Crunches - Will they get easier?



  • Tandksmommy11
    Tandksmommy11 Posts: 399 Member
    I'm not sure I will ever be able to do them, I've had four children adn after the twins were born sit-ups and crunches became very difficult, almost impossible for me.

    I have much of the same problem. I was told that my stomach muscles split and after having 2 c-sections they are even in worse shape. Supposedly the only way to get them to go 'back' would be surgery? It's pretty uncomfortable for me to do crunches. And not just the way underused msucle pain, actual pain.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    I've been doing planks and situps, but I can't do a crunch to save my life. I'm continuing to work on it, though, and I may have the PT here at work (workplace freebie!) help me out with form because I'm almost certainly doing it wrong.

    Core work just plain sucks to me, so I've been avoiding it too long. My cardio is great, my upper body strength is coming along, but my back and belly just seem so hard to work on.

    Good to know it's attainable. I'll keep plugging at it.
  • BubbleGumKisses
    BubbleGumKisses Posts: 156 Member
    i found your core muscles...right beside my triceps!! jerks ran off together!

    ^^^LMAO :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • suzqmf
    suzqmf Posts: 36 Member
    They are hard for me too. I am putting my legs up on an exercise ball, then doing them. Much easier. Went from only 25 to 50 in one day.

    Planks and squats (with same ball between me and the wall on my back) are the other things I do.

    Planks are HARD for me. I can hold it for about 10 sec and did 2 or 3 this morning....
  • cbeutler
    cbeutler Posts: 667 Member
    At some point if you keep exercising long enough you mindset will shift from hating to do the hard exercises to wanting to challenge yourself with them.

    Given a choice of two exercises by the trainer I always pick the one that is harder for me.

    Good luck, oh yes planks, you will love them eventually.
  • hpsaucette
    hpsaucette Posts: 102 Member
    OP; I feel your pain, almost literally from yesterdays crunches, I've got better in the last two weeks so much so that I can do double what I could originally (be it still in the tiny amounts)

    As a small side note, whilst doing bicycle crunches are you supposed to keep your head raised all the time, unlike sit-ups/crunches where you lower it back down to the ground?
  • twogirlsmama
    twogirlsmama Posts: 45 Member
    I prefer to do my crunches on my exercise ball. More of my body is engaged and I have to balance while my kids attempt to knock me down. Have a small child? They make a great hold on a plank when they are crawling under you too! You won't drop if your going to squish your kid. Keep up the good work!
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    Planks are HARD for me. I can hold it for about 10 sec and did 2 or 3 this morning....

    I'm starting to like planks. Not because they actually are pleasant to do, but because I can actually feel muscles now where the planks tend to hurt. So where they hurt now might end up with a little muscle too. One can hope... :)

    I'm up to about 30 seconds, and that's taken me a while. I started at about 5-6 seconds.

    I can manage about 4 of them at 30 seconds now with a 20-second break in between. But people start arguing whether I'm turning red, purple, or royal blue by that point. And the floor mat gets really gross with sweat. Thank goodness for cleaning solution and paper towels, or the other people who use the gym would hate me.

    I'm glad to see from previous posts that planks are an efficient core workout. I'll still work on my crunches, but I'll see how far I can take planks, too.
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    It was your first session?

    Excuse the pun, but don't sweat it!

    I am certain that if you stick with an over all exercise regime that includes regular abdominal exercises. You will absolutely improve! And, kudos to your trainer for having you do bridges! This is a great way to stretch out your back. I do this pretty much every time I do any abdominal exercises.

    Have fun and keep at it!
  • Gilbrod
    Gilbrod Posts: 1,216 Member
    Yes. They get easier. I had no six pack. NOw I do. They are loved by me, my wife and anyone else who wants to gawk.
  • Dozrzz
    Dozrzz Posts: 245
    My first time doing a plank ever was on Tuesday with my first PT session. When she explained what they were I didn't think I would be able to do it. She said "For me to be able to count it, you have to last for at least 5 seconds. But our goal is for you to last 20 seconds eventually." I was just thinking "Oh God I just want it to count! I just need to make it up for five seconds!" At first I was laying there and just couldn't figure out how to get up in the first place!

    Well I was quite excited that once I figured it out I lasted for 16 seconds. I only had to do it once for as long as I could so it wasn't like I had to repeat it or anything. But still, all I was hoping was to make it past five so we could count it! lol
  • StarkLark
    StarkLark Posts: 476 Member
    When I started planks last July I lasted the usual 5-ish seconds. Today I can hold for about 2 minutes... but I still hate them haha.
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    Good luck, oh yes planks, you will love them eventually.

    Not necessarily. I can hold them several minutes. And absolutely despise them.

    The only reason I do them is when my flexors are too sore for L-sits or leg lifts. But I've learned to do dragon flags recently, they don't bother my flexors nearly as much, so i think that I'm done with planks (for time) for good.
  • LindaCWy
    LindaCWy Posts: 463 Member
    Yes they will... Burpees however will always be nothing more than absolute torcher... forever... they do burpees in hell, although I've never been....
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    Yes they will... Burpees however will always be nothing more than absolute torcher... forever... they do burpees in hell, although I've never been....

    Burpees are a torture of a torcher. Love 'em though.
  • Dozrzz
    Dozrzz Posts: 245
    Yes they will... Burpees however will always be nothing more than absolute torcher... forever... they do burpees in hell, although I've never been....

    OK now I have to know what a Burpee is? hahaaha
  • StarkLark
    StarkLark Posts: 476 Member
    Yes they will... Burpees however will always be nothing more than absolute torcher... forever... they do burpees in hell, although I've never been....

    OK now I have to know what a Burpee is? hahaaha
    Since ya asked... these are no fun :wink:
  • Dozrzz
    Dozrzz Posts: 245
    Yes they will... Burpees however will always be nothing more than absolute torcher... forever... they do burpees in hell, although I've never been....

    OK now I have to know what a Burpee is? hahaaha
    Since ya asked... these are no fun :wink:

    Oh fun, yeah I am pretty sure I would smash my face on ground!
  • muddyventures
    muddyventures Posts: 360 Member
    I'm not sure I will ever be able to do them, I've had four children adn after the twins were born sit-ups and crunches became very difficult, almost impossible for me.

    I have much of the same problem. I was told that my stomach muscles split and after having 2 c-sections they are even in worse shape. Supposedly the only way to get them to go 'back' would be surgery? It's pretty uncomfortable for me to do crunches. And not just the way underused msucle pain, actual pain.

    I'm not really sure what my issue is, but I've heard this several times. I really need to see a DR. for a check-up anyway (haven't gone since the twins were born adn they are 7 **shock**). I didn't have c-sections with any of them. But I think it would make running easier if I didn't have this problem, your mid section is part of every exercise. It can be so frustrating.