


  • lilmissmanx
    lilmissmanx Posts: 81 Member
    If you're not eating anything after 7pm and waking up with headaches then it might be low blood sugar. Eat something low GI before you go to bed to help regulate your blood sugar. If you're not eating anything between 7pm and when you have your breakfast the next day thats a long time without food and your blood sugar will dip
  • leopard_barbie
    leopard_barbie Posts: 279 Member
    I get headaches if I don't have enough caffiene or enough food.
  • MarciaDS
    MarciaDS Posts: 1 Member
    Since beginning this journey my headaches have returned. My physician asked me to keep a headache diary - also tracking the weather as low pressure systems may trigger them. We have not been able to determine the cause.

    Many of your comments are helpful; especially the one that mentions the longer number of hours of sleep on a weekend. This may be a trigger because my day off is Friday and I usually wake up with a headache (another one today).

    Caffeine headaches are another issue; do not cut it out of your diet - I think you are right on track with 1 or 2 a day. Could you be eating too little? Is 1200 calories appropriate for your goal?
  • jennifer52484
    jennifer52484 Posts: 888 Member
    Have you cut out sugar? You might just be having a withdrawal from it. It should go away after a week or two.
  • Shayztar
    Shayztar Posts: 415 Member
    My guess is that you might not be consuming enough calories. If MFP set you up with 1200, that's only for extreme diets, and your numbers don't warrant anything that drastic. Consider researching BMR calories and TDEE and the like. I eat 1800 cals a day plus *usually* my exercise calories. I am losing on average 1 lbs per week because I haven't injured my metabolism with a very low calorie diet (don't hate lol).

    Another thing to consider is muscles. When I first started MFP and exercising more than I ever have before, I was over using my muscles. My neck muscles were not used to jumping jacks and the like on the 30 Day Shred. LOL I saw my massage therapist and she showed me some awesome stretches and I haven't had the headaches since.

    Good luck!

  • peuglow
    peuglow Posts: 684 Member
    It's probably a diet factor somewhere. If you used to drink a lot of soda and now don't, then that can be an issue as you will get caffeine withdrawl. Also under eating is a possibility. If I don't get at least 2000+ calories, my body is fighting me.
    Yes, I cut the soda yes! Haha and i'm not drinking so much coffee either, just a cup in the morning. You think cafeinne might be the issue??

    I'm sure it's a caffeine issue then. I have heard of people suffering from headaches from this withdrawal. Can't speak from experience, because I don't drink coffee/soda.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,422 MFP Moderator
    I have cut down sweets and im not eating after 7. As before, i used to eat at any time and sweets before bed.

    Well the withdrawl from the sugar can do it. Sugar and caffeine can be very addictive due to the chemical makeup.

    Also, it's ok to eat after 7pm. Your body doesn't know what time it is and even if you eat a huge meal right before bed, it will metabolize the food the same. That's a tv myth.

    ps- how many calories are you eating?

    Between the caffeine withdrawl and low calories, it's probably doing that. Also, if you only have 30 lbs to lose, you should be aiming for no more than 1 lb per week and should aim to eat 50-75% of your exercise calories. I
  • I find that I get the worst headaches when I don't drink enough water.
  • yeti2000
    yeti2000 Posts: 15
    I too had bad headaches every morning for a long time. I found that since I have been doing cardio at the gym the headaches have gone away. I still get an occasional sinus headache that is with me in the morning but I just get up and go to the gym and start doing cardio. I find that the headache goes away after only about 6 minutes on the elliptical machine. You see, the cardio gets your circulation going and it kick starts your endocrine system which helps flush out the toxins that build up in our bodies because of all the crap, ie preservatives and such that is in our food today.

    I hope this helps you out because I know too well how much headaches suck. I suffered through them for a long time.
  • JSuckut
    JSuckut Posts: 1 Member
    How much water are you drinking? You should drink at least 64 oz up to 100 oz per day..