pregnancy question

If a woman JUST found out she was pregnant.. within the past week.. is it ok for her to still work out as hard as she has been and continue to shed lbs?? or does she HAVE to gain weight while pregnant???


  • ilike2moveit
    ilike2moveit Posts: 776 Member
    It's always wise to consult your ob dr. However, with all 4 of my pregnancies the dr. told me that if my body was used to doing the activity that I could continue to do that activity. So I continued exercising and mowing the yard, shoveling rock, etc. I would listen to my body if it felt too strenuous I would quit. The only activities that were not allowed were ones that could put you and the baby at risk, such as: riding horses because there's a risk of falling off the horse, etc.
  • 135gratitude
    If you've already been working out, you can continue to workout. Be careful of pushing your heart too far, or of overheating your core temperature.

    If you have a BMI that is under 25, it is recommended by the Canadian Society of OB/GYN's that you gain 20-40 lbs. If you have a starting BMI of over 25, it is recommended to gain approximately 15 lbs. I have a friend who was overweight when she got pregnant, and she only gained about 10 lbs (due to morning sickness and vomitting for the first three months) and she had a healthy baby, and now, 2 weeks after delivery, is lighter than before she got pregnant. She also had a very healthy pregnancy, with clean eating, and an evening walk each day.

    Good luck and congrats!
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    If you have always worked out then it's okay to keep working out You can google good work outs for pregnancy and they say you will have a easier labor if you workout through your whole pregnancy!!! and your body will have a easier time bouncing back afterwards also!!! You want to make sure to eat healthy and you want to gain weight but you really don't need to gain more then 20 lbs and that whole your eating for two crap yea don't let that get to you... that's a excuse to have a double cheeseburger!!! all eating for two means is take your vitamins and eat healhty... If you have any more questions feel free to email me...
  • roshong06
    With both my pregnancies, my doctor told me to continue my normal day to day activities, not to push myself harder than I am used to. But LISTEN to your body, it will tell you when you are working to hard. And be careful, some women get a little clumsy while pregnant. I was a runner before my first child, and while pregnant, I couldn't even walk around the nieghborhood without tripping over my own 2 feet!!!
  • TaeKonDomama
    I cannot say anything about either of my pregnancys because I was very unhealthy with them both. But my second olest step daughter is on her 3rd pregnancy. She had joined TaeKwonDo with my dd and me last Sept/ Oct. She is due December 17, and has kept up the TKD with us. Her doc told her it was fine as long as she listened to her body if there was anything that caused pain or even more than usual discomfort to stop immediatly. This is her last month with it due to the fact that the center of gravity has changed so much for her. Naturally she was unable to spar with us and didn't do too many of the jump kicks. But the basic workout to stretch our muscles and increas flexability is a good one when not done strenously for the pregnant ladys. I imagin she will have an easier time delivering this baby than th eother 2 due to getting more flexable. I hope she keeps up the stretches on her own.