Fitness Pal Newbee weighing 213/Need Motivators/Friends

Good Morning,

I'm starting to feel discouraged because I have been working out hard lately and haven't lost one pound. The first week I was doing stairs and P90X and this weeks is strait stairs....burning over 500 calories sometimes. When I log in my calorie count, it saying that I'm not eating enough calories. Is this really the cause of me not loosing any weight?

I'm new to this system but I would like to have friends that are on this journey with me. I currently weigh 213 pounds and would like to loose weight not only for my health, but to get up with my toddler son.


  • wolfehound22
    wolfehound22 Posts: 887
    I'd have to see what your eating, but that could be the case, I know it sounds odd, but the key to losing weight, is a good diet, and that doesnt mean starving yourself. Eating enough calories is important, eating to little can have a negative effect on you. Your body tends to hold on to everything, if your not getting enough calories, and even if you do lose, its usually loss of lean muscle, which is important.

    So make sure your eating enough, and then be sure to take pics and measurements, these will show results a lot better than the scale, believe me the scale can be evil, and usually isn't a good indication to your progress. Finally give it time, you didn't get to this point in two weeks, so don't expect to see huge changes in two weeks. Try to relax and realize this is a life change, and take it one day at a time.

    Feel free to add me, I"ve done around of P90X and currently doing P90X plus
  • zumbaabby
    zumbaabby Posts: 59
    Well, eating enough calories does have something to do with it. You have to have a proper diet, but if you are only eating 400 calories a day and burning off double that or so, it can cause your body to hold on to everything you're eating. A lady at my gym just had this issue. She was eating around 400 a day and burning off around a 100...losing no weight whatsoever. She bumped up slowly to 1200 (it took her a while to be able to eat that much in one day), doing the burning, and she started dropping weight.
  • misstangieb2012
    misstangieb2012 Posts: 24 Member
    I know it's easy to get discouraged when your working hard and not seeing results. I have been there before so many times. What I do is look back at the past weeks and see where I can make changes that need to be made such as eat more, eat less, more fruit, more water, more veggies. Sometimes even a change in workout methods can help as well. I wish you the best of luck and always know that your not in this fight alone.