Phentermine Diet Plan



  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    I took Phentermine a couple of years ago and I lost 60 pounds, when I stopped taking it I gained 40 pounds back faster than I had lost it. Be careful with this medicine as it is only for short term use, you can't stay on it forever and when you stop you are on your own. I decided this time to do it myself without any medication and I feel so much better about it, I feel like I am actually doing this without any help from medicine.

    ^^^I have the exact same story. My dr. prescribed it for me and did some tests first to ensure my heart was strong enough for it.

    Does this last statement alarm anyone besides me? ..."DID SOME TESTS FIRST TO ENSURE MY HEART WAS STRONG ENOUGH FOR IT"??? And what if he miscalculated and it wasn't "strong enough"? Then what?

    Does anyone watch TV besides me where it is commercial after commercial of many widely prescribed drugs for diabetes that are under lawsuits now because after taking them they are causing x, y, and z? All medicines are potentially poison and taking it just to drop a few pounds is really something to take seriously.

    And yes, I hope your heart is strong enough to take the drugs, too!
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    ... have resigned myself to the fact that I am going to have to work hard for this, there is no magical anything.

    "Shortcuts are often the longest way to your destination."

    Lots of things can accelerate weight loss, and if approached properly many people can even keep it off. And the way OP is using this drug seems OK - a doctor is monitoring its use and will no doubt assist in withdrawal and the metabolic crash / appetite increase that commonly comes at the end of taking a stimulant for weight loss. So OP has a better chance of coming out of this fine than someone who grabbed an OTC diet pill or is on the "kiwi and asparagus" diet.

    But what ALWAYS works in people without some medical condition is controlling intake and increasing activity levels.
  • s0ready
    s0ready Posts: 99
    wow well I didn't think by writing something on here would cause some to act like I am not putting the work in. I do workout consistantly. I burn around 600-700 in my workouts done with a heart rate monitor. I also bike ride with kids, walk with kids, and other various activites such as just being a mom to a 26 month old, and gardening in a 3 acre garden. I eat fairly well and up my protein intakes. I know how to eat good and get exercise! I didn't set out to be put on a "miracle" drug. This was set up for me by my doctor and approved by my nutritionist to get my body past a plateau! Oh you think I am not trying hard enough and haven't commited to lifestyle change? I put in the me! I would like to put in more, but I am a mother, a student, and have a job! I think I am doing very good!

    And for the elevation of heart get that even from doing a HIIT workout. YES, you are advised to get your heart checked out before performing those in Insanity and are you suggesting thats a RED FLAG to not perform those? And do you not get heart rate elevation from caffine? So should we preach to those who have to have their 5 cups of coffee each day? I am just saying....your gonna judge me because you think I am taking the easy way? Just because I am on some pill that a Dr perscribed me doesn't mean I don't put in the work!
  • Rowberta
    Rowberta Posts: 29 Member
    MAKE SURE YOU DRINK TONS OF WATER!!!!! I was on it and didnt drink what i was supposed to..... ended up with kidney stones!!! yeah... NOT FUN!!!!!
  • jella74
    jella74 Posts: 106 Member
    EXACTLY s0ready!!!! I'm tired of being judged by people who doesn't ask why are you taking this pill before spouting off the easier said than done things people say!

    OK I'm going to start my 3rd month on this drug NO MORE after this! WHY AM I ON THIS DRUG???

    I have been 185 for 5 years, 200 for 7 years before that because I HAVE PCOS!!! Don't know what that is??? LOOK IT UP!
    My diet for 5 years has been 1500 calories, walking 3 to 5 miles a day, cardio every other day. NOT one alcoholic drink or soda or even koolaid!! My weight never came off no matter how much I stuck to the diet. Even through 3 pregnancies I managed to eat and exercise daily. PCOS prevents weight loss for MANY women. I can exercise and diet all I wan but until my PCOS is controlled it can't lose the weight.

    So before people start with You're not doing enough, or you just need to diet and exercise blah blah blah, please consider that some of, if not most of us are on this drug due to medical reasons. My Dr and I decided after 5years to do this. It wasn't so easy to just get on considering the medications I'm on already like blood pressure and diabetes medications. And the fact I waited til after I was done having children to take this medication was also a factor.
  • blueeyedangelar
    blueeyedangelar Posts: 119 Member
    wow well I didn't think by writing something on here would cause some to act like I am not putting the work in. I do workout consistantly. I burn around 600-700 in my workouts done with a heart rate monitor. I also bike ride with kids, walk with kids, and other various activites such as just being a mom to a 26 month old, and gardening in a 3 acre garden. I eat fairly well and up my protein intakes. I know how to eat good and get exercise! I didn't set out to be put on a "miracle" drug. This was set up for me by my doctor and approved by my nutritionist to get my body past a plateau! Oh you think I am not trying hard enough and haven't commited to lifestyle change? I put in the me! I would like to put in more, but I am a mother, a student, and have a job! I think I am doing very good!

    And for the elevation of heart get that even from doing a HIIT workout. YES, you are advised to get your heart checked out before performing those in Insanity and are you suggesting thats a RED FLAG to not perform those? And do you not get heart rate elevation from caffine? So should we preach to those who have to have their 5 cups of coffee each day? I am just saying....your gonna judge me because you think I am taking the easy way? Just because I am on some pill that a Dr prescribed me doesn't mean I don't put in the work!

    s0ready, You Go Girl!
    My doctor just prescribed me this medicine today for the same reason. I have been eating healthy and exercising regularly for YEARS! In 2008 I was able to go from 180 to 130 in 3 months on Weight Watchers and I kept most of it off for a year, then I have been slowing gaining in back about 5 pounds a year. I am up to 150 now. I just cant seem to lose weight (mostly in my midsection) no matter what. He thinks the will help me break though my plateau. I sure hope so.

