Running 3 miles a day bad for you?

balfonso Posts: 370 Member
Is running 3 miles everyday bad for me? I also like to mix in some bodyweight/circuit training ie. Jillian M dvds as well as running.
I'm not really running as in sprinting but alternating jogging/walking.


  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    Is running 3 miles everyday bad for me? I also like to mix in some bodyweight/circuit training ie. Jillian M dvds as well as running.
    I'm not really running as in sprinting but alternating jogging/walking.

    Running is cardio, and is burning calories and building stamina, and is therefore healthy.

    Unless you're causing injury, RUN, BABY, RUN!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,905 Member
    Only if it's causing injury and your nutrition is bad. By that, I mean if you're not getting in enough protein, then lean muscle could be sacrificed.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • bmaxwell31
    bmaxwell31 Posts: 48 Member
    Is running 3 miles everyday bad for me? I also like to mix in some bodyweight/circuit training ie. Jillian M dvds as well as running.
    I'm not really running as in sprinting but alternating jogging/walking.

    Thanks for asking....I was wondering the same thing
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    Only if it's causing injury and your nutrition is bad. By that, I mean if you're not getting in enough protein, then lean muscle could be sacrificed.

  • brandyk77
    brandyk77 Posts: 605 Member
    nope - not bad at all
  • prsusa38
    prsusa38 Posts: 29
    Its alright for you, however, your legs need to rest at some point. Thats when to fix in weights, etc.
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    3 miles isn't really enough to necessitate days off. It may seem like a lot for a beginner, but once you are used to distance running, 3 miles is a short jog, if that is all you do that day it is more of an active recovery day than anything.

    That's only 21 miles a week if you never take a day off. Right on the fringe of where you might get overuse injuries over time. You should be able to sustain less than 20 miles a week for decades.

    Though over time you might want to get in to a more varied running training approach. Some longer, slower runs, some shorter, faster runs and/or intervals in addition to workouts where you push yourself hard on a race distance (5K in this instance). It keeps it interesting and helps you run faster and more efficiently at the race distance.
  • Mercenary1914
    Mercenary1914 Posts: 1,087 Member

    Your body will tell you when you need a rest. Should probably have one rest day a week.
  • monty619
    monty619 Posts: 1,308 Member
    in my opinion if you are trying to get "lean" or "toned" running 3 miles a day is not necessary.. the body will adjust rather quickly to the cardiovascular exercise and you will burn less and less calories each time which at that point you have to increase the speed of your 3 mile run or up the mileage... also as one guy said you have to eat daily necessary protein and fat requirements so that the body does not use muscle tissue instead of fat.. running is rough on joints if you do it every day (i have done this before) its more efficient to stick to a solid diet and a weight lifting regimen rather than doing moderate pace cardio. however if you are training for a race, you do what you gotta do. im just talking from a lowering body fat % perspective.

    again, just my opinion
  • jess__bat
    jess__bat Posts: 18 Member
    I run three miles 5 days a week. Remember to eat right and take rest days and you will be fine. If you feel knee pain or anything like that, stop running and maybe walk the rest--an injury could put you out of commission! I feel worse on days I don't run.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    If you are otherwise healthy I can't think of any reason it would be bad for you. I ran 3 miles every day weather permitted (ran all year, but not in heavy rain or snow, lightning, or if the temp dipped below 20 F) for years when I was in my 30's and it was very good for me. Kept me healthy and looking great.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    If you're running 3 miles at a relatively low intensity there's probably no reason to worry (there was an article recently in runnersworld about a guy who hadn't missed a day in 25 or 30 years) but listen to your body, if you start to feel burned out or are getting unusual aches and pains (not just the usual fatigue from a workout) you may want to revisit your training plan.

    Be warned, however, that you'll probably find yourself thinking about entering 5K races etc......when that happens you're hooked! :happy:
  • It depends! Did you jump right into running 3 miles every day or did you slowly work your way there over a long period of time? I ask because last year I went from running about every other day to ever single day all of a sudden and after a couple of weeks of that, my hip got completely messed up and i couldn't even walk for a week, couldn't run at all for about 6 weeks! Ouch! Doc said it is best not to increase total weekly mileage by more that 10% per week. So say you are currently running 10 miles a week, the next week do 11, the week after that do 12.1, the week after that do 13.2, etc. And take a day off sometimes! Recovery days are a wonderful thing.
  • scorpio516
    scorpio516 Posts: 955 Member
    If you're running 3 miles at a relatively low intensity there's probably no reason to worry (there was an article recently in runnersworld about a guy who hadn't missed a day in 25 or 30 years) but listen to your body, if you start to feel burned out or are getting unusual aches and pains (not just the usual fatigue from a workout) you may want to revisit your training plan.

    Be warned, however, that you'll probably find yourself thinking about entering 5K races etc......when that happens you're hooked! :happy:

    And then you'll be like, I wonder if I ran 4 miles 7 days a week, how much faster will I be? Maybe 4mi x 6 days + 1 day on the track? Maybe 4 x 5 days + 1 track day + 1 much longer run?

    It's fun, unless your not a competitive person
  • balfonso
    balfonso Posts: 370 Member
    Thanks everyone! That's a relief!

    I didn't just jump into doing it everyday. It's been on and off.

    But recently it has been everyday. But it's mainly interval running and brisk walking. I'll be sure to listen to my body if I start to ache!

  • tigerdactyl
    tigerdactyl Posts: 112 Member
    Listen to your body and you'll be fine. The only thing it could hurt is strength training recovery, but even then 3 miles isn't going to hurt you too much. If you do any lifting make sure to do it on an off day, or at least after your lifts and not before.
  • dwbuskirk
    dwbuskirk Posts: 1 Member
    My GF has been running 3 miles a day for almost 365 days a year - nonstop. I really was nervous about this but she is on day 327 and has not missed a day because of anything - sickness, snow, crazy storms... So it can be done.