Freaky Eaters??



  • merie08
    merie08 Posts: 114 Member
    its not that weird but I could probably eat barbecue sauce on anything. when Im hungry and dont feel like really making anything I can just put some on bread and eat it. oh and carrots dipped in it instead of ranch is yummy lol.
  • bestbassist
    bestbassist Posts: 177 Member
    Divine ate dog sh-t in Pink Flamingos. He's got all y'all beat.
  • theartichoke
    theartichoke Posts: 816 Member
    Divine ate dog sh-t in Pink Flamingos. He's got all y'all beat.

    Oh no. I watched that movie. Still to this day I wish I could take my brain out and scrub the memory away. Farking messed up!
  • bestbassist
    bestbassist Posts: 177 Member
    Divine ate dog sh-t in Pink Flamingos. He's got all y'all beat.

    Oh no. I watched that movie. Still to this day I wish I could take my brain out and scrub the memory away. Farking messed up!

    One of my favorite movies! Female Trouble gets the #1 slot though...certainly as far as John Waters is concerned.
  • tprice916
    tprice916 Posts: 22
    I love love LOVE dipping plain salty potato chips in a mix of mustard and ketchup :happy:
  • rbn_held
    rbn_held Posts: 687 Member
    I grew up in the country and we didn't have alot of money. We did alot of hunting and our family raised cows & Pigs. We got as much out of each animal as possible. Some of the weirdest things are blood sausage, cow tounge, Heart, Liver, Squarrell Brains, Raw Hack and Rocky Mountain Oysters. I still eat these on occasion. Blood sausage is still one of my faves
  • mixedfeelings
    mixedfeelings Posts: 904 Member
    I love rice with gravy - just like bisto gravy. Whenever I think about it I want it. When I ate meat I was always a fan of some of the lesser popular sandwich meats, potted beef, corned beef & ox tongues were all favourites.
  • dizzydi1968
    dizzydi1968 Posts: 564
    My favourite hangover food is tinned red salmon mixed with HP (brown) sauce on hot buttered toast. I love it but it literally makes my husband vomit.
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    Well I have a weird ritual that I do when I eat bread by itself. I told only one of my MFP friends lol...

    But I'm picky and I eat the same foods all the time. I also can get fixated on something for months at a time. So if I'm craving burritos or something, I'll probably eat one all the time for months and then switch to something else.
  • Chrystibel
    Chrystibel Posts: 116 Member
    haven't had any in a long time but I dip oreos in orange juice and must have ranch to dip steak or pork chops in, delicious!
  • alliegeorge
    alliegeorge Posts: 114
    I used to dip my mcdonalds chips into milkshakes.

    I did that too - it was so good.

    I like putting potatoe chips on my PB sandwichs.<<<
    I love to crumble tostitos over chocolate ice cream<<<

    Obviously the above 2 I no longer eat

    I love a fried egg sandwich with cheese and strawberry jam

    Jeez are we twins? I did that to my sandwichs too. Still do if I have a pb one
  • mixedfeelings
    mixedfeelings Posts: 904 Member
    Divine ate dog sh-t in Pink Flamingos. He's got all y'all beat.

    A great ending to a fabulous film.
  • Discoveri
    Discoveri Posts: 435 Member
    Dry ramen noodles. Just straight out of the pack. I am a little odd.
  • lilcupcake213
    lilcupcake213 Posts: 545 Member
    What channel is that? Sounds interesting!

    Is that the same show where the people eat laundry detergent and toilet paper?

    Sounds like to me you're thinking about the show "My Strange Addiction" on TLC. Where one lady ate toilet paper, another ate nail polish, and some lady used to eat and sniff baby powder.
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    When I was a kid, I would eat McDonald's fries dipped in honey. I am also a huge fan of the combination of salty and sweet things. People seem to find that incredibly strange. I love sea salt and (good quality) extra virgin olive oil on vanilla ice cream! It's freaking good. Also, I put crunchy peanut butter in enchiladas instead of meat. I don't do this much now, but I used to love peanut butter, jam and dorito sandwiches. I like cocoa powder and sugar in chili. I'll eat goat's cheese and honey on just about anything, haha but it's so good on fresh figs and plums.

    I think I like weird stuff because when I lived with my great grandma, at the age of 5, she showed me how to skin rabbits and squirrels and cook them. I was always involved in the preparation and she really indulged me, probably too much. At her house, I would eat scrambled eggs on top of toast with butter and grape jam, all dipped in ranch dressing. I actually thought that was normal for a long time. Other kids were scared of veggies and I was eating corned beef and cabbage soup.
  • muppetsbear
    muppetsbear Posts: 80 Member
    Growing up on the farm we ate things like tongue, heart etc. My grandparents being Scottish we would eat haggis on occaision and all those other kinds of wonderful dishes and meats......sense the sarcasm :sick:
  • I don't really like anything freaky... Although I used to love putting gravy on my macaroni salad...ewww....sounds so gross but tastes so good. No serious, gravy no anything is amazing! hahahahaha

    Gravy was the best when I was younger! I had fishfingers with gravy lol! XD