    What kind of side effects have you experienced? Two of my friends were on it a few months ago and they said they had to stop taking it because it made them really irritable.
  • sgbolding0143
    I too am on the Diet Pill, I love it. I am actually trying to wean my self off it so I can do it on my own. But it gave the push that i needed. In September of 2012 I was pushing 330. (325.5) and now I am at a steady 280 and I FEEL AMAZING. A little over 40 lbs gone and I love it. It is hard sticking to the Diet plan but trust me I look at pictures now of me at 325 and I think how in the world did I breath. I am smaller and can actually fit into REAL JEANS now. Just Believe in yourself and you can do anything.
  • dmsparks123
    dmsparks123 Posts: 5 Member
    You can do it! I will start the med's too in the morning I am 182 and need all the help I can get!

    I would like to know what I should be eating
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    I am not going to tell you its bad, everyone already has. I will tell you my experience - it is a temporary solution.

    I did it, I lost all my weight. It was awesome, I was happy, my doctor was happy. I hit my goal and I stopped the pill (as per my doctor) and I am here now, with 100 pounds to lose again, and am having a hell of a time getting the weight off.

    I get being frustrated, honest I do. But please be careful.
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    Actually I was on Phentermine and with diet and exercise lost 100 lbs, this was 2 years ago. I took a break with some major stresses in life and other things, I gained 40lbs back in a little over a year and a half. You don't have to gain all your weight back and I'm already back on the downward swing again. You just have to hold yourself responsible. If you can't hold yourself responsible and accountable, then phentermine is not for you. I'm back down over 70lbs, and with a goal of losing a total of another 60 pounds.
  • sloppyEli
    Sorry to bring this thread back from the dead, but i'm bothered by some of the reactions on here. I think the thing to remember here is that if you have crummy willpower or have minimal experience with maintaining a healthy lifestyle, then the medication will not work for you. I want to ask all the people on here who gained the weight back: did you really eat throughout the day like you're supposed to when you were on the medication? Did you eat ENOUGH calories? Did you work out? Did you, in all honesty, change the things that caused you to be overweight in the first place? I ask this because I was actually on the phentermine dot com forum and it seems the majority of people that gained the weight back just took the med, starved themselves, and didn't bother changing anything about their life for the long term. It's not a magical pill that makes you "lose weight" in the sense that it burns the weight off. It acts as an appetite suppressant, so the weight loss is secondary to not eating. If you go from shoving several thousand calories into your face to just a few hundred, of course you will experience rapid weight loss. And of course, you're going to gain it back when you get off the med that's making it so you don't want to eat. Rapid weight loss is not the purpose of this medication, despite how exciting losing so much so quickly can be. Be realistic. If you couldn't maintain a lower calorie diet before the medication and don't make an effort to re-train your body to maintain one when you're on the medication, then you more than likely won't be able to when you're taken off it...

    I've taken it. I, too, have PCOS and suffered an injury in the Army and gained a lot of weight when I got out. I lost several pounds on my own, but i was at a point that even my doctor, nutritionist, and trainer noticed that it was not as effective on its own, so I was given Phentermine. I dropped 30 pounds over the course of about 4 months initially and kept it off, except for the occasional fluctuation that most people get. Fortunately, I never had any of that crazy withdrawal stuff people are talking about, but I stayed on a lower dose. I wanted to still recognize my appetite, but not crave everything all day long, which was also very helpful. I was also an athlete most of my life so I'm thrilled to have gotten that initial weight off so that I can go back to physical training without having to stop and catch my breath every 30 seconds or without having ridiculous joint pain. I have plenty of work to do, as I'm not at my goal yet, but the Phentermine has definitely made it so I can be more active and productive and at risk for fewer health problems, which is far more important to me than rapidly dropping a dress size.
  • TigerBite
    TigerBite Posts: 611 Member
    You know you are basically taking prescription speed, right?
  • MrzChyna
    MrzChyna Posts: 1 Member
    Keep in mind if you gained all that weight back it's your own fault. Only you can eat yourself into being 100lbs back to where you came from. Don't blame the pill. I tool it lost 50 lbs in 2 months. I got pregnant, lazy, got busy living life and being a wife and starting a full time career. I gained 60lbs with my son and then gained 10lbs after with the birth control implanon. I gained 70lbs total. I now want to lose that plus an additional 30. I started my phentermine just now to jump start me to losing weight again. It's a lifestyle change that you have to commit to....Only you can control whether the weight stays off or comes back...
  • sunsight13
    My doctor will not prescribe Phentermine. She has had two patients with heart problems related to the drug. My daughter was taking it and I sent her the warning. Please Google and see warnings.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Phentermine is in the drug class with amphetamines. Amphetamines are molecularly very similar to methamphetamines or methyl-amphetamine. It is speed. I'm not saying you shouldn't take it, because you are an adult and can take it if you want. I was on a different amphetamine (adderall) and abused it, because your body becomes increasingly dependent and tolerant of it, and I used higher than prescribed doses to achieve the same effects. I gained 100 pounds after stopping, despite efforts to diet and exercise. Just throwing it out there. Amphetamines have a high abuse/dependence potential, so always stay within doctors orders and good luck!

    Phentermine has been shown not to be addictive in peer reviewed published studies.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    You know you are basically taking prescription speed, right?

    Not true.

    I've never taken it, nor would I, but I have taken 'speed' (as you say) for ADHD, so I was curious. Studies do not show that phentermine is addictive, and amphetamines are highly addictive.

    ETA: People love their soapboxes. For some people, diet aids make them hop right on them.
  • TommyLee26
    I am fairly new to the system myself I have lost over 58 lbs in the last 4 months , been working really hard and staying motivated, looking for new friends to communicate with or possible even workout with feel free to add me