza with a side of wings once. Wanted to throw up but couldn't. Never again.
  • shellsy0424
    shellsy0424 Posts: 127 Member
    A family size chocolate bar in one day!!!!
  • IamJacksColdSweat
    IamJacksColdSweat Posts: 106 Member
    I used to HARDCORE binge. Not like what most people consider a "binge", it wasn't just a couple extra slices of pizza or a few cookies.

    I used to eat dinner, then go out and go through a fast food dt and order 3 or 4 of the "value" sandwiches, a large fry and nuggets. And THEN, on occasion, I would drive straight to ANOTHER fast food place and order a few more items. Its so disgusting and I'm honestly surprised I didn't gain MORE weight, seeing how I must have been consuming 3,000-4,000 calories on some days, maybe even more. These binges used to be quite frequent as well :(

    Sometimes, it wasn't fast food. I would go to the store and buy cookies and eat the entire package. Or those Little Debbie snack cakes :love: Super super unhealthy.

    Now, I stay pretty close to 1500 MOSTLY healthy calories per day and I work out a lot more. I actually had a bit of a NSV today because a family member got me extremely upset, so much that I was screaming and punched a wall, but I DIDN'T go and binge. I calmed myself down and ate well. Before, I would have definitely binged on something.

    ETA: I just added up a "normal" binge at Wendy's, complete with a stop at BK and the items I usually ordered and it totals 3,540 calories. I was inhaling an EXTRA pound in one sitting. Disgusting!
  • britbowles1
    britbowles1 Posts: 10
    For me its any kind of ice cream, I went along time with out it in my house and I broke down and bought a jumbo box of skinny cow ice cream sandwiches andI regret it big time.. No more sweets in the house after next week!!
  • Starrynights1107
    Starrynights1107 Posts: 70 Member
    This is going to sound crazy but I WISH I did things like this lol. I've never eaten an entire pizza, etc. I just ate a variety of whatever I wanted but not on a large scale. Sometimes just one meal a day (contrary to the popular belief that fat people eat loads of food). I wish I ate like that to gain this weight lol. It would've been fun (at the time). I've "seen the light" as far as nutrition, etc. so even if I fall off the wagon, since I "know better" I still wouldn't be able to really binge. This is a great topic.
  • cowgirlashlee
    cowgirlashlee Posts: 301 Member
    Entire medium pizza, Qdoba chicken and cheese quesadilla, two McDonalds cheeseburgers and a large fry with 2 apple pies. Ugh. I can't even think about McDonalds without getting nauseous anymore! I sure don't miss that nasty food.
  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
    cadbury cream eggs do stand a ****ing chance around me....i had 2-3 dozen of them for easter, and ate them all....
  • JBsCrazyGirl
    JBsCrazyGirl Posts: 337
    I'm sad to admit it but I used to eat an entire bag of BBQ chips and I'm not talking about those little single serving size bags either.

    do not feel alone,
    i could easily, do this with any chip.... still can.... cant have chips must stay away
  • Akijade
    Akijade Posts: 210 Member
    Double Whopper Combo Meal (with cheese and bacon), King Sized, with a Dr. Pepper. @_@
  • cgsr
    cgsr Posts: 113
    Um, visit home! LOL. I've eaten more today than I do in like 3 days.
  • torygirl79
    torygirl79 Posts: 307 Member
    Whole tube of Pringles (before the diet)
  • lizzynewm
    lizzynewm Posts: 199 Member
    i've eaten whole sleeves of oreos and girlscout cookies in one sitting without second guessing or feeling bad afterwards. oh man, dark times...

    if anybody ever gives me see's, the box, however large, however ridiculously huge, is likely to be gone within 1-2 days at the very much. sweets do not stand a chance in my presence